Posted by "Search for rogue" option for lionesses

Ticci (#42176)

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Posted on
2014-09-29 21:25:43
---I'm not sure if anybody else has suggested this, or if it has a fundamental flaw so I apologize in advance.---

I was thinking that it might be nice to add in a feature where when your lioness goes into heat you can "roll" to see if you encounter a randomly generated male rogue lion that will mate with her. A couple thoughts on that idea:

1. Markings, coat colors, and mane types randomly generated would be restricted to only a very few kinds to avoid competing with the paid studding services already available.

2.Stats that the male would contribute would be random but below a fixed amount.

3. This feature could either be available every time a lioness goes into heat via her page "Search for rogue lion" option (100% success OR roll based success) OR a random chance whilst out hunting when in heat. Or even added in as a rather inexpensive SB purchase from the shop?

4. The service would cost SB of some amount no matter which method.


This would allow newer users to gather a variety of coat colors and markings (again, excepting rare or special markings) for their cubs easier when they are still unable to afford other users stud costs.

What does everybody think? :)

This suggestion has 23 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 30/09/14 by Aeshra (#42176)

Thehun's side (#41227)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-09-29 21:27:18
That sounds really awesome :) But I think you should need to pay like 50-100sb to use the rogue option ;3

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2014-09-29 21:27:23
Meh.....seems nice, but in the wild any cubs born by a rogue male would be killed. Depends what others think though

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RexyRawr 눈_눈 (#24374)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-29 21:31:52
Well Samba, we already have breeding slots for other males. And they are not in the same pride so their cubs would be killed to.. Plus we have pink lions.. So... yeah.

I support this idea!

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Ticci (#42176)

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Posted on
2014-09-29 21:32:22
Adding a pay option would be a good idea, definitely. I don't think it should be free but I definitely think it would be nice if it was accessible to those with little SB or GB.

As for the cubs being killed if born by a rogue, that would go the same for any cubs born from a studded sire too. Since real lions won't accept any cubs that are not of their blood. So I don't think this service would be a whole lot different than what we already have in that regard.

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OrenOtter [Senpai
Shaggy] (#11207)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-09-29 21:33:58
I support-ish. The gene pool's gotta be kinda limited, as you said, and with a price of some sort. Very hesitant support. :'>

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Shady Seer {Lights
ON} (#39332)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-13 08:10:13
I support, as I was just having almost the same idea! My idea was that while exploring, VERY rarely you would come across a male, but he only has NCL colors and marks. When this happens, you can choose a lioness that's in heat to breed with him.

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Fenn the
totally-not-Cat (#5269)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-13 08:13:43
Love the idea, but I do see flaws.

We already have males that we can stud outside of the pride,
Random males would just be like breeding your starter male to a lioness, since it is limited, the outcome would rarely be pretty XD

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Khavassa (#32250)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-13 11:06:54
What if the rouges would occasionally have rare marks like slot 8 cobweb or something?
They could help get event NLC marks more common (if thats what people want) without getting excess NLCs to flood the market.

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