Posted by Territory Boundaries

Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-11-25 16:26:09
I'm seeing a lot of ideas on this board lately that seem to make the game more convenient/easier, which are great in their own right, but with all the unrealistic items around and things on the site that are now described as "slots" ("slots," I think, are mainly a human construct), I thought I'd make a "big" suggestion that could one day add complication and depth to the game.

Territory is a pretty abstract concept right now, and I think since it's one of the main things wild lions compete over, it could be made into one of the most competitive/interesting aspects of the game.

First of all, exploring: does it make sense spatially right now? Perhaps the territory your lion is able to explore in should be somehow connected with the land in which your pride lives. If there's ever a visual den overview feature where you can see images of all your pride at once (as I've suggested a couple of times), the backdrop would definitely be affected by the explore stage. And of course, there'd be decors to show off in your den instead of just on the lion pages.

Maybe you could choose to move your pride to a different territory or not, depending on certain advantages or disadvantages: maybe food would be less likely to be scavenged in certain types of territory but the terrain would be harder to traverse (i.e. rocky hills vs. savannah)... or cubs playing in that territory would be more likely to grow stats in different areas. (If stat gains for cubs are ever implemented). And I guess this isn't the direction the developers are going in right now, but the prey you'd find while hunting would be affected.

Also, scent marking could be a thing... I've seen "you crouch to mark your territory" a couple of times while exploring and thought it would be cool if that were something you chose to do. Maybe you could draw the physical boundaries of your territory around certain features that you liked, or where food would be plentiful. And the scent mark could fade over the course of days and you could choose to keep it where it is or redraw the territory boundaries elsewhere. And crossing over another player's territory line could be a greater provocation to attack than just idle stat-related bullying.

There could also be a mini-longitude and latitude system in the game that would allow you to position your territory relative to others'. You could use it to position carcasses (because honestly, how can a lion drag a wildebeest carcass miles and miles all the way back to the cave), and then you could judge size of carcass vs. distance from den (and the relevant dangers/energy drains).

I dunno, I guess a whole lot else needs to happen in the development area before some of these things happen. But they're cool to think about.

This suggestion has 41 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Jordan (#1891)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-19 12:49:37
And possibly with the whole drawing your territory boundaries, you could get more land allotted each time you leveled up.

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Smimley (#17795)

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Posted on
2014-07-20 09:13:34
Full support!

I agree that the territory aspect of the game is rather unrealistic. Perhaps to make things a little more complicated, when you fight with another player for territory, while you gain one, that player loses one and they must either purchase or win another spot. I know this can bring difficulty for new players, so perhaps set a limit? Say a player must have 10-15 territory spaces in order for another player to attack them for territory so that they are not constantly losing their territory and forcing lionesses to leave their territory.

Going further off that, I also think that thing in explore should affect how easily someone can win a territory space by battling with you. I like the idea of having the option to mark your territory, and by doing that, it could increase your territory's "level". Same with killing lone cubs in your territory, fighting off enemies, etc. There would be a bar at the top of everyone's den page that shows everyone the strength of the territory. Like I said, depending on the fights you win with NPC and other players, and marking your territory determine the strength of your territory. Also, perhaps how many/the strength of your sub males can strengthen your territory. This, I think, would help benefit players who have low stat, rolled lions but high stat sub males, who always lose battles with other players.

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In My Dreams *PBC* (#7497)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-12-12 11:27:38
Agree and support 100%

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