Posted by Selling in Bulk Adjustment

Jynn (#27606)

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Posted on
2014-03-03 15:43:59
I'm not sure if anyone else would feel this is necessary, but I know I'd like it XD

My thought is this: I try to save 5 of every feather/skull I encounter, due to wanting to keep them on hand for quests and such, but when I end up with 20-30 of them, I need to sell the extra. Rather than do it one by one, perhaps in the monkey shop when you sell in bulk, it asks you for a amount?

Say, I have 30 shoe bill feathers and I want to sell 25. When I go to sell in bulk, it asks for a number and you can either enter the number you want, or perhaps have a ALL button next to it so you can just sell everything

This could also serve as a excellent way to make SURE you are selling what you are. I know I can't be the only one that's sold decor on accident [my purdy butterfly...] and this could give you a chance to realize that you clicked the wrong thing

Just a thought =3

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Jynn (#27606)

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Posted on
2014-03-04 03:52:25
I thought a bit more on this, and perhaps it could work similar to how you transfer items/SB/lions now.

When you select the item to sell in bulk, it updates with a box at the top that asks for amount [just like it asks 'are you sure?' when transferring] and you can either enter an amount or check ALL, and then hit sell =)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-03-04 04:06:27
when buying things as well.. we could buy and sell in bulk! :D i've bought something on accident when i wanted to buy a decor and came up with 3 broken pencils, 5 valuable lionesses sold, and a GB sold with still not enough to purchase the ones i wanted.. well giving up on that idea i started over with buying art xD

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Jynn (#27606)

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Posted on
2014-03-07 14:11:04
Hmm i haven't bought much more than the odd butterfly here and there, but buying in bulk could work the same way =)

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Jynn (#27606)

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Posted on
2014-03-17 01:36:11
This suggestion is quite similar to mine, and they could tie together really well ^^

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