Posted by Quarantine RP: Open (OOC Thread)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-04 11:44:08
This is the OOC thread. Use this link to go back to the main thread: [Link]

ALL SPOTS ARE FULL. PM me to join.

The idea for this rp was inspired by the amazing books No Safety in Numbers and Moment 14.
The name Quarantine is temporary, I'm listening to any suggestions.

You can tell if you become infected because when it enters your system you will get a nose bleed.

Here are your starting symptoms. They will get more severe as time goes on. At any random time you may start recovering, beating the disease. After that you are immune. But it is more likely that at any time you will start to succumb to the symptoms...

Each blood type has one symptom, and one only. Choose carefully, they all have consequences. You may pick one, and if you have two characters they can't have the same thing. There is a two person limit on how many people to a blood type so hurry to sign up.
If someone dies they will no longer count.

Diseases and Symptoms:

A+ | Symptom: Insomnia- trouble sleeping. Makes your character tired and irritable.
2/2 spots taken.

A- | Symptom: Paranoia- your character doesn't trust others to do certain tasks, and will do them themselves, possibly putting them in danger
2/2 spots taken.

B- | Symptom: Coughing and trouble breathing- coughs often, not very hard but loud, giving away your characters position when hiding. Can't run as far or fast having to rest.
2/2 spots taken.

B+ | Symptom: Rash- just a harmless rash at first. People call you lucky. But oh how it itches. You think this could become a lot more severe, and quickly.
2/2 spots taken

O- | Symptom: Aggression- agitated and easily angered, may lash out at friends, and has more trouble making them.
2/2 spots taken.

O+ | Symptom: Easily bleeds- small wounds may bleed for much longer before closing up, your character must be very careful about getting cut.
2/2 spots taken.

AB+ | Symptom: Loss of consciousness- faints much more easily when surprised. And there is a lot in this mall to surprise you.
2/2 spots taken.

AB- | Death- heart-rate slowly increases until it gives out. Most anyone with this will last is a day. The only visible symptom is a fever.
For the purposes of this roleplay, you can't have this one. Though be warned, most of the symptoms above may end like this. In death...

This is a Literate RP, I want at least 5 sentences for each post.

DO NOT join if you do not plan in participating much.

You may only have 2 characters.

You most likely came to the mall with friends or family. You have to look out for them unless you decide to abandon them. This could have consequences.

If your character dies for whatever reason, you can make a new one. I do not except excuses, of any kind. I will decide if they really are dead, and whatever I say is final. I will give you warning if your character is about to die. No reviving. You can create a similar character. And I guarantee, some people are going to die.

I am playing the governor, who will be giving out announcements to the entire mall, but I will also have maybe 1 or 2 other characters.

To confirm you read everything put the word quarantine in the 'Other?:' section of your form.

I also have one more thing to say; not every character needs to be a sob story. It is offensive to people who have actually gone through those things. That being said, I know it is easier to write that, but for this rp, just deal with it.

I am going to be messaging people or talking with them here on the OOC thread about which characters are dying/recovering/getting infected and anything else. PM me with any questions about anything.

Create your character using the form below, and see if they can survive.

Description or Pic:
Personality: (optional)
History: (just something about them, maybe what they like to do)
Who came to the mall with them: (up to 3 people, something about each.)
What blood type?:

List of characters:
Sarah Brown The governor. Type B- Played by Qetzel
Stardust Type A+ Played by Nny
Takashi Akamatsu Type A+ Played by Pembroke
Marco Perez Type A- Played by Qetzel
Abbey Williams Type A- Played by Dusty
Justin Type B+ Player by Queen Destiny
Destiny Type B- Played by Queen Destiny
Wilma Donnes Type AB+ Played by Carnivale
Rose Type O+ Played by Fall
Lunar Type O+ Played by Nny
Rayne Reci Type O- Played by Irsha
Lynne Williams Type O- Played by Dusty

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Edited on 10/09/14 by Qetzel {TP}{MM}{LDC}{CT} (#36420)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-04 11:54:56
The stores/places: the descriptions will change over time.

The food court: just some tables and food stands mostly. there is a small merry-go-round that little kids like to play on.

The GameStop: A video game store

PaperClips: located right near the exit to the parking garage. Just a paper store.

Pancake Palace: Next to PaperClips, is open with breakfast all day.

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Edited on 17/09/14 by Qetzel {TP}{MM}{LDC}{CT} (#36420)

Cotton Candy Cranium (#40016)

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Posted on
2014-09-04 11:57:33
Name: Rayne Reci
Age: Fifteen
Gender: Female
Description or Pic: Rayne has shoulder-length thick, brown hair, which becomes easily tangled. Her skin hasa mild tan and is dappled with freckles. Her leg has a large scar, result of a jellyfish sting treated incorrectly insseventh grade. Her eyes are a pale, stormy blue, with lashes measuring two and a half centimeters. She is severely underweight and if often accused of having an eating disorder, though she does not and is merely naturally thin. Her jaw is very boxy, the teeth inside yellow and crooked.
Personality: Rayne is pretty much a guy in a girl's body. She'll wrestle you to the ground, she'll crack dirty jokes, she's even been dared to pee standing up because of it (and failed, I might add). She's extremely protective of Brianna, absolutely glorified she was able to tame such an amazing soul. She can be naturally aggressive if caught on a bad day, and is quick to resort to violence.
History: Rayne had a pretty normal childhood. Her parents divorced at age nine, with Rayne discovering her attraction to females at age ten and settling on classifying herself as bisexual at eleven. This same year she developed a small heart murmur. She and Brianna got together when Rayne was thirteen.
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: Brianna Azuli
Who you came to the mall with: Brianna (Long, mousey hair, pale skin, first to have died from sickness if anyone wants to make that happen.)
What blood type?: O-
Strengths: Rayne takes pride in her wit, and is a very skilled strategist. When she wants to she can wrestle surprisingly well, considering her weight.
Weaknesses: Due to her heart murmur Rayne is extremely slow and has low stamina. She is clumsy and makes bad decisions if rushed.
Other?: Rayne has a heart murmur (If you couldn't already tell xD) Quarantine

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Edited on 04/09/14 by Irsha (#40016)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-04 12:07:57

Name: Sarah Brown (AKA: The governor)
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Description or Pic: Blondish white hair, pale, slightly wrinkly skin.
Personality: (optional)
History: She has a 15 year old daughter, Lexi
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: Her husband, Arthur Brown.
Who you came to the mall with: (up to 3 people, something about each.) Her husband Arthur, and her daughter Lexi. Arthur is a computer programmer, and Lexi is a gamer, though she loves making movies.
What blood type?: B-
Strengths: Keeps calm in a bad situation, and is able to do the logical thing.
Weaknesses: doesn't always think about other people.
Other?: Quarantine

Name: Marco Perez
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Description or Pic: Black hair, cut short so it sticks up. He has a small scar above his lip.
Personality: a gamer. He has a job in the mall, but saved up enough money for a Alienware laptop that he uses whenever he isn't at work.
History: Marco spends all his spare time playing various games, but got stuck on MMO games a year ago, and is currently ranked 11th on the leaderboards in his favorite one.
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: None
Who you came to the mall with: He came with no one.
What blood type?: A-
Strengths: Is an excellent liar and master at getting people to do what he wants.
Weaknesses: his strengths are his weaknesses, he tends to get himself entangled in his web of lies at some point.
Other?: quarantine

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Edited on 04/09/14 by Qetzel {TP}{MM}{LDC}{CT} (#36420)

Dusty (#3392)

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Posted on
2014-09-04 13:28:03
Name: Lynne Williams
Age: 17
Gender: female
Description or Pic: Lynne (Lynne is on the left)
Personality: (optional) Lynne is the more outgoing, more friendlier of the twins but her fault is she trusts too much and gets hurt a lot more easier than Abbey does.
History: (just something about them, maybe what they like to do)
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: open
Who came to the mall with them: Abbey her fraternal twin sister.
What blood type?: O-
Strengths: she is easy to get along with, calm in the face of danger.
Weaknesses: she can be too trusting when she shouldn't be.
Other?: Quaratine

Name: Abbey Williams
Age: 17
Gender: female
Description or Pic: Abbey (Abbey is on the right)
Personality: (optional) Abbey is trusting like her sister but her trust doesn't run as deep, when she feels like something isn't right her guard goes up instantly and she becomes wary of her surroundings.
History: (just something about them, maybe what they like to do)
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: open
Who came to the mall with them : Fraternal twin Lynne
What blood type?: A-
Strengths: level headed, short temper, thinker (tries to think things through really)
Weaknesses: her short temper gets her into trouble a lot
Other?: Quaratine

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Edited on 07/09/14 by Dusty (#3392)

Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-09-04 16:11:38
WIP for the most part. Adding details and such tomorrow. For now I'm giving the basics so I remember lol
Imma try this, I need more practice writing anyhow.




Description or Pic:
Lunar is a tall man, about 6'2, with pale skin that's starting to gain a bit of a tan, and shaggy, jet black hair and pale, icy blue eyes that can often seem to look right through you. He has a lean, athletic build with a balanced look to him. Unlike his sister, Lunar took more after their mother and has a bit of muscle to him. Nothing over the top or all that noticeable, but enough for him to be satisfied. Working on a farm his whole life seemed to keep him fit enough. Lunar has rather sharp, chiseled features that he's gained from growing up and apparently come from his mother's side of the family.

A normally calm, level headed person who cares very much for his baby sister. Lunar isn't one to make rash decisions and almost always thinks things through before making a decision. However, he has trouble doing that if his sister is in any form of danger.

Lunar is also a very quiet person, preferring to observe rather than speak. Hes a good artist and adores drawing. He also has a habit of not showing if he's in pain or anything similar because he feels it's a weakness he can't afford to show.

Was an art student at a college before and is a 'skilled survivalist', often taking classes in how to survive during different situations and the like. He grew up on a farm as the eldest of two children born to a single mother. Lunar often took care of his sister because his mother was out working a lot to buy them everything they needed and wanted. All in all though, it was a normal life with nothing especially tragic or anything.

None/Open? Ask.

Who came to the mall with them:
He dragged his sister Stardust here so she could get out of their house for a while.

What blood type?:

'Survivalist', and a generally calm, rational person. He's not exactly 'weak' either as his farm work kept him rather strong for the most part.

Is a bit too overprotective of his sister, stubborn, unwilling to trust others a lot. -May edit if I think of better ones-




[She considers herself panromantic/Demisexual btw]

Description or Pic:
Star stands about 5'5 with pale skin covered with random little scars from life and a larger scar running diagonally across from her left ribs to her right hip. She has very long, thick, smooth, vibrant, dark purple hair that ends about mid-thigh and covers her left eye. Her eyes are large, expressive and dark blue. She's rather thin though, despite growing up on a farm Star never really gained much muscle. Often family/friends who see her without a hoodie or loose clothing tell her to eat more. Her mother says she looks like her father, quite slender with soft, feminine features.

Personality: (optional)
A headstrong person who often is fueled by emotions. She's a bit too trusting and because it's easy to gain her trust, she'll do nearly anything for you as she believes that since she trusts you, she can help with whatever you want. She's rather friendly and often enjoys listening to others talk. However, she hates revealing anything about herself. Star would rather learn all about you than you learn anything about her. She's more of a child at heart and doesn't like too much responsibility. She just wants to relax, play games, and have her definition of fun. Star also will sometimes jump headfirst into a situation without thinking it though, which isn't always the best idea. She's also very in-tune and sensitive to emotions, feeling them stronger than others might.

Star also swears quite a bit, a habit she picked up from their neighbor when she was younger and she's rather childish in nature. She's also very opinionated and speaks with a roll to her R's. She doesn't make friends all that easily however as he real life social skills aren't exactly the greatest. She's use to communicating online than in real life. Star is also a bit paranoid. She doesn't like being left alone and is absolutely terrified of being stuck in the dark/not being able to see as well as being terrified of spiders. Because of this, she likes sticking close by her sibling just in case anything was to happen.

Often if she's alone, which isn't often, Star will start softly singing/humming one of her favorite songs she has memorized. Although many of her favorite songs aren't exactly all that happy and cheerful, some may seem disturbing to others as well.

Grew up as the second of two children on a farm with a single mother who was often out working. However, she had a good caretaker and was generally a very happy, satisfied person living a normal life. She's a very good singer and was planning on becoming famous for her voice one day.

None/Open? Ask. -May not accept yet on her. Undecided, but feel free to ask.-

Who came to the mall with them:
Was brought here by her older brother when he decided she needed to get out of the house. Apparently she spends too much time on the internet. She also decided to not fight going because she was out of peppermints and wanted to stock up again.

What blood type?:

Swift/Agile, very light/quiet on her feet, observant, and has no fear of heights as well as good balance

Too trusting, doesn't always think things through, a bit easy to manipulate, often too emotional for her own good at times, she can't stand being alone, in the dark, not seeing, or being near a spider.


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Edited on 10/09/14 by Nny (#257)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-05 07:11:47
All accepted!

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-07 14:56:41
[Reserve for Blood Type A+ character. c:]

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2014-09-08 05:32:57
Name: Rose
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Description or Pic: Rose is a little girl with blue eyes and Ash blonde hair. Her eyes sometimes switch between grey and green, sometimes depending on her mood. She keeps her hair in a braid, and is small for her age.
Personality: Rose is nice, but easily scared by things. Its sometimes hard for her to remain calm in situations. Other than that she is friendly and quiet, and will do what she is told.
History: She lived in a nice house with five dogs, a Labrador, a golden retriever, a pointer, a chihuahua, and a beagle. She loved her animals, and lived in an active family. When they went to the mall, they walked to it and took all their dogs, which they teid up outside the mall.
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: No
Who came to the mall with them: Her mother, Ella took her because they needed some new clothes, and because Rose's brother wanted a videogame. They got separated in the mall.
What blood type?: O+
Strengths: She is fast for her age, and small so she can fit into places others cant
Weaknesses: Freaks out easily, and she isn't very strong
Other?: Quarantine

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Edited on 10/09/14 by Fall (#35073)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-08 06:29:11
Accepted! I reserved your spot Pembroke.

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-08 10:20:58
Name: Takashi Akamatsu
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Description or Pic: Takashi has light golden colored skin, though he would have expected himself to be paler from the amount of time he spends indoors every day. His hair is kept at a medium/long length, the ends of hair hair reaching the back of his neck. His eyes are dark brown in color. His only of average height and weight and his strength is not outstanding, nor is it poor.
Personality: Takashi is a rather quiet one. He likes to assess his surroundings around him first before he will open up to doing things. He is observant in and out of his college classes, often catching things that people seem to miss. He may seem a little strange and a bit mysterious at first, but once you get to know him, he is more apt to talk and socialize with others.
History: Takashi has had a fairly normal upbringing, besides moving from Japan when he was two. He has 2 older sisters and one younger brother. After completeing high school at the top of his class, Takashi became interested in veterinary medicine. Though he was not regularly around animals, beside the pet dog and cats at home, the opportunity excited him. He got into college with a nice scholarship and has already completed 4 years of college and 1 year of veterinary school.
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: None
Who came to the mall with them: Ian, a fellow former classmate that Takashi became friends with in college. Ian had gone into the technology field. Ian was a gamer when he had free time. He had pestered Takashi into going with him staring he was "too focused on his classes and needed some kind of break."
What blood type?: A+
Strengths: He is focused in whatever he is doing and notices details others miss.
Weaknesses: He prefers to be rather independent and does not like to work with others unless it is required of him and he will only tolerate it.
Other?: Quarantine

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-08 11:09:07
Accepted! We will be starting sometime tomorrow

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2014-09-09 13:40:27
Is it okay if Rose had O+ blood type instead?

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-09 20:59:10
Yes, I will edit it

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Edited on 10/09/14 by Qetzel {TP}{MM}{LDC}{CT} (#36420)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-09-10 09:02:46
Name: Destiny
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description or Pic: Below both forms
Personality: Rp'd
History: Her and Justin are brother and sister, they have grown closer over time and left their family to live in a house extremely close to the mall.
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: None
Who came to the mall with them: Justin
What blood type?: B-
Strengths: Concealing herself in small spaces. She has more strength then the average girl due to having to lug her brother around if he pass's out.
Weaknesses: Weak lungs, cant run far or for very long, coughing often reveals her places of hiding.
Other?: Quarantine (Argh spelling xD)

Name: Justin
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Description or Pic: Below
Personality: RP'd
History: ^
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: No
Who came to the mall with them:
What blood type?: B+
Strengths: Running quickly, carrying his sister around since she is very light weight, and hiding.
Weaknesses: The rash drives him crazy though some say it's nothing.
Other?: Quarantine


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Edited on 10/09/14 by Queen Destiny Of Custom Decors (#17200)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:00:28
The strength and weaknesses are more like mental stuff. And the whole point of the symptoms is to prevent you from doing certain things to make it harder, so Destiny cant just be so good at hiding she can conceal her coughs.

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