Posted by A set of game suggestions!

Luyene (#43653)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2014-10-02 06:17:34
Hi there! Wow, been a while since I checked this, 21 supports already! Time I edit this thread to make it more fancy and more detailed.

New Base/Mane Colors!
So, I thought up of these base colors:

Rusty -
Simply a reddish/brown color similar to rust.

Seal -
A brownish/orange color like a sea lion or something. I don't really know lol

New Eye Colors
*Eye colors will be added soon x3*

Im not 100% sure how marking groups work ;-; But maybe it will add inspiration for you guys. (All markings will be displayed in the same color here, but can vary from just about any colors most markings have)

Panda -
*Gasp* It's a panda-lion!

Cross -
Moon, stop being obsessed with X's....

Mask -

No examples for these, sorry!

Toothless: Non-Lethal, Appears at birth, no teeth, can only feed your lion certain things like eggs, Hunger goes down quicker rate of 20%, Unable to hunt.

Missing Leg: Non-Lethal, Appears at birth, missing back left leg, Unable to hunt

Missing Eye: Non-Lethal, Appears at birth, missing left eye, Able to hunt

Extra Toes: Non-Lethal, appears at birth, adds an extra toe to each forepaw, Able to hunt

Fluffy: Non-Lethal, appears at birth, makes fur everywhere longer, Able to hunt

Just some addons to the current interactions ;-;

-Rare chance to find a lone cub:

"You stop, seeing the tail of a trespassing lion. You move closer, ready to roat at him only to find out it's a tiny cub!"

* Take home - You smile at the cub, beckoning it over with your tail. One of your lionesses will nurse it. - Karma Gain

* Growl - You growl at the cub, shoving your large teeth in his face. Terrified, it flees until you are unable to see it anymore. - Karma Loss

* Ignore - You shrug, turning away sharply. You have no time for rogue cubs! - No effect on Karma
-Finding a lioness you chased off less than 5 days ago:

"You find a lone lioness. Wait, this is the same lioness you chased off. She stares at you blankly."

* Play - You walk up to her, giving her a playful nudge. She quickly catches on, and you two wrestle for a few minutes before you decide you have to go. - Karma Gain

* Roar - Annoyed it wasn't a new lioness, you roar at her for being near your territory. Angry, the lioness snarls back, smacking a set of claws at your face. Hopefully nobody saw that... - Karma Loss

* Ignore - Oh well. Not caring, you turn and head in another direction. - Does not effect Karma

Well, thats it *whew*.
I'll add any suggestions I think are good for this and give you credit as you wish ^_^ And if the code format thing got messed up, sorry about that x3 Experimenting with it.

This suggestion has 61 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/10/14 by MoonSlayer (#43653)

Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-10-11 03:29:40

But i don't support the eye colors... they look SO MUCH like green/blue. :/

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Luyene (#43653)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-10-12 05:17:00
I'll fix the eye colors eventually :P I agree that they aren't a good idea anymore.

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