Posted by Breeding Cooldowns & Fertility

Molly (#13948)

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Posted on
2014-08-28 20:47:02
Hello everybody! Although I'm still fairly new to the game here, I think I have some ideas for improvement concerning lionesses.

Breeding Cooldowns & Fertility

As of right now, it seems as though the different fertility levels do not affect lionesses very much (unless you have a very low fertility lioness).
I think breeding cooldowns should be related to fertility levels, as well as how many cubs are produced per litter. For example, say you have a Goddess level lioness that you breed. She would have a much shorter breeding cooldown period (such as 5 days instead of 20). A high fertility level lioness would have a breeding cooldown of maybe 10 days, and this would increase back up to 20 days the lower the fertility level is.
This would give more value to Goddess and High fertility level lionesses and would add a lot more diversity within lionesses in general!

This suggestion has 15 supports and 4 NO supports.

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PuglyPop (#39950)

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Posted on
2014-08-29 00:52:29
This would also spam up the cub market :/
sorry but no support.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-09-19 02:11:42
No support from me. The cooldown period lasts as long as the cubs need to mature naturally in Lioden, and I like it as it is right now. The time a lioness has to cooldown lets me train her cubs, and choose which ones I'll be keeping and which ones will be chased, there's no need to add more cubs to the mix.

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