Posted by Secrets - OOC RP Thread

Dreamer (#33401)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 00:58:02
YES I do have permission from Starr* #22773 to re-post this, she is the original poster and creator of this RP and my cousin, but she wont be on here for a long time yet, so I am re-creating this RP!


Please post all forms and OOC chat here. You can discuss fights between characters here as well! Any questions should be posted here, I will post updates on the main RP thread still in the updates section. To read the story and RP, visit the RP thread here wait to be accepted to start please and be SURE to read the rules!


- All lioden rules apply here, please see the sticky in the RP forum.
- PLEASE post ALL forms HERE from now on and keep the OOC talk here as well! :)
- No controlling others characters or god modding
- No you can not kill another player without their consent
- No relationships with your own characters
- Yes a vampire can have a relationship with a witch, werewolf, etc. And yes the Supernatural can have relationships with the humans but this is NOT twilight people..
- Please add your favorite color and/or animal in the Others section of the form.
- Max of 3 characters per person
- Swearing, drinking, drugs etc aloud but lets not go overboard.
- Any sexuality is aloud.
- No one liners. I am not asking for a novel, but 4-5 sentences at least please.
- Fade to black, you know when..
- Any and all fights in character must be discussed between to the players via private message or OOC thread to determine the outcome and such.
- Please be nice in OOC and use ( ) when speaking OOC. Also, try and include everyone!
- All species look human, werewolves transform into a wolf but other wise look totally human, shape shifters are the same way they look human with no tails or wings or claws, they can transform fully into 2 different types of animals but when in HUMAN form they look HUMAN.
- Have fun! I may add to this later..

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Super Natural Beings

*PLEASE be sure to include the type of form are filling out!*


Vampires are immortal, though they can not be in direct sunlight or they will burn, witches can make them special rings or pendants but it is VERY rare as witches and vampires generally don't get along, thus a relationship here would cause a stir but it is certainly not impossible. They will generally only make them if they need something from the vampire.

They obviously live off of blood, they can survive off animal blood but only for 2 weeks at a time before they need to feed on human blood for a whole 24 hours. They are weaker when drinking animal blood and their powers are not as strong.

All vampires have the ability called Compulsion which can control a human, they need to look into the humans eyes to do so. They can make them forget things, not feel pain, make up memories, etc. But it is dangerous as this weakens the humans mind and can lead to death eventually.

They also never sleep, have super strength and speed, heightened senses, healing abilities, though they very much still feel pain, and super durability meaning they can take a great amount of physical damage without being slowed down.

The way to kill a vampire is a wooden stake to the heart, sun or fire. Breaking their necks slows them down by rendering them unconscious for a time. A werewolves bite is poison to them, it starts with hallucinations and escalates to death. The only cure is to drink the werewolf who bit them blood.

They can not have children, and they can turn humans but the human needs to have vampire blood in their system, then they need to die within 24 hours of drinking the vampires blood, they will come back to life thanks to the vampires blood, and feed on HUMAN blood within 24 hours or they will simply die. There is nothing to reverse this or change it.

There is a plant called Vervaine which impairs a vampire, it wont kill them, but it makes them weak and sick they can not use any special abilities when they take it. A human, or other wise, taking Vervaine are immune to a vampires compulsion and special ability, though not their strength, speed etc or being turned. Drinking a humans blood tainted with it wont kill a vampire but it will make them sick and weak.

Their abilities:

True Face: A Vampire's True Face is the appearance they are hiding under their normal human face. When a Vampire's True Face is revealed, the whites of their eyes turn blood red, dark veins appear under their eyes, and their canine teeth extend into razor-sharp fangs. A Vampire's True Face can be revealed whenever they wish, but it will appear against their will whenever they are: Aroused by the scent of blood, or are feeling intense emotions (Anger, lust, sadness etc.). A Vampire's fangs are extremely sharp which gives them the ability to tear into almost any substance (Such as flesh) and tear off limbs. A Vampire's True Face will appear for the first time soon after they complete the transition.

Mind Compulsion: It allows the user to control another person's mind by making eye contact, somewhat astral project into their dreams and overall erase the victim's memories or even alter them to the point where something is completely different about them. Compelled beings usually follow the instructions given to them by the vampire who compelled them to the best of their ability, sometimes even those that would otherwise be beyond their "normal" capacity (i.e. being forced to forget a very recent and otherwise unforgettable experience, cause them to develop new skills, and even create new personalities). Needless to say, this ability plays a vital role in keeping the existence of Vampires (and by extension, other supernatural races) hidden. While most vampires use compulsion with verbal commands, this is not heeded as a necessity, they can use eye contact as well. When someone is compelled, a new compulsion cannot override a previous compulsion. It is, however, possible to plant a new compulsion for so long as it does not conflict with the previous one. As users grow older, their mind compulsion skills evolve and mature. This is damaging to humans brains.

Sire Bond: is the link between the creator and their creation. Creation complies with the direct and indirect orders of the Creator in order to show its loyalty. The bond is at its strongest when the Sire is within the presence of the Sired.

When a human loves a vampire, and is turned by that vampire's blood, they may experience the sire bond, due to the emotions that they have felt being amplified by their transition, and do their best to please their sire. Hence, sire bonds between vampires normally aren't platonic, and usually common between those of opposing sexes. The sire bond does not influence feelings, only actions

Telepathy: An advanced form of mind control that allows vampires to mentally communicate over a vast distance.

Emotional Control: Vampires have the supernatural ability to remove or dull their emotions. They can "switch off" their ability to feel emotions such as fear and guilt allowing them to kill without remorse, go against any opponent without fear and relieve themselves of depression and sadness. A vampire without there emotions is far more calculating and direct than one who keeps them on. However, the vampire will become a remorseless killer almost unrecognizable from the person they truly are. This ability fades with time and vampires who are over 500 years old are said to lose it altogether.

Dream Manipulation: Vampires can control dreams and the subconscious.They have the ability to produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares and lucid dreaming, distort peoples perception of reality and trap someone in their dreams. Vampires can manipulate and enter the subconscious of other vampires as well.

Form For Vampires-
Special Power: (ONLY 1! And no it can't be all powerful type stuff)


Only accepting females right now, when we get 3 females I will accept males again!

Werewolves age as humans do but they grow to be much, much older, generally about 200-250 years of age. They can turn anytime they want, but it is inevitable on a full moon. At first, turning on their own free will is difficult and takes some practice to transform back. As a wolf they can hunt and feed on wild game, and as a human they must eat human food. Werewolves cannot become intoxicated by drinking alcohol. It is believed this is due to their enhanced healing ability.

A werewolf has to kill a human in order to trigger their werewolf gene in order to activate their powers. It also does not matter if the gene was activated accidentally, or it was intentional. After the gene is triggered their eyes will turn yellow and their powers will activate instantly. A Werewolf who has yet to trigger his or her curse will only exhibit increased aggression and overwhelming fits of rage during nights of the full moon. Also, until then, there are non-supernatural. Even if they have been bitten, this is true.

Turing is very very painful, every bone in their body breaks twice, once when changing from human to wolf then again when going back. They are a little unpredictable in their wolf form, much moodier and more aggressive. Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies, since a werewolf bite can kill a vampire. They can smell each other, werewolves smell like wet dog to a vampire and a vampire smells like bleach to a wolf which burns its nose, this is still present in human form though not as strong. They generally try to avoid one another but there has been a fight or two.

A relationship here would be nearly impossible and is highly forbidden. They can turn people by biting them, the person whom they bit will not know what they are until they first turn on the full moon. Any children a werewolf bears has a high chance at getting the gene though it is not for sure, the chance is of course increased when both parents are werewolves but even humans can bear them.

All werewolves have increased strength, senses, and speed. They also heal quickly but not as fast as a vampire. To kill a werewolf, it takes a silver bullet or silver of some sort, beheading them. Wolfsbane can also kill them if ingested or injected, It is like Vervain to a vampire.

Their Abilities:

Pain Transference: Werewolves can absorb and alleviate pain from other people/creatures and can "heal" in some cases.

Super Speed: not as fast in human form, though still faster than average humans.

Super Strength: Not as strong in human form, though still stronger than the average human.

Heightened Senses: The same in human and wolf form, this also includes the ability to sense illnesses.

Werewolf Form-
Wolf Form:


Humans who practices magic are called "witches." The origin of witchcraft remains unknown; however, witches have existed for many centuries, passing down their knowledge and skills through generations of family lines. Contrary to popular belief, witches do not receive their powers from demons, nor do they worship the devil. Instead, witches consider themselves as the Servants of Nature, and they make it their duty to maintain balance within the world. All witches can influence the natural elements and weather patterns as well. They are mortal, but can cast protection spells, make potions, and enchant items using spells.

Some of their abilities include:

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects as well as individuals with ones mind. The power can be channeled through one's hand or by staring at an object. Telekinesis is generally an offensive power, allowing the Witch to send a target across the room or in some cases, miles away.


This power can be very helpful, but very deadly. Overuse of this power will hurt someone very much.

Influenceing the Elements: Witches can influce and use the elements, such as fire. They can conjur it with their hands, like this


They can do the same with water, ice, earth and light.

Atmokinesis: (also known as Weather Control) is the ability to manipulate every aspect of weather. A witch can use this power to create good or bad storms. All witches have limited control over the weather. This power is activated by the wave of their hand. Then in use the witch can create strong wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Potion Making: Potion Making is a basic ability that all witches possess, however certain witches are more apt at making them then others.

Aura Reading: An Aura is the soul energy that surrounds a person. Good auras glow gold depending on how much good that person creates, while evil auras are black. A Red aura Signifies Love.

Channeling: the ability to channel magical energies and manipulate them for a myriad of purposes. Witches and warlocks have the ability to channel or feel energies that exist in the world around them. The use of this power grants the Witch access to all sorts of emotions/feelings that are held in that place.

There are different types of magic:

Traditional Magic
Traditional Magic is the most common form of witchcraft among modern witches. Traditional magic draws energy from the forces of Nature and may be used however the witch sees fit. Although traditional magic is very popular among the witchcraft community, it also very exhausting, due to the fact the witch is exerting their own energy. A witch who excessively practices traditional magic may experience symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, and minor nose bleeds.

Traveler Magic
Traveler Magic is a form of witchcraft used by a sub-culture of witches known as the Travelers. Travelers are unable to practice traditional magic, and as a result, they had to create a new form of magic that they could use. This form of magic specializes in spirit possession and it's spells are cast in a different language than other types. Any which can learn this magic, but it is not something they are taught by their family unless there are Travelers in the family.

Dark Magic
Dark Magic (or Black Magic) is a form of sorcery that draws on malevolent powers, and may be used for negative purposes (e.g. to cause destruction or misfortune, to injure or kill, or for the profit of oneself rather than for the benefit of others). In popular usage, the term "dark magic" is often used to describe any form of sorcery that is used negatively.

Spirit Magic
Spirit Magic draws on the power of the Spirits of Nature, as well as the spirits of deceased witches, and may be used for either good or evil purposes. Unlike other forms of magic, a witch can only use spirit magic however the spirits see fit. If a witch abuses the magic bestowed upon them, the spirits may break the connection, preventing the witch from harnessing their power. Any spells that revive a dead person are viewed as wrong, because it upsets the natural balance and the witch who so uses such a spell, would be punished severely by the spirits.

Witch/Warlock Form-
Preferred Magic: (all witches/warlocks can use all above forms of magic, but they usually specialize in one)

Shape Shifter

Only Accepting 2 more males here for now! Will change later on.

Shape shifters are mostly human, but they can transform into 2 types of animals. They age just as humans do, no longer/shorter life span and they are totally mortal. Their kind has no quarrels with any type of supernatural being, so they are free to love whom they wish. They have no special ability, except to transform into the animals they turn into. They can have children and pass along the shape shifting gene, it works like werewolves genes do. They can not be turned into a vampire or werewolf, and no spells will change what they are. Changing is purely a choice, but like the werewolf, it is a painful process with breaking bones.

Shape shifter Form-
Animal Form(s): (max of 2)


Self explanatory :) nothing at all special about them, you can choose to be a non-believer, a believer, someone who survived an attack and now thinks they are crazy, a semi- believer (you're back and forth on what you believe) or whatever. You're human, at least you don't crave blood and turn into a big furry wolf every full moon!

Human Form-

Have fuuun!! :D

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Edited on 07/09/14 by Nova (#33401)

Dreamer (#33401)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 00:58:34

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Dreamer (#33401)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 01:23:25
Form For Vampires-

Rylee Davvies

Looks 21, but is about 150 years old.



Rylee is inquisitive and incessantly curious. Topics of conversation can run the gamut from politics to religion to sexual preferences. Nothing is off limits or taboo in her search for 'The Answer To Everything'. She is versatile and exceedingly charming and enjoys every experience that comes her way. She is usually candid and independent. She is always looking to learn new things, and have new experiences, this includes meeting new people. She will become bored if she has to sit in one place too long, and has a hard time following a schedule she is much too spontaneous and random for that!

Intellectual and adventurous, Rylee loves to hang out with her friends. She is often the court jester, with an outlandish sense of fun and a love of madcap fancies. This, coupled with her knowledge of culture, philosophy, and travel, make her a much sought after conversationalist. Completely impartial, her friendships come from all walks of life and are made up of people of all nationalities and cultures.

Rylee doesn't care about fashion trends or making a statement, as long as she is comfortable in her surroundings. Natural fabrics like cotton, wool, and linen suit her best. She loves colorful maxi skirts, loose jeans, and sportswear. Minimal makeup and seldom any jewellery, as adornment merely gets in the way of letting others discover her true nature. Simple, bohemian and unassuming.

She is fascinated with the humans, even a little jealous. They get to experience so many firsts that she never will be able to. And they don't have to live watching everyone they love die, that's probably the worst part about being a vampire to her.


Rylee doesn't really remember a lot about her past, after all it has been a LONG time. She was 21 when she was turned, she remembers that night well but not the person who turned her. She has looked for them, over and over again, even going to the witches for help, but they couldn't do anything for her. She has resigned herself to not knowing; which is not an easy thing for her to do.


She had 3 sisters, all of whom passed years and years ago along with the rest of her family. She has been alone for quite some time, save for the company of a few friends she made along the way, a lot of which were human. They fascinate her and she is constantly pushing the limits by trying to interact with them.


Special Power: She can make her self invisible, but if you look closely you can see ripples and warped spots where she is standing or when she moves, and it never lasts more than a minute or 2, generally just enough to run away.

Green, Horses.


Human Form-

Wyatt Grant



Wyatt is warm, enthusiastic, gregarious - he is on top of his world. He loves being the center of attention! He is dignified and strong, with an aura of power around him. He is a natural born leader. In a team situation, he is quite happy to work together with others, providing motivation and drive to his team. Wyatt is outgoing, confident, and energetic. He is an ambitious sort, and once he sets his mind on something, he is determined to accomplish it. His eagerness, once stoked, is without limits and he is incredibly generous, loyal and honorable.

Wyatt can be opinionated and stubborn about certain things. It is hard to change this man's decisions once he's made up his mind, and because he's also certain he's always right, there is no guarantee that he will even hear out your side of the story. If you persist in trying to correct him, he will more than likely get angry and defensive. Don't mind him if his temper flares – he's really just a big softy underneath all that and his roar is much worse than his bite!

Wyatt is sometimes viewed as arrogant by those who don't really know him. Although he's not afraid to tell it like it is, this gentleman is truly a good-hearted and compassionate individual, he is just opinionated and if you want a truly honest answer, he will be the one to give it even if its not what you want to hear, so be careful in asking his opinion.

He is usually fairly concerned with his appearance, but he is generally in jeans, a t-shirt, and a ball cap.

Wyatt had a fairly good upbringing, it was just him and his mom, his father had left before he was even born. Times were usually rough money wise but he never complained. He did a lot of hard work to help his mom out with the bills in high school, he worked for local farmers bringing in crops, helping with cattle and horses, doing some mechanical work as well, it never earned him a lot but it earned them enough to live and eat with his moms income as well. He grew up in Alabama.

His mother, who is still back in Alabama. It was hard to leave her, but he needed a bit of a change, and he was looking for his father for the first time ever. His trail led here.

None at the moment.

Green, Horses.


Witch/Warlock Form-

Taelyn (Tae) Marie Richie



Taelyn is a fire cracker. She is very outgoing, and she doesn't take crap from anyone. She is a sweet girl, very polite and respectful, but not a girl you want make mad because she is very outspoken and she stands up for herself as well as others. She is strong willed, yet easy going, a lot of fun, she is all about living life to its fullest!

She loves meeting new people, and helping anyone she can. She is bubbly and spontaneous, and she is usually very well dressed. She loves to wear dresses, do her hair, and wear light amounts of make-up, she looks girly but she is not at all afraid to get her hands dirty.

She can be vindictive and tries to not hold a grudge, though she fails miserably. When she is in a bad mood, its usually a storm that lasts all day. Because of her generally good, happy and upbeat mood, her low moods are as low as they get and it takes a lot to anger her so when you finally do, its bad. Though she can almost always be found smiling, she has her days like most people do and she can be a down right b*tch when she is in a mood to be.

Taelyn grew up Texas and moved out here when her family and friends found out what she was, they were none to impressed and her parents ran her out, so she wanted to get as far away as possible. Aspen seemed the best, there were plenty of people like her here and her parents would never even think to look here if they ever decided to and she would certainly never run into them here either.

Her mother, father, and 3 older brothers all of which disowned her when they knew what she was, her grandmother was the only who accepted it because she was also like Tae, few in her family were apparently which was odd. It was that or the others just chose to ignore what they were, and never practiced magic of any kind, it was considered evil and taboo in her old house hold after all.

None, at the moment.

Preferred Magic:
Traditional magic

Green, Horses.

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Edited on 06/09/14 by Nova (#33401)

Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:01:11
Carlos Vargas

150, but looks like a normal 21 year old man in human form



Carlos is a quite kind and polite werewolf, but if angered, he will be your worst nightmare. He hates getting embarrassed and talking about love.

Carlos doesn't really like talking about his story, but he will tell it to his greatest friends. He was born to tow werewolves in the middle of no where. The rest of his history is quite blurry for him.

His mother was a young werewolf by the name Mary, while her father was named Antonio. He have three brothers who never seems to be around when he is.

None at the moment.

Wolf Form:
Red, Cats

Raphael Antolini

23 years



Raphael, or Ralph for short, is a very flirty man, he likes to charm women and help them, but is gone afterwards. He is quite a coward and good liar.

Ralph's history is quite bloody. His mother was murdered by his father when he was only 4 years. His father trained him in the arts of shape shifting.

All are dead sadly.

None, yet.

Animal Form(s): (max of 2)
Tiger and hawk.

Red, Cats

Jake Hilton

1200, but looks like an ordinary 24 old guy


Appearance: 8432a1e33047df2be580d559be5108af.jpg

Jake is very smart and knows what to do when in trouble. He thinks before doing something crazy. He is quiet and very awkward around girls and older people, but nice and calm around friends. He is a bookworm and always carries two or more books.

Jake doesn't remember much of his past, and doesn't tell people about it. The only parts he can remember clearly is the day he got bitten and the day he killed is own family

He killed his own family, but spared his little sister

None, at the moment

Special Power: (ONLY 1! And no it can't be all powerful type stuff)
Jake can run and insane speed, but he runs out of stamina quickly.

Red, Cats

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Edited on 06/09/14 by Nine (#41885)

Dreamer (#33401)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:11:25
Accepted! :)

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:17:42
Thanks :D!

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Dreamer (#33401)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:23:05
Welcome! Thank you for joining! We will start when we get a couple more people :)

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:23:19
Shape shifter Form-

Neve Grande




Standing at 5'7" Neve is a bit on the taller side. Her long hair is snowy white and often styled in an over the shoulder side braid. Bright blue eyes stand out against pale skin. Neve loves to wear sun dresses, her favorite being a white one that cuts off just above her knees. Along with the dress, she will wear a pair of simple sandals. On those days of constant drizzling, Neve can be seen carrying an off-yellow umbrella. Around her neck hangs a golden locket, the pictures inside are of her family. Her and her mother on one side, and her twin and father on the other.


Neve is a kind and caring person. Unlike her openly bitter sister, Neve hides her anger and resentment. She smiles at everyone and is kind to them unless they give her a reason not to be. She will reach out to those she thinks need help without question. Neve shares that kindness that all shapeshifters hold. She doesn't care what the others are, as long as they are kind towards her as well.

Neve was born the twin of Nova, their mother was a shape-shifter while their father a werewolf. The two were like a perfect couple, and worked together to raise their daughters. One day, A human found out their father's true self. This human lived next door and grew fearful. One day, a misunderstanding changed the girls lives forever. It involved their father trying to talk to the human, and that human shooting him through the heart with a silver bullet. Months later their mother died of grief. These two events changed Nova, who had once been as kind as Neve. Nova grew bitter and angry, like she is nowadays. Neve however remained kind, and was torn apart as she watched her sister and best friend drift away from her.

Novamere 'Nova' Grande (Sister)


Animal Form(s):
- A snowy white cat with blue eyes and fluffy fur.
- A snowy owl

Purple Ponies :3

Shape shifter Form-

Neve Grande




At 5'6", Nova is a full inch shorter than her twin sister; however, she is the darker of the two. Nova's skin is several shades darker than that of her sisters. Long black hair falls all the way down to the small of her back, because Nova couldn't care less about being 'pretty' she never does anything other than brush her hair after washing it. She has green eyes framed by long dark eyelashes. Clothing wise, Nova prefers to wear tank tops in a general color scheme of, grey, white and red. Over top she'll wear a black jacket. This outfit is accompanied by a pair of denim shorts and worn black combat boots. Although she despises jewelry, Nova always wears a silver locket. It once had pictures of her family, but she removed those.


Nova is a downright unfriendly person. She isn't shy she just, for lack of a better word, hates everyone. Well almost everyone, Nova has been known to let some people worm their way into her shadowed heart. Nova speaks rather bluntly to those she dislikes. When she speaks to those she considers like able, a hint of kindness enters her otherwise harsh voice. Nova is never one to resort to violence when she is angry, there is just a-lot of yelling and screaming. Sometimes her face even turns red.

Nova was born as the twin of Neve, their mother was a shape-shifter while their father a werewolf. The two were like a perfect couple, and worked together to raise their daughters. One day, A human found out their father's true self. This human lived next door and grew fearful. One day, a misunderstanding changed Nova's life forever. It involved their father trying to talk to the human, and that human shooting him through the heart with a silver bullet.Months later their mother died of grief. These two events changed Nova, who had once been as kind as Neve. Nova grew bitter and angry, like she is nowadays.

Neve Grande (Sister)

None yet

Wolf Form:
A jet black wolf with no notable fur markings.

Purple Kitties :3

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Dreamer (#33401)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:29:46

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:32:09
Woop woop! More shape shifters :D!

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:35:32
Yay! :D

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:39:08
There is only one werewolf, one vampire and then poof three shape shifters XD

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:40:33
XD Lol, if you want I can switch Nova to being a werewolf, it'd even things out a little.

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:43:32
It's your choice and your character, you can do it if you want to, not forcing you to do it :3

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:45:33
Then I'll leave her as is for now! :3 Moon is so excited for this! :D

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-09-06 02:47:27
Alright :3 I can't wait to play around with these two, Ralphy will annoy Carlos out like cray cray XD

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