Posted by Deadly Genetics
Kamau (#16726)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2013-09-07 13:30:41
There are a lot of amazing ideas on LioDen genetics that I fully support. I love the idea of getting in more colors, fur types, eye colors, different markings.

There's been some concern over these possible new features becoming 'too common'. (I've heard this over the special lionesses).

I'm sort of a new player; I just joined like last month, so I don't know how the economy was before the Maltese was introduced. I'm told that it was meant to be a rare color and stay that way.

What if, in order to keep certain features rare, there was a chance of cub mortality? Like if you breed two special-coats together, there's a chance the cubs will be still-born or something.

In horses, there's a thing called Lethal White Syndrome. It's mostly connected to pinto horses, especially ones who are mostly white. Most mostly-white horses die within hours of birth. In fact, a lot of animals have weird genetic disorders attached to coat colors or other genetic traits: If a Scottish fold cat is homozygous* for the folded ears trait, they have cartilage problems, blue merle Australian shepherds who are homozygous may be born deaf and blind.

(*for those who have no genetics background, quick rundown of the word 'homozygous'. We all have things called genes. On those genes are alleles. Alleles basically tell our bodies 'ok, present THIS TRAIT'. For simplicity's sake, each trait has two alleles, one inherited from each parent. 'Homozygous' just means both alleles are saying 'present this trait'; heterozygous would mean your alleles are saying different things

THIS IS A VERY, VERY BASIC RUN-DOWN. I know it's not one hundred percent accurate, as genetics is super complicated).

This would cut down on the chances of there being 'too many special' lion/esses out there, while still giving people a chance to breed for them. It also means people would have to keep careful track of breeding records.

[PS: if the authors of the above threads want their links removed, just ask and I'll remove them]

Keeps certain colors rare while allowing people the chance of getting one
Keeps up cub prices for those who carry the gene but just don't express it
Encourages careful breeding

Dead cubs
Difficult to code
There is the argument that LioDen is not meant to be a breeding sim; it's a Lion Simulation game.
Rarity can be achieved by simply altering the pass rates of the genes. No dead cubs need be involved. (if you support this, click here)

This suggestion has 582 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/09/13 by Kamau (#16726)

Kamau (#16726)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2013-09-23 04:02:02
Oh man, you're totally right, Gennysis. I never even considered how traumatic this might be to someone whose had a stillbirth or a miscarriage in real life. I'd hate to trigger someone.

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FreyrZira (#38654)

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Posted on
2015-01-30 09:08:49
I like this idea. That way we increase the chance of rare and decrease the chance of common... I have too many white cubs in my den.

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Wulframn (#52704)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-30 09:11:08
Miscarriage and and other forms of death of young are indeed very sad, however they are a part of life. It is a way for nature to keep itself inline. Weather to make a species stronger or to keep population levels in the safe zone such things happen to all species no matter how hard we try to avoid it. I myself own a wonderful fur-baby that came from a very normal family and yet her has folded ears(Scottish Fold) and he was one of three in his litter and the vet says not to let him breed because of the dangers to the offspring (he has the homozygous gene).

So although it is sad to lose a cub I support this.

(I also understand the loss of a child due to genetics and want you to know Kamau that this while sad will not hurt me at least. My genetics suck.)

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K | Chicken Chaser (#4192)

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Posted on
2015-01-30 09:11:16
Huge support for this!

It seems much less easily worked around than the other two suggestions(In my opinion)
And it seems a lot more real.

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Sully (#36910)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-30 09:31:02
I have recently been reading up about cutting horses that have been cloned ( not suggesting this) and find it interesting how the resulting foals (copies) can look so different from the original horse.

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MysticSky (#10364)

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Posted on
2015-01-30 10:16:16
Altering the pass rates would be a better outcome I don't breed often and would be angry if I was on a final litter and had one beautiful cub that dies for no apparent reason and lose the replacement I needed for the motherboards

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Wonder (#47464)

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Posted on
2015-01-30 14:43:46
<3 love this as long as we could put in a "safe" button. meaning if there was a problem with a lion then we could pay to have the problem or bad trait to be removed<3

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2015-01-30 17:50:21

I would like to see LioDen minimize taking anything 'away' from a player- for realism purposes or any other- It's one of the things I LOVE about this place- fight another player, you can win or lose, but they are unchanged. NO ONE can just run all over other players...

I am unsure if any 'game mortality' should be introduced, unless there is an affordable 'fix'... if you have a lethally mutated cub, for example, you CAN buy a fruit to simply remove it. Almost no one would- but if that cub is important to something, you buy it, you fix it and ignore that aspect of the game. It's AWESOME for players who come here to friendship and to relax!

I would feel horrible if a stud of mine, or a lioness of mine, ended up with a lethal gene they passed out to other players via cubs or studding. :( So no support on that basis.

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jam-chops (#50768)

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Posted on
2015-02-01 17:01:57
I personally think this is an excellent idea an would help clear up the servers because people really breed a lot of cubs but having this implemented would be realistic and would keep the servers running.

PS I'm a real horse person so:
recessive overo x recessive overo = live foal
dominant/rec overo x dominant/rec overo = 50% chance of a dead foal
dominant overo x dominant overo = pretty much 100% chance of a dead foal
dominant x non overo = live overo foal.
Basically if the foals genetic code contains OO then it's got LWO.
LWO usually occurs when the owners of the parent horses don't get their animals genetically tested. It's mostly heterozygous pairings that result in LWO because heterozygous overo's can be mistaken for other patterns unless its been genetically tested.

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(side) Xylax's (#23708)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-15 04:45:27
I like a bit of a challenge. Good idea!

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Snowcat13-G1 Ice-6
cimm (#52694)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-15 04:57:03
I also disagree with this for same reasons as OlympiaSpecials~Special Ups stated.

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Sasha [Semi-Hiatus] (#6263)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-19 02:26:02
I get what you mean and do support :)
I remember when Maltese was lAunched so many people wanted them now they are everywhere and I find them hard to sell like the nlc colours. It's funny that some of the oasis colours are harder to find than the rare / event bases ;p

Be it I brought my king as it took 18 breeding attempts to get a female of the same base where other people get on first try :o

Right mini breeding ramble example why I think it's good.

I own manx cats (tailess cats) and was gonna stud my current boy but bless he didn't drop his boy bits very well.
People used to breed manx cats incorrectly; tailess to tailess, to produce kittens with the desired rumpy/rumpy-riser. This breeding produced kittens with lethal health problems like spinal bifida where kittens died very young or needed to be put down or are still born.
Manx gene effects the spine and it is dominant unlike the bobtail which is submissive, so breeders will breed tailess manx to a stumpie or tailed manx for healthier kittens reducing the chance of sickly babies. Even manx cats bred with your average moggie can produce health problems.

/// btw manx cats have other breed features than no tail so not every cat with no tail is a manx, nor are they docked and yes they balance perfectly well, the breed is several hundred years old ;) ///

So I agree with your suggestion as it brings more of a thrill to the breeding and realistic cub mortality.
Breed two rare coats together or two of the same mark should bring an element of risk as the outcome will produce more careful considered breeding by users than those who have gb coming out their ears and maybe a tad frivolous.

Yes I can understand it can be very disappointing to have spent time and money on getting studs and cooldowns to be over then the pregancy to be told sorry it's still born.
But this risk on a milder form is already being run has the pairing you paid for going to produce that certain marking or coat and results in the default colour or no marks.

This is a virtual animal and many people who breed animals in the real world run the risk of disappointing outcomes and heartbreak of a stillborn so why be any different if this is a SIM game.

Rosette is meant to be a random marking and people seem to be breeding it with some sucess and I fear it is going to drop into average speacil. Same with the feline raffle marks.

I say yes an element of danger to shake things up and make rare stay rare :)

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Edited on 19/02/15 by Sasha (#6263)

Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-02-19 02:30:20
No support from me. If this was to be implemented, there's a chance that you lose the cub or Cubs you've tried hard to attain. Yeah the market sucks but I would rather spend gb to breed and get failed results rather get the coats/markings but have the cub die...

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-02-19 02:47:43
I dont support because of the mortality. Now, I usually would support realism but... this one could backfire all too quickly.

I for one think that this would only punish those and would be felt by those who arent causing the problems on the market. There are many people who keep small prides, only breed in their own pride, producing only very few lions maybe for the market but mainly for themselves. Or those who only produce the heir to their pride and the huntresses. For them, the random loss of just a single cub can be gamebreaking.

Surely many suggested that there should be a chance to save the cubs by paying an SB fee or buying an SB item. But I am not sure this is fair. Someone might end up with lethal genetics in their pride where their male and most of their females might be producing dead cubs. Should they now constantly pay the fee each time they breed? What if they dont want outside lions because of their story? What if they dont want to buy others' lions because they are aiming for stats and much work was within their pride.

Like me... If I ended up with my male and females producing fail cubs frequently, that would break my game and even if there is an item or fee..... why am I cursed with having to pay each time I breed? I do nothing wrong to the market... I dont sell cubs... I dont stud...

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Felis King|| (#30065)

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Posted on
2015-02-22 02:30:35
I'd like to see this implemented, I support.

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