Posted by Retired Hunters: (updated)
Frankie (#15911)

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Posted on
2014-03-08 17:05:18
I searched for a long while for another suggestion like the one im thinking of and couldn't find it, if there is one link me to it please!

Onwards to the idea... Making it possible to "retire" hunters so they no longer show up in the drop down list when selecting hunters.


As pointed out by Axel, some prides obviously have MORE lionesses that wouldn't hunt. So my proposal is reversed so that you can select which lionesses you want on your hunt team, instead of clicking through all the ones you don't want.

Like a page with all your lionesses that are able to hunt, and you just click check boxes next to the names of the ones you wish to have appear in your hunting drop down list.

that way that drop down list wont show 20+ lionesses to scroll through for those users with HUGE prides.

This suggestion has 57 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/03/14 by Frankie (#15911)

Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2014-03-08 17:25:21
I like this, :)

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Bloodevolver (#2477)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-03-08 17:32:02
It would help my female Lucky just had her last litter of cub and won't be have any more so i am not hunt her at all.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-08 20:09:07
Thing is, though that in huge prides there are more lionesses that dont need to hunt than those who do.
So you would need to click more lionesses to deactivate them than if you would click lionesses to activate them ._.

I propose the other way around. Have the choice to set up a hunting group, which will be showing up on the list instead of all the lionesses.

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Frankie (#15911)

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Posted on
2014-03-09 10:10:27
Perhaps a mass retirement page for the lionesses, then at least you wouldn't need to go in and out of several pages, just click a checkbox next to their name and move down the list, once done you get a "are you sure?" notification, and you can always reverse it if you want to Un-Retire someone.

Or similar to your suggestion Axel, that you could click a checkbox on the lions you WANT to show up in the drop down list, that way you only have to check a few lionesses and leave the rest -retired-

Like I said earlier this wasn't a major idea, nothing too game changing, just more of an idea to help make things more convenient. Im at least glad I wasn't the only one thinking about something like this. :3 Thanks for the support yall!

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Edited on 09/03/14 by Frankie (#15911)

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