Posted by Another Chat Box. Srs Chat

Mwako (#41979)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:23:26
Credit to this thread right here.

Ok so ignoring the rant aspect of the above thread, we have a "main" chat, a sales chat, and a RP chat. So what if we had a chat for more "serious" conversations because let's face it;
Maybe like the 18+ board, there is a 18+ chat, so those that are looking for more mature discussion can hang around in. Because looking at the main chat, and taken from the above topic, the main chat is just reducing down to fangirling and snuggles. Some users just don't like that. But those users are the same ones that get shut down and told to leave chat then.
At least with the 18+ chat it CAN accommodate those of us that want more mature discussion. I'm fairly certain that we can get a few mods to stick around for it.
So how about a option for "Serious Chat" who's on board with that? :3

This suggestion has 31 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 05/10/14 by Sithinian (Side) (#41979)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:25:16
I've suggested this in the past, it was denied by Xylax due to lack of people to moderate such a thing. ene

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Lady BlightWyvern (#21922)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:31:23
;_; Dayum...that sucks..Well there's always a way to try again am I right?
Maybe since the community has grown more maybe there's a better chance now. But this has all of my support.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:44:40
This idea was unfortunately shut down before =^w^=

There is a lack of staff to moderate something that could fly off to very sensitive topics at any moment .o.

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Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:46:07
-Raises paw- Nny was almost a mod once, or at least my form was accepted to train or something lol. But then Nny had no Internets. :c

Nny would totally be willing to moderate this all day! :p Just give Nny a pretty little pawprint. -Purrfurably purrple- [My goldfish these cat puns lol]

Nny supports this though. :3

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:53:02
This suggestion was rejected around a month ago, so I doubt anything's changing at the moment, but worth a try, I guess ouo

Edit: here's the original thread.

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Edited on 05/10/14 by Maulise | Formerly Lisim (#32469)

Bruce Banner (#16169)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2014-10-05 10:57:41
Bruce would also be happy to help moderate an 18+ chat, perhaps even take shifts with Nny and anyone else who signs up if need be. I'm on all the time anyway.

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Jinx (#45448)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 11:02:05
Debates do cause conflict though. I mean people can still have conflict even if it were mature people debating. People like their opinions heard.

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Lady BlightWyvern (#21922)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 11:13:32
Well then there can be some type of thread in 18+ as a sub-topic called Sens. Topics. if need be. And I've been, and are on forums /click sites where debates are handled maturely, mods step in and say when users cross a line "keep it civil. Respect each other etc." If it continued the topic was locked for about 15 days and then unlocked with a warning. I don't see how LD can't be one of those sites that can make topics like this work...especially when it's a 16+ site. Or is LD less able to handle this? (not making a jab at the game, just making people think :F)

Dun worry, Jinx I know what ya mean though. Maybe just a chat box like the 18+ board thread/topics allow. That can't really cause much fighting, just 18+ people talking about things like in the same threads

Well that's depressing Mau. Didn't know it was made only a month ago. .-.

Well we have people willing to be mods, I don't know the process with how one becomes a mod here though.

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Edited on 05/10/14 by Lady BlightWyvern (#21922)

a 🌸 (#39698)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 11:18:24
No support.

We'd be much more suited to a "Serious chat" So people under 18 could come and talk about serious things there.

I'd moderate for a 18+ chat box, but I've never really talked to anyone whom are staff except for mean/rude players or questions.

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a 🌸 (#39698)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 11:19:48
No support.

We'd be much more suited to a "Serious chat" So people under 18 could come and talk about serious things there.

I'd moderate for a 18+ chat box, but I've never really talked to anyone whom are staff except for mean/rude players or questions.

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Mwako (#41979)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 11:26:20
Kk guys, Updated it so it's for "serious chat" xD thanks for all the support/advice

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atheistcanuck (#45490)

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Posted on
2014-10-05 14:14:50
It's hard to have a serious chat in a chatbox where you can't scroll back very far. Things tend to get lost.

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Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-10-06 03:21:00
The same thing happens in the main chat Atheistcanuck.

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GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2014-10-08 12:57:39
Or maybe just another chat box that, instead of being serious convos, could be one without the flirty behavior of the main chat?

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Lady BlightWyvern (#21922)

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Posted on
2014-10-08 13:25:18
I'd second that Gaming.

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