Posted by Quarantine RP: Open (OOC Thread)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-04 11:44:08
This is the OOC thread. Use this link to go back to the main thread: [Link]

ALL SPOTS ARE FULL. PM me to join.

The idea for this rp was inspired by the amazing books No Safety in Numbers and Moment 14.
The name Quarantine is temporary, I'm listening to any suggestions.

You can tell if you become infected because when it enters your system you will get a nose bleed.

Here are your starting symptoms. They will get more severe as time goes on. At any random time you may start recovering, beating the disease. After that you are immune. But it is more likely that at any time you will start to succumb to the symptoms...

Each blood type has one symptom, and one only. Choose carefully, they all have consequences. You may pick one, and if you have two characters they can't have the same thing. There is a two person limit on how many people to a blood type so hurry to sign up.
If someone dies they will no longer count.

Diseases and Symptoms:

A+ | Symptom: Insomnia- trouble sleeping. Makes your character tired and irritable.
2/2 spots taken.

A- | Symptom: Paranoia- your character doesn't trust others to do certain tasks, and will do them themselves, possibly putting them in danger
2/2 spots taken.

B- | Symptom: Coughing and trouble breathing- coughs often, not very hard but loud, giving away your characters position when hiding. Can't run as far or fast having to rest.
2/2 spots taken.

B+ | Symptom: Rash- just a harmless rash at first. People call you lucky. But oh how it itches. You think this could become a lot more severe, and quickly.
2/2 spots taken

O- | Symptom: Aggression- agitated and easily angered, may lash out at friends, and has more trouble making them.
2/2 spots taken.

O+ | Symptom: Easily bleeds- small wounds may bleed for much longer before closing up, your character must be very careful about getting cut.
2/2 spots taken.

AB+ | Symptom: Loss of consciousness- faints much more easily when surprised. And there is a lot in this mall to surprise you.
2/2 spots taken.

AB- | Death- heart-rate slowly increases until it gives out. Most anyone with this will last is a day. The only visible symptom is a fever.
For the purposes of this roleplay, you can't have this one. Though be warned, most of the symptoms above may end like this. In death...

This is a Literate RP, I want at least 5 sentences for each post.

DO NOT join if you do not plan in participating much.

You may only have 2 characters.

You most likely came to the mall with friends or family. You have to look out for them unless you decide to abandon them. This could have consequences.

If your character dies for whatever reason, you can make a new one. I do not except excuses, of any kind. I will decide if they really are dead, and whatever I say is final. I will give you warning if your character is about to die. No reviving. You can create a similar character. And I guarantee, some people are going to die.

I am playing the governor, who will be giving out announcements to the entire mall, but I will also have maybe 1 or 2 other characters.

To confirm you read everything put the word quarantine in the 'Other?:' section of your form.

I also have one more thing to say; not every character needs to be a sob story. It is offensive to people who have actually gone through those things. That being said, I know it is easier to write that, but for this rp, just deal with it.

I am going to be messaging people or talking with them here on the OOC thread about which characters are dying/recovering/getting infected and anything else. PM me with any questions about anything.

Create your character using the form below, and see if they can survive.

Description or Pic:
Personality: (optional)
History: (just something about them, maybe what they like to do)
Who came to the mall with them: (up to 3 people, something about each.)
What blood type?:

List of characters:
Sarah Brown The governor. Type B- Played by Qetzel
Stardust Type A+ Played by Nny
Takashi Akamatsu Type A+ Played by Pembroke
Marco Perez Type A- Played by Qetzel
Abbey Williams Type A- Played by Dusty
Justin Type B+ Player by Queen Destiny
Destiny Type B- Played by Queen Destiny
Wilma Donnes Type AB+ Played by Carnivale
Rose Type O+ Played by Fall
Lunar Type O+ Played by Nny
Rayne Reci Type O- Played by Irsha
Lynne Williams Type O- Played by Dusty

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Edited on 10/09/14 by Qetzel {TP}{MM}{LDC}{CT} (#36420)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:02:14
Like she uses other objects to hide the coughing, like stuffing her shirt in her mouth or something... But I can change it..

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:04:52
Ehh...I mean she can do that but it would only muffle it I would prefer if you changed it though

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:34:32
Ok thanks, they are accepted!

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Lost In The Stars (#35073)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:41:02
When does the RP start?

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:44:59
I am waiting for a friend of mine to post his form, so it starts as soon as I accept him (probably in the next hour)

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Bullhawk (#42658)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:55:22
If this is still up for sign-ups, I'd like to give it a go.

Name: Wilma Donnes
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Description or Pic: Wilma is a somewhat larger woman, with a plump figure. She has a fondness for Japanese culture, and indeed her home would appear to a be a miniaturized Nippon. Her hair is dark brown, though by the tips one can tell it had been dyed red once, and when not pinned up comes down just below the shoulders. She works as a singer and performer at a club with a somewhat burlesque theme, but it rakes in fair money. She stands at about 5' 9'' in height (1.75 M). She has a love of sweets and in particular chocolate-dipped strawberries.
Personality: [I'd prefer to let this be done via roleplay]
History: Wilma is accustomed to a certain degree of luxury, and can be a bit snippy outside of her comfort zone. One might consider her pampered, and that wouldn't be too inaccurate. She tries to be compassionate and open to others. She has a tendency to call people 'dear' or 'honey(hon')'. Her voice is low-toned for a woman, and has a slight southern drawl, though it has been highly affected by her time in New York, having lived there for twelve years prior to this. While rather 'ladylike' and classy, she does admit to enjoying more 'rude' company.
Crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse: Open, bisexual.
Who came to the mall with them: Her friend, Simon. He disappeared in the crowd during the quarantine panic, and she hasn't been able to find him.
What blood type?: AB+ (Easily faints)
Strengths: Level-headed, down-to-earth and reasonable despite her more financially gifted life.
Weaknesses: Can be a bit proud or vain, but tries to keep it in check. Doesn't like to accept the help of others.
Other?: Not that comes to mind. Quarantine.

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Piebloxxer (#36442)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-09-10 12:01:51
I would like to reserve two players:
One AB+ and one B+

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Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 12:02:52
OK. Accepted Carnivale, and noted Piebloxxer.
If anyone else wants to join, PM me, and I will open more spots.

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Piebloxxer (#36442)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-09-10 13:53:04
Name: Charlie
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Description: Short brown hair, lots of freckles, and green eyes.
Personality: RP out.
History: Charlie is a B student in school, even though he is very smart, perfering to hang out and talk with his friends in the back of the room rather than doing any work. He loves playing Call of Duty, though he isn't that good at it. He has a lot of friends, but no particularly good ones.
Crush: None
Who they came to the mall with: His best friend Drew
What Blood Type?: B+
Strengths: Smart, is good at finding loopholes and a way out of everything.
Weaknesses: Lazy, uncommitted to tasks, and doesn't take anything that seriously.
Other: quarantine

Name: Drew
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Description: Short, curly brown hair, brown eyes, and no freckles. Looks almost nothing like Charlie.
Personality: Rp out
History: He makes YouTube videos of him playing various games, and is very proud to have over 500 subs. He is almost always busy with something and doesn't have very many friends, just people he knows from school.
Crush: This one girl Eliza
Who he came to the mall with: His friend Charlie
What Blood Type: AB+
Strengths: Able to deal with a lot of pressure and handle many things at once.
Weaknesses: Sometimes he just seems to snap, and go crazy over something when he's under a lot of stress.
Other: quarantine

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Edited on 11/09/14 by Piebloxxer (#36442)

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 14:05:02
Accepted! The Rp has started now, be aware that the mall has only just been on lock down. The disease has not really done anything yet, and no one knows why the mall is on lock down yet.

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