Posted by Auto cancel on Trades after a period of time

Alriandi (#35316)

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Posted on
2014-09-10 18:06:30
So while browsing for trades I had noticed that several trades sit in limbo because the user that owns the trades has left back in March- April, so that got me thinking.

What if there is an auto delete for trades that go past a certain period of time, like a month or two from the trade centre. Just looking at the trade centre now has 124 pages of trades, how many of them are from users that are inactive or suspended. Pretty much the admins have no hope in going through all the trades to remove the ones from suspended accounts, and 50% of the trade centre could be full of the trades from inactive accounts.

Just a simple suggestion that could be easier for everyone and possibly help the server as well :)

Edit: Just adding some calculations from a post I made.

The files, at most could be only a couple of megabytes, and for simplicity's sake I'll say 1 mb each, with 60 trades a page.

Get rid of a 100 pages x 60 trades each = 6000 trades

6000 trades = 6000mb = 6 gb (1000mb = 1gb)

Thats 6 gigabyte that could be going somewhere else on the server. May not be much but small numbers could make a huge difference when it comes to back ups.

And thats a rough idea cause trades can take more or less when it comes to memory.

This suggestion has 20 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 11/09/14 by Alriandi (#35316)

thegameres (#31674)

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Posted on
2014-09-11 06:27:10
I was actually thinking about this a few weeks ago! It would be a great way to make the site's trades clean!

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Alriandi (#35316)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-09-11 09:02:02
I was honestly tempted on making a list and taking it to mod box to get a couple of pages of trades out of the way, but its not exactly bug or anything, just unnecessary room on the server.

The files, at most could be only a couple of megabytes, and for simplicity's sake I'll say 1 mb each, with 60 trades a page.

Get rid of a 100 pages x 60 trades each = 6000 trades

6000 trades = 6000mb = 6 gb (1000mb = 1gb)

Thats 6 gigabyte that could be going somewhere else on the server. May not be much but small numbers could make a huge difference when it comes to back ups

(also going to add these calculations to the op)

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