Posted by Create-A-Mane! [WINNERS ANNOUNCED]
Densai (#22807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-04 09:53:47

Create a Mane Contest!

All you have to do for this contest: create a mane idea! Use THIS photo to draw on. This contest is for my (and other's) enjoyment, AND to see if the winning mane type can be implanted in the game! :)


-You MUST use the photo link I gave above to draw the mane on.
-The mane must also be colored. It can be any shade of brown.
-Shading MUST be included (so I can get a feel of the depth, texture, etc.)
-Be unique! Your entry cannot look like any other entry or mane type in Lioden.
-When submitting your entry, I DO require a few extra things.
a. A description of the mane. What texture does it have? Consistency? A general description?
b. What do you call this type of mane?
-Do these to the BEST of your ability! No 2-minute scribbles on a picture. Actually TRY! You don't have to be amazing, as long as it looks like you worked on it. ^^ (Note: entries MUST be shaded!)
-By entering this contest, I have permission to put up the winner's mane for an actual suggestion on the suggestion board, and I can use the winner's art as an example for what the actually mane would look like.


1st Place- 3 GB, 3 free studdings to my male, and the winning mane put up as an actual suggestion for a real Lioden mane type!
2nd Place- 2 GB, 2 free studdings to my male
3rd Place- 1 GB, 1 free studdings to my male


-Ryan's "Ridder" (page 1)
-MazoriLioness's "Northern" (page 1)
-Seria's "Liger" (page 2)
-Mika's "Rastafurian" (page 3)
-Unrealistik's "Mohawk Ridge" (page 3)
-HOOXXXTTOOONN's "Senpai" (page 3)
-Adanna's "Emo" (page 4)
-Lord Bhangi the Great's "Roman" (page 4)
-{Insert Clever Name Here}'s "Smilodon" (page 4)
-DeadInDark's "Striped Hyena" (page 4)
-Beeeanbag's "Flopped Mohawk" (page 5)
-Shai's "Unkempt" (page 5)

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Edited on 24/11/14 by Delusion (#22807)

Dezruhk (#21693)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-11-23 03:51:50
Photo with your computer then? No good quality maybe but atleast you can join if so? If its good enough that is.

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.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2014-11-23 03:56:21
you can get coding from sites to upload the picture ^^'

I do it all the time for lioden~

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Misha(Darki's) (#29548)

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Posted on
2014-11-24 01:22:59
my computer has no camera x.x

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Densai (#22807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-11-24 14:22:47
FIRST PLACE: Unrealistik with the "Mohawk Ridge"! Congrats! PM me for info about the studding, and you'll receive your GB prize shortly! =D (Would it be alright if I renamed it "Ridged"? It sounds a bit more like a Lioden mane, and people might be a bit touchy about the word Mohawk relating to a mane. ^^
The reason I chose this mane as the final winner is because it stands out while not being TOO unrealistic, along with some lovely artwork. I think this mane could be the new Razor, or in other words the new tough-lion look! Great entry, thanks so much!

SECOND PLACE: Shai with the "Unkempt"! Congrats! PM me for info about the studdings, and you'll receive your GB prize shortly! =D
The reason I chose this mane for second place is because it's unique and well-shaped. Along with a great description, that's some very nice artwork! Thanks so much for entering!

THIRD PLACE: MazoriLioness with the "Northern"! Congrats! PM me for info about the studding, and you'll receive your GB prize shortly! =D
The reason I chose this mane for third place is because it's a bit like Barbary, but softer, like we've all waited for! I love it. It's extremely nice work, along with a great description and neatness in the drawing. Thanks so much for entering!

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Edited on 24/11/14 by Delusion (#22807)

Mauaji🔳 (Knees (#33232)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-11-25 04:58:11
Woo! Congrats! :D

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Isa (#10862)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-11-25 06:40:01

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Varjo !Natural! (#5560)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-11-25 06:57:33
Oh, too bad I missed this.
I might have to design a mane still, I got somewat inspired! :)

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