Posted by Raffle ladies

King Syringa (#7346)

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Posted on
2014-09-07 07:29:30
Am I the only one that thinks the Raffle is just a bit unfair?

I know its all random but I have seen the same person win at many as 3 times in a row.

I know it may seem unreasonable for some people,but for the people that WIN the lady they cannot enter the Raffle until next month. That way others can have a bit of a better chance to win and the same person cannot win over and over.

This suggestion has 42 supports and 0 NO supports.

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King Syringa (#7346)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 05:29:01
Clay,I'm not sure then what the player did. Because I know I have seen someone win 3 times. It may not have been in an exact row if they cannot enter for the next week,but I do remember seeing the same name of a player 3 times. My memory isn't the best. But either way.

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Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-09-10 05:50:22
The only thing I really don't like is that they seem to only cause fighting/arguments with players. :/

That and it never seems like those of us with lower accounts ever get them lol. x3 I don't think I've ever seen a 2/3 digit person win one. -may be wrong though-

That being said, I don't support really because it seems kind of unfair. I mean, a month is a long time to wait. :c

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Clay 🐓 (#20064)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 10:26:45
I don't remember seeing the same name three times in the row (as I am the one who creates most of the lionesses, pulls their raffles, and creates the news posts)

"I don't think I've ever seen a 2/3 digit person win one.
There's only 91 2-digit account users and ~990 three-digit account users, versus ~38,902 other users who are four or five digits.

But that's all I'm going to say on this topic now.

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Edited on 10/09/14 by Clay (#383)

King Syringa (#7346)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:08:22
Things do happen though. I know there isn't really anything to be done about it. And Yes I do admit talking it out some did kinda settle the ping of anger I felt before. Its actually more so that I am jealous of them because I can win one let alone 3 times.

And making it a month,makes it so you have to pick and chose your ladies better,instead of going "Oh,pretty lady," *Click*

*Friday rolls around*
"Yay I won! Now for the next one!"

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Edited on 10/09/14 by King Syringa (#7346)

Sainler (#11215)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 11:12:41
I mean I haven't won either, and there are plenty of times I hoped I had won.
That doesnt mean the raffle is unfair or biased.

There are a lot of users here and the odds of winning are extremely slim, thats all.

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