Posted by a way to make food last longer

🥀 (#12402)

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Posted on
2013-11-10 05:25:48
Lets say you have some food you wish to save for an emergency. There will be the option to travel to the ice mountains and store your food there in a cave.
It will cost like 20% energy and you can only travel there once a day. you can carry like 10 carcasses on the trip to store it in the ice cave. Its expiration date will double there. When the food stored there is soon to expire you would get i message saying: "(insert lion's name here) has remembered about the food he stored in the ice cave it must be soon to expire, better go retrieve it." It will also cost 20% energy to retrieved the food but you can also deposit some food while you're there.

Maybe, it could cost 100sb to "build/prepare" the cave for storage. It could last for one month maybe or you could pay 2GB to make it a permanent storage.

Clearing this, when food is taken out of storage it will revert back to original expiration days, example:

food has 2 days, you put in storage now it has 4 days: one day passes and you take it out it will have 2 days; or 3 days passes and you take it out, it has 1 day.

Tau's suggestions:

-Maybe it could be something like a storage branch but for extending the life of food?

100 SB for four spots. Another 100 for four more. Etc. etc.

-Maybe the extension could have a limit, like....3-5 days? But it only lasts while you have it in the storage? That way no one can fudge and give all their food 15 days, etc. (its actually what i had in mind somewhat, though i prefer expiration date doubling, that way food expiring tomorrow can only have 1 extra day x3 i cleared this up above)

For example:
You have a Carcass with only 2 days left.
You put it in storage, it now has 7 days.
You take it out in 5 days, it reverts to expiring the next day.

That way you can still feed it, but you can't just abuse it by switching food in and out so give it all more days.

If the ice mountains bothers you guys then we can just say that its an unusually cold cave in an unknown location ;P

This suggestion has 57 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/11/13 by Zizi (#12402)

🥀 (#12402)

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Posted on
2013-11-19 03:22:02
um, lions here 'dress up', sell items, buy items and lions, fight elephants and win never endangering their life, so this game is very unrealistic. also since when does a lion do a snake's request? and why doesnt he just kills the monkey and steal all the items? instead he pays with silver beetles. xD
So i see that its very possible for a lioden lion to store his food in a cold place.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-11-19 03:37:22
I knew it you would say that.
But please note that all these actions dont contain human behavior and are brought in as natural. Dressing up can be taken as if a feather dropped on the lion's mane and he carries it or plays around with it. It isnt human action. It is what animals can do. Though, I do frown when I see lions overdressed with every single item there is.

There are a few things that needed to be added to make the game to what it is. A game. But really... refrigerating is absolutely human behavior. Let's keep humans away from the game, shall we? -other than fight with them-

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Timothy (AS) (#18706)

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Posted on
2013-11-29 01:19:40
Out in the kalahari or the places lions usually come forth naturally, you wouldn't just stumble on an ice mountain, in fact out where prides are its usually a very very "take all of your clothes off and find a icy lake to jump in to cool off" heat. So I don't support this, I like the real element the game currently has...

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