Posted by Hiding your lionesses and cubs from other players

Apollo (#2785)

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Posted on
2013-10-07 13:57:50
I am not sure if this has been suggested or not but I have had a lot of people looking through my den lately and begging lions off me that are not for sale and it is bothering the heck out of me so I thought that maybe it would be cool if we could choose to hide them so only the people who actually own the lions can see them. Make it optional, like a button on their profile page that the owner can click to make then hidden. I figured I would suggest it and see if anyone else thinks it would be a good idea.

Like they would still be able to go on hunts and be bred to any male in the game and such but just be hidden so if someone decided to go snooping in your den they can't see them. Thought it might cut down on the continuous begging that some people like to do to people.

This suggestion has 14 supports and 1 NO support.

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Vertroue 🪶 [G5
Het Smilus] (#6879)

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Posted on
2013-10-07 14:02:21
Yes. This is an awesome idea. I'm tired of hearing people rant about not only wanting a certain lion color, stats, and whatnot, but I feel bad for those being bugged about this. It's gone overboard. This would be very helpful. Great idea. :)

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2013-10-07 14:07:25
I can see this becoming a problem if you are trying to sell a lion/ess and not wanting the public to see the lioness. Not everyone is as honest as we'd like to believe.

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Xanistaya (#627)

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Posted on
2013-10-07 14:21:18
Then you just wouldn't buy lionesses you couldn't see?

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Apollo (#2785)

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Posted on
2013-10-07 14:24:02
If they are selling the lioness why would they hide it? I am saying it can be optional, you hide only the ones you want to hide. Like your private not for sale lionesses/cubs.

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Puddle (#18678)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-11-16 20:18:03
Or be able to order the lionesses into actual groups, then hide them a group at a time. That would keep all the 'for sale' lions in a single spot that's easier to manage. It would make our den look better, too!

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-11-16 20:26:38
I have to agree with Kraft.
For this reason I dont support.
Maybe you say that people wont buy lionesses they cant see, but think about new players. Some of them do believe what is told them, and will buy an unseen lioness if they give a good enough reason why they hid it, say that it is a custom color, then once the payment is done the player realizes that it is just a wild color.

I for one also dont support because I do like browsing in others' dens, looking at all the lions, the pretty markings and reading bios for entertainment. This is one part of the game, to show off what you have. I would be only happy if people would look.

Hell, if people are begging, you can do two things:
1. You feel proud that you have such amazing lions that they actually beg for them. I would feel so amazing if people did that. raise your chin, puff out your chest and stand proud of your progress.
2. You can report them for harassing to the mods. And you can get rid of them. or block them. There ya go. No more annoying messages from people asking for lions. The block button is there for a reason. And the mods will sort out everything else.

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