Posted by Roleplaying Forum: Revamp.

Rou (#19434)

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Posted on
2013-11-05 09:33:05
Roleplaying seems to be moderately popular on Lioden, considering the scores of threads in that particular forum.

There is, however, a problem - finding a roleplay thread.
Roleplay threads of every genre and skill level are currently all lumped together in one board, resulting in the tedious and often fruitless task of browsing dozens upon dozens of threads to find one that piques your interest.

Therefore, I propose that the Roleplaying board be divided into several subforums:

- "Skill Level"
After posting a character sheet and being told it was too complex, it occured to me that Lioden was lacking a division of skill levels as is seen on most other forums that have roleplay areas.

Beginner: Currently the most common "skill level" that I've seen. Basic character sheets, basic and minimum sentence structure and post length. Those just starting out and learning to hone their "craft" would be most welcome here.

Moderate: For the average roleplayer. Correct grammar, dialogue, storylines, plot, character sheets, and paragraph-level post lengths.

Advanced: - For those who want to go really, really in depth. Complex character sheets, several paragraph-length posts, post styles, etcetera.

1 x 1 - For roleplays between two individual people. A board of their own prevents the main three boards from being flooded with 1 x 1 RP prompts.

Input from Other Lioden Members:

"I'd also like to suggest that the RP forums posts NOT end up on Recent Activity. Or maybe that it have it's own section of "Recent Activity; maybe a small window/section beneath the main one? It's a bit irritating if I'm glancing over the forum in the height of the day and I can't find any of the auctions I was following easily because there's a dozen or more 1x1s going on that are posting rapid short posts and drowning everything out.

The Bug Forums don't show up on Recent Activity and I think it would be easier if the RPs didn't, since most of them are 1x1 and not really going to be useful/interacted with by most players."

" love these suggestions. I've been weary about trying to venture into the role play forum, I'm a little rusty, but enjoy in depth plots and characters.
Nothing annoys me more than text abbreviations in a role play!

If I may be so bold to suggest this as well, even though I imagine it would be a pain to implement, it would be nice to have a separate bookmark bar or way to "follow" a thread, for role play especially, though it could be practical in other areas, such as sales.

It would also be nice to have a "advertisement" or "introduction" section, of sorts. If you were looking for 1x1 partner for a specific plot, or asking if people would enjoy a certain role play topic, or brand new and wanting to get your feet wet, it would be nice to have a separate little nook for finding and chatting with other role players. I do realize there is an out of character area, but I think it would be less intimidating to have a sort of "Introduction" space as well, as it's always a little nerve wracking, whether you are a newbie or seasoned role player, to enter a new group or forum, as they do all have different atmospheres. "


"I completely agree with having different divisions for "skill level", and especially to have a "1x1" section. The last site I was active on before I joined Lioden had a separate section for 1x1 role-plays, and it was so organized and nice. When I came here and saw that there was only one big RP board with no separate sections, I was a bit let down. xP

As someone who's really only interested in 1x1 RPs (I've had too many bad experiences in group role-plays) I would like this very much.

Also, I'm the type of person who tries my hardest to write over two paragraphs per post. I hate writing any less - and in fact, I would prefer if I could regularly post three paragraphs, but sometimes I can't think of anything to say. But if I love my RP and I'm feeling extremely motivated to reply to it, I might just post 10+ paragraphs. It's happened. But my character forms tend to be extremely short or even nonexistent, because I prefer to develop my characters through the RP instead of on a form. With that said, however, I don't mind forms that are extremely detailed - it's just a personal preference to keep mine short."

This suggestion has 20 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/11/13 by Kestrel (#19434)

Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2013-11-05 09:49:42
I really like this idea. I hate finding a roleplay that seems interesting, and then finding out that they tlk liek dis and have no idea how to speak or spell, or use really bad grammar. Also, it'd be nice to find roleplays within different skill levels easily. I like to vary between moderate and advanced depending on the roleplay, and it'd be nice to find them based on their skill level. I completely support!

And just thinking, what if we had a section for 1x1 roleplays? I see a lot of them, so I think it'd be good for them to have their own section so they aren't clogging the normal roleplay sections.

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Rou (#19434)

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Posted on
2013-11-05 09:59:48
Equestrienne: A 1x1 forum is a great idea, as those also tend to be common. Will add that to the original.

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Nkanyezi (#21486)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-11-05 18:54:32
I like the idea.

I'd also like to suggest that the RP forums posts NOT end up on Recent Activity. Or maybe that it have it's own section of "Recent Activity" maybe a small window/section beneath the main one? It's a bit irritating if I'm glancing over the forum in the height of the day and I can't find any of the auctions I was following easily because there's a dozen or more 1x1s going on that are posting rapid short posts and drowning everything out.

The Bug Forums don't show up on Recent Activity and I think it would be easier if the RPs didn't, since most of them are 1x1 and not really going to be useful/interacted with by most players.

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Edited on 06/11/13 by Tau [Maasai | 200 Reds] (#21486)

Rou (#19434)

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Posted on
2013-11-06 13:30:10
@ Tau: That's another good idea!

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Admara [Fight Me!] (#18745)

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Posted on
2013-11-06 13:40:01
I love these suggestions. I've been weary about trying to venture into the role play forum, I'm a little rusty, but enjoy in depth plots and characters.
Nothing annoys me more than text abbreviations in a role play!

If I may be so bold to suggest this as well, even though I imagine it would be a pain to implement, it would be nice to have a separate bookmark bar or way to "follow" a thread, for role play especially, though it could be practical in other areas, such as sales.

It would also be nice to have a "advertisement" or "introduction" section, of sorts. If you were looking for 1x1 partner for a specific plot, or asking if people would enjoy a certain role play topic, or brand new and wanting to get your feet wet, it would be nice to have a separate little nook for finding and chatting with other role players. I do realize there is an out of character area, but I think it would be less intimidating to have a sort of "Introduction" space as well, as it's always a little nerve wracking, whether you are a newbie or seasoned role player, to enter a new group or forum, as they do all have different atmospheres.

Just my two cents, I support your ideas a hundred percent Kestrel! :)

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Edited on 06/11/13 by Admara (#18745)

Fifteen (#11338)

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Posted on
2013-11-12 00:55:27
Support~ If this were to come into play, I might actually start roleplaying on Lioden; most of the roleplays I've come across are less advanced than how I'm used to roleplaying and this would make finding "the right roleplays" a lot easier! Great idea.

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Rou (#19434)

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Posted on
2013-11-14 09:15:36
Everyone else has great ideas too!

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PhoenixShadow🍁 (#18767)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2013-11-15 04:13:39
I completely agree with having different divisions for "skill level", and especially to have a "1x1" section. The last site I was active on before I joined Lioden had a separate section for 1x1 role-plays, and it was so organized and nice. When I came here and saw that there was only one big RP board with no separate sections, I was a bit let down. xP

As someone who's really only interested in 1x1 RPs (I've had too many bad experiences in group role-plays) I would like this very much.

Also, I'm the type of person who tries my hardest to write over two paragraphs per post. I hate writing any less - and in fact, I would prefer if I could regularly post three paragraphs, but sometimes I can't think of anything to say. But if I love my RP and I'm feeling extremely motivated to reply to it, I might just post 10+ paragraphs. It's happened. But my character forms tend to be extremely short or even nonexistent, because I prefer to develop my characters through the RP instead of on a form. With that said, however, I don't mind forms that are extremely detailed - it's just a personal preference to keep mine short.

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Admara [Fight Me!] (#18745)

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Posted on
2013-11-15 13:03:25
I know what you mean PhoenixShadow, I was surprised with how popular RPs seem to be that the RP section was so... unorganized.

And Kestrel, I am going to be viciously bumping this!

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Vertroue 🪶 [G5
Het Smilus] (#6879)

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Posted on
2013-11-15 14:22:00
Wow, these are great ideas! I agree, having to paw through the recent activity for anything other than just roleplays is quite a pain sometimes, especially when I accidentally click on a wrong link (which happens a lot XP) and come back to the Chatter only to find the topic drowned out by roleplays once again.

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Admara [Fight Me!] (#18745)

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Posted on
2013-11-19 01:14:54
I almost wish there was a separate recent activity area for each section. It would make everything so much easier!

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