Posted by Player Feedback. [30+Support]

Lady Bacon (#6605)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-18 12:22:42

Those of us, who have the misfortune to fall victim to scammers and dishonest players here on lioden know what an awful experience it is and how helpless and crummy it makes you feel. From the old SB instead of GB trick in trades, never being paid for that cub you reserved, not getting your lioness back from a 'free studding' getting your lions that you reserved only to find they are almost starved to death, never getting that cub or item you half or fully paid for upfront or high scale scams like the GMO cows.

I want lioden to install a system that allows others to be warned of known dishonest players. Because lets be honest here, if they are going to treat people like that they should not be here.

I was thinking of a Trade feedback system Like Trademe (, where when a trade is completed, the user can select an icon relevant to their trade experience, and provide feedback, which would go to the "player feedback" area maybe next to news?

And maybe also, so people cant make up bullocks about people being dodgy, the ability to have a "Sales related' folder and to check a 'send to sales folder' box for messages to provide proof if needed because if you're like me you tend to loose all those important messages <.<

To avoid people trading to themselves, user feedback would consist of Total Trades: Total Unique ID Trades or something similar to show that its not just from themselves.

Users may also gain achievements from being a good trader or trade titles.

I know this could be hard to implement, but I think it would REALLY help cull out dishonesty on this game! Too many good people get ripped off. Before anyone says this is targeting, it's That players conscious decision to wrong someone especially repeat offenders
There's no real excuse for it. Especially if they KNOW that people can see they are dishonest.

I dont care if it's something as simple as you messaged a scammer and you get a notification saying "Warning; this player has repeat dishonest offences, proceed at your own risk" Just something needs to be done


SadieWitch #37350

create a log of all the trades you have done? Meaning you have dates, usernames and IDs and what was trades to them in a neat little log much like what we have on the spending of our SB and GB.

This suggestion has 37 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/09/14 by Lady Bacon [CCS] (#6605)

Lady Bacon (#6605)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-18 14:47:34


Lioden is generally full of generous people who will more often or not help out if you simply ask nicely

I dont understand why people have to try, lie, scam and cheat others!! many worked hard for what they have, so they cant really just give it all away but often people will help if they can.

And if new players work at it, they can easily amass sb by mass hunting a couple lionesses and selling the carcasses, surplus stuff to the monkey, or quite often players with large prides will pay well for a decent food!! Then they can afford better lionesses and better stud fees.

Theres no reason to do this to people D;

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2014-09-18 14:58:25
Hell, if it's someone who lowballs (a reasonable amount, not freakin' 27SB) I generally shoot them a PM and see if I can work out some other payment. Like, I take food, decors, lions maybe... Even skulls and toys sometimes. I try to work with people D:

But intentionally deceitful shit... Yeah, no. x.x"

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Lady Bacon (#6605)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-18 15:03:32
I wouldnt be that nice xD

I usually try work things out with those who ask nicely. Im not going to chase after people.

Yeah that intentional stuff gets me really gets me mad. I cant even.


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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2014-09-18 17:02:13
Well, I have a really big pride, so half the time I actually do need the food x3 And a decor hoarder. Toys not so much, I normally on-sell that to the monkey or hoarders, or ue it for fertility checks x3

But yeah >.<
I refuse to believe it's being done innocently lol.

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Lady Bacon (#6605)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-19 10:39:05
I believe there are the rare occasions where people accidentally write the wrong box.

but not all that often.

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