Posted by Games/Tasks for Cubs and Adols
Artha (#15023)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-12 17:31:40
Cubs and Adols are pretty useless, in the game, other then sitting there and looking pretty.
You can't send them hunting. Can't send them patrolling, or anything.
So here is the proposed idea: A little game that your cubs and adols can play, that can give them skills and boost their stats, preparing them for adulthood.
I think this could boost sales, since if you have a low stat cub, you can still increase their stats and skill, even before they grow up.
And it would be cute!
I also think this would add a level of realism to the game; Young animals learn to hunt and gain skills needed for adulthood through play. So having your cubs play games to gain skills for adulthood would be logical, fun, AND realistic.

All other stages have things you can do.
You can explore, quest, and such with your main lion.
You can send your lionesses hunting.
You can send your sub male patrolling.
Shouldn't you, then, be able to send your cubs and adols off to play cub and adol games?
Maybe cubs can gain stats, and an Adol can even possibly gain a level.

Let's keep this thread going; feel free to discuss the topic, add ideas, give opinions, and such!

This suggestion has 81 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 13/09/13 by Artha (#15023)

Decors (#17721)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-09-12 18:17:57
Support :)

I would like to see 3 or at least 2 games, perhaps one for cubs and one for adols.

For the cubs there might just be awards like raising stats = a good way to make the cubs more desireable to sell as adols. Perhaps in form of games where you need to solve a puzzle, perhaps a hangman sort of thing? That would be like the cubs learning to recognize different types of prey. If puzzle it depends on how good you are on solving it. If you do it VERY good, you can get a raise in stats (+1). Perhaps a max number of time per day/per cub, 2 perhaps - similar to the number of times you can sharpen your claws?

For adols there could be games like finding a number of things (perhaps meerkats) on a board (similar to the "boards" used for the lionesses and the submale) and just like with the cubs, you get awarded depending on perhaps how fast (number of clicks, not time). Perhaps even a type of memory game? After playing the cubsgame you have learned what type of animals you can eat, now you need to remember where to find them. Or something like that. Similar awards as for the cubs and also with the max limit.

I was at another site where you could play a number of times for free (think it was 4 times or 5) and then you had to pay for it, I would guess here it would be like 5sb, similar to the cups game.

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LissaJo 🐷 (#17833)

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Posted on
2013-09-13 12:23:57

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Muddy (#17970)

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Posted on
2013-09-13 12:25:49
Maybe adols can "practice" hunting? [:

And then the cubs can play the cup game one time everyday. xD

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Artha (#15023)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-09-14 16:15:53
@Decor - your ideas are awesome. :D

@Muddy - Practice Hunting is perfect for adols! They could even bring back small carcasses!

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Tau'ri [Kyo ] (#18449)

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Posted on
2013-09-15 03:45:42
I love this idea. It would be nice to be able to give cubs/adolescents a little boost as they grow up.

It makes sense that cubs can 'play' or 'tussle' with each other maybe to improve their stats/skills? Playing as a cub is how they learn paw-eye coordination and all that, right? They pounce on bugs to learn how to stalk. Things like that? Maybe they can do it once an hour 3x a day?

Adolescents could maybe hunt 3-5x a day for 'critter' prey? Like small turtles, otters, rats, etc.? They learn hunting skills by starting on smaller animals. It makes sense that they could go out during the day and try to practice hunting on small animals.

Maybe once a day adolescent lionesses could go hunting with the adults for a chance at a 'big' stat boost from a real hunt, instead of smaller ones from 'play hunting'?

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Blooming~Iris [TN] (#19553)

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Posted on
2013-09-15 06:08:22
I totally support this! I would like more things to do with my cubs.

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Lady BlightWyvern (#21922)

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Posted on
2014-05-17 01:41:13
I support useful cubs!

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🌡 aloeleef 🌡
[side] (#29938)

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Posted on
2014-05-22 12:29:16
I support this!

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Kibo (#49024)

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Posted on
2014-11-14 17:57:12
It seems like a great idea to me! Personally, I don't mind cubs and adols too much, but what you proposed really makes sense. Plus, the website could use more mini-games in my opinion.

Stat boosting with mini-games seems like a good idea to me, but there should definitely be a limit to the stat boosting. Even this might add a little too much to the game though, so I'd like to propose a slightly different idea: If a cub or adol's mother goes hunting there could be a slight chance that bonus food is collected or stats added to the cub or adol.

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Edited on 15/11/14 by Kibo (#49024)

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