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Posted by | Randomly assign lionesses onto tiles |
![]() FoodForever (#36563) Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-23 23:00:35 |
This idea would work really well with a previously suggested idea about hunting parties. I'll get to that later. The IssueI kinda get tired having to click on a random tile, scroll to one of my high-leveled lioness, 5 times then another 5 times after 30 minutes, everyday. So, why not have the option to click one button (maybe called "Randomise" or something) And 5 of our lionesses would be assigned to random tiles without having to do all the clicking. You can call me lazy but, it's really just a small idea that won't drastically change the entire Lioden gameplay. "But what if you want to hunt in certain tiles for quests?"People who do quests wouldn't use this option obviously. It's just an option, you know? It would be useful for people who doesn't care about what tiles their lionesses hunt on. "Won't that randomly choose lionesses too?"Probably, yep. Most of us (including me) have our lead hunters, the higher leveled lionesses with better stats than the other gals. Or maybe lionesses that needs higher stats and are in-training. This randomise option would probably choose random lionesses to be set on random tiles. So, why not set hunting parties? It adds a bit more strategy for Hunting, too. How hunting parties would work effectively with randomisingYou could assign 5 lionesses of your choice into 1 party and also name the hunting party, maybe like "The Top Five" or "In-training". Your choice. (Note: Setting hunting parties is like making categories to better organize your lionesses) So when you click the Randomise button (which can be below the Start Hunt button) a scroll option could appear with a list of your hunting parties. You choose one then the 5 lionesses of that party would be assigned to random tiles. Simple, I hope. Additional uses for GB and SBI've just read a thread suggesting hunting parties, and indeed it would be useful to become another sink for SB, and GB. We all could start with the maximum of setting 1 hunting party. It could cost 100 SB or something to be able to set 2 hunting parties, then the price would increase till it becomes GB for even more hunting parties. Also, in case people try to avoid buying hunting parties by editing their parties... Well, we'll just make editing parties cost something. Maybe some SB? So it would be more convenient to buy another hunting party to set 2 different parties at once (ex. 1 hunting party consisting of high-leveled, another consisting of ones that need training) rather than spending SB to keep editing the one, and only, party you can have. "What if a lioness in a hunting party dies or gets sold?"Thanks Brairleo for asking this! The hunting party would be auto deleted, and the player will have to set up a new party (for free of course). Would the Randomise button work without hunting parties?It'll work. But there are plenty of players with lionesses for sale, and others they wouldn't want to use for hunting. So having hunting parties consisting of their main hunters for this Randomise option would be better. Axel's CommentI've finally thought of a solution! Axel has mentioned that time, effort and activity is what yield rewards, so this lazy-ish button would conflict that. So! Here's my solution: The quality/quantity of carcasses would be lower if you use the randomise option. Randomising would be like rushing your lionesses to hunt wherever they want, thus organization would be muddled and they'll bring back less eating. So if you actually spend time clicking n clicking them tiles and specifically choosing your lionesses, you'll get better rewards. Is that fair? Do you get it? And of course, you may suggest ways to improve this idea. And if you see something bad about this idea, please do tell! |
brairleo (#5248)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-24 22:44:24 |
I support all but not being able to edit hunting parties. What happens if a lioness dies you have to spend more sb/gb to set up a new party? Or what if you sold one? Really if you limit hunting parties to five lionesses people who have several can move their lionesses as they need to, treat it like submale slots. Editing a hunting party every single hunt would be counter productive. ![]() |
FoodForever (#36563)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-24 23:00:15 |
Perhaps if a lioness in a party dies or gets sold, the party could be auto deleted so the player can set up a new one? Deleting a party costs SB but after that, creating a new one shouldn't cost anything. Deleting a party would mean the player wants an edited party, and if- Oh hold on, *slaps face* how dumb of me, it should cost SB to edit parties, why delete them? Thanks for pointing that out, I'm going to change a few things on first post. I'm not quite following with your second part... isn't 5 lionesses the maximum for a hunt? If a party has more than 5, it'll pass the maximum and I'm sure Lioden has set the maximum of lionesses hunting at once to 5, for good reasons. Hunting parties is kinda like setting categories, it allows the chosen lionesses of that party to be randomized onto tiles. Cause without setting a hunting party, random lionesses from your entire den would be chosen. So hunting parties are there to separate 5 lionesses that you want to go hunt, from those you wouldn't want to go hunt. ![]() Edited on 25/08/14 by FoodForever (#36563) |
brairleo (#5248)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-26 22:38:33 |
You've got my support now, but only because we need a few more sb sinks in the game. If we get more (like a few suggestions ask for) I'd still prefer them treated like submale slots where you don't pay to change what submales you have (you chase them but still). ![]() |
Shepard (Sikia) (#35800)
Vicious View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-28 15:47:26 |
I think this is a good idea for people who want to pop on in their coffee break real quick or something like that. Personally I like that it takes a bit of time - gives me something to do while my King's energy builds back up. But sometimes my computer wants to tantrum or I'm just in a hurry to do something else, yes it would be useful. And as an SB/GB sink...yes I support for that. In the meantime, to put your lionesses in categories, just put numbers in front of their names I guess is all you can do. I have mine listed with 1Huntress #1-5 so they come up in a specific order. ![]() |
FoodForever (#36563)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-30 01:22:54 |
Brairleo- Thanks for the support! The main reason for having to pay to edit parties is that- as mentioned in the OP- it'll make it more convenient to be able to have several party/categorization than constantly paying to edit one. But I believe you understand that already, and I think I get what you're trying to say about the counter-productive part before. Well, paying-to-edit would allow the SB/GB sink to actually work. If people could edit parties for free, any time (even if it is counter-productive, there'll be times when you want to stop using your older huntresses and want to replace them with younger ones), it'll seem less convincing to have another party for some SB/GB. Maybe, it could cost around 20-50sb to edit? So just straight up buying yourself the ability to have another party would be... well, better, cheaper and faster. Though, it may make people extra cautious when first assigning their parties x) It would be pretty bad if someone were to make a mistake and have to pay to edit it but oh well? Edit: BRILLIANT, there should be a confirmation pop-up thing before fully assigning your first party (like when you buy something in Oasis or chase a lion, you know?) Thanks for sparking that idea Sikia- Good idea! About numbering our huntresses. And yep, some people can be in a hurry and whatnot indeed, thanks for the support =D ![]() Edited on 30/08/14 by FoodForever (#36563) |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-30 20:38:31 |
I am afraid I cannot support this for three reasons. 1) Currently, -even with the new update- hunting is STILL random, so there is no 'wrong spot' you can place them on. 2) This feature would be nothing more but an automatic hunting placer, by pressing a single button. It would make gameplay too easy. The developers already said that they dont wish to add too many things that would make the game to a 'Pay to Win' game. After all, if it makes placement automatic, then you dont need to put in any effort to gain stats and food at the same time. You can just push a button and there ya go. Even if you have money and it would cost GB, it would give an enormous advantage to those who can pay that price, putting an even greater gap between free and paying members. While we have many more 'cooldown cutting' items, they never give too great of an advantage. This would be too much. 3) I understand that not all people can be on 24/7 and that they cannot progress the same way as the rest, but this is how the game works. The more time you can spend here and the more effort you put into it, the more you will progress. Activity is rewarded. Not everyone can be the same way active, hence why we have many kinds of players. making the game too easy -by paying or not- will give too great of an advantage to those who have the money and the time. The gap between them and the rest of the players would be enormous. ![]() Edited on 31/08/14 by Axel (#6627) |
FoodForever (#36563)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-30 22:50:38 |
I didn't say anything about a wrong spot :0 Is there such thing? There are for quests but this option isn't for quests. Like you said, just makes hunting quicker. It's for people with less time, who doesn't care about what tiles their lionesses hunt on. Cause yeah, hunting's real random so I'm pretty sure lots of players don't bother deciding each n every tile, whenever they hunt. Basically it's not about how random hunting is, it's about making it quicker to assign all 5 lionesses onto whatever tile and start the dang thing already xD "You can just push a button and there ya go." -Exactly! Some people have more time on their hands than others, they can let their lionesses hunt more constantly than those who have less time. Meaning, people with plenty of free time have an advantage. Which can be unfair to some people who've got offline issues and shorter holidays in some places. This automatic placement button would be useful to the ones in disadvantage. "Click! Now that's done, I can get back to my super important assignment." vs "Click, click, clicky-click, scroll, click- oops! I don't want to use that lioness, clicks Remove, click-" Get the point? Though it might just save a few minutes at most, I wanted this to be a small suggestion that doesn't drastically alter gameplay. It's just to make things a bit quicker. I agree about the paying thing making the gap bigger between the two different kinds of players. "The more time you can spend here and the more effort you put into it, the more you will progress." Yep, yep! It's about effort, but time? Sometimes people can't spend too much on it, the amount of time you can spend sometimes can't be controlled. You can't deny real life stuff all the time, you know? That's all I'm saying. I didn't want this to be based on paying more = faster, better etc. Hmm... perhaps people can start with being able to have 2 parties then? And I'm tired. I'll think more about this tomorrow. ![]() Edited on 31/08/14 by FoodForever (#36563) |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-30 23:35:19 |
Some people have more time on their hands than others, they can let their lionesses hunt more constantly than those who have less time. Meaning, people with plenty of free time have an advantage. Which can be unfair to some people who've got offline issues and shorter holidays in some places. Can I ask you why this is unfair? This is actually fair. Think about it: If Person A spend two times as much time on the game as Person B, then it is just logical and fair that Person A will have an advantage over Person B. It does not matter in the end that you cannot be online because you have work, or you have an important assignment, or your baby cried all day or you spent most of the day on another game. What matters is the time and effort you spend on this game itself only, ignoring everything else because that you cannot be active is not the fault of the game. Placing the girls to hunt is one effort that needs to be made. Yes, it might seem small, after all you need to push 6 buttons, but if you are doing it through the day, it actually becomes an effort indeed. In order to send the girls 10 times to hunt a day, you need to push 60 buttons. Vs the suggestion where you would only need to push 10... That is a difference in time spent to place them. Because it takes about 1-2-5 minutes to do it once (10 times: 10-20-50mins), depending on your connection speed and what you are using. Vs the 1 second (10 times: 10 secs) that you need to push a button. Nobody can deny real life stuff. Not everyone can be active all day. Even I cannot be online for the weekdays anymore because of work. But I understand that those who spend their day on Lioden will have a greater advantage and I cannot cry about it or complain. I play as I can and am able to, being jealous of the effort and time of the people who have an amazing progress will not help me. ![]() Edited on 31/08/14 by Axel (#6627) |
FoodForever (#36563)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-08-31 02:20:18 |
Woah, okay. Whatever you say. I can't think straight... Yeah the things you're saying all make sense, of course. I just, don't know what to say to all that. This small implement won't really make too much of a difference (that's what I think anyway). So, I'm just giving it a go. It'll be useful to some people and others would just ignore it. And that's all good. I guess I talked too much on my last post xD And now we're discussing real life issues and advantages pretty deeply. I'm going to lighten up, plus I'm tired- I should sleep, sorry bout this sloppy post compared to your well thought-out one. I'll see if my idea can be changed to suit your thoughts somehow tomorrow. But with all honesty, I don't see this option becoming a big deal... I guess I missed some big consequence to this small add-on? Yeaahh, okay about your last paragraph, I'm not trying to complain, just want to say that. I'm just suggesting an idea and explaining why it may be a good addition, you kno? Hope I didn't sound like I was crying either, but you've made a good point which I fully agree with. We all can do what we can, and if we can't do something, whining won't be the answer. Which is why I'm suggesting this small idea with so much detail x) cause I want a change, and groaning every time I do them clicks in Hunting, doesn't seem to help. ![]() |
FoodForever (#36563)
Prince of the Savannah View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-09-06 01:11:16 |
YES, I have thought of a solution. At least, I think it's a solution to one of the problems you've mentioned. Hope it's uhh... better now? I think it's pretty good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ![]() |
Maru (#38081)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-09-19 16:33:47 |
I support everything but the idea that this would result in poorer carcasses brought back. I just don't see the point. It's a few unnecessary, annoying button clicks. I think streamlining the process would just be a quality-of-life improvement for ALL players, not just the busy ones. Making the carcasses brought back worse would be unnecessarily punitive; after all, you're already losing the choice in what prey lists you have the chance of getting prey from. ![]() |
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