Posted by decreasing lion numbers- lion "Bingo"
koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2014-10-21 20:02:14

In the past few months, I've noticed a growing overpopulation in Lioden. People breed more lions than they can sell, and dont buy enough lions from other players. Any lion or lioness that do not carry the latest marking or trait become less wanted and very hard to sell, and past investments become worthless. Now, I personally would have liked to keep all my lions until they age and die. But with only 40 non GB places in my den, it becomes impossible. The competition is tougher, especially for beginners and many unique lions are chased.

Now, I've seen offers before, of having a sb "compensation" given to a player when they chase, and I do understand why that would be ill advised, both because of NCLs and because its a reward for a negative thing.

But what if we made a system that would make it possible to get a reward for having a certain lion or lioness in our den?

The idea goes like this:

Every chosen period of time, (say, at a certain day of the week, or every day, depending how frequent you think this should occur) we would be presented with a lioness/lion design, much like the raffle lioness. The game will generate a few random markings, sometimes a base, or a mane type or color too, etc, and present them to all players. these marks and bases can be common, special or even NCL, but the complete combination should never be one you can find on a wild caught lioness, or else people would abuse NCLs. however, the design should also be one that at least a small amount of people are bound to have. (no none existing combinations) The people who do own a lin with that combination in their dens would then be able to choose to surrender their lion or lioness, sacrifice them if you will, for an sb reward! Sort of like a lion Bingo.

Of course, the time period in which they can do that should not be long, so that people wont be able to breed that specific lioness for the prize.

What more, if a full design is too hard to match in your opinion, it can be a partial trait raffle.
For example:
"Today, every lion of a fiery coat and white undersine in slot 3 can be surrendered" meaning if you have this base with this mark, no matter what other marks are present, you will be able to surrender the lion.

In my opinion, gender should not matter, but its open for discussion.

The amount of markings to match and the presence of a base color or not, as welll as mane, eyes etc' will determine how hard the match is. I think the difficulty should vary, meaning that some days the combo should incluse only markings, while sometimes markings and a base or mane or eye color, but I'd like to hear your opinions.

Well, what do you think?

Player inputs:

Maulise expresssed the concern that this solution will create an sb influx. to that I offer two things:
1)any sb reward would be moderate, not a huge one.
2)the prize can change between sb, an item and experience. it remains to be discussed if the prize for one occurance of this "raffle/Bingo" would be the same for every player or, like in the "sacrificial stone" event, would be rolled uniquely for each lion "sacrificed".

This suggestion has 42 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/10/14 by koriva (#33823)

BlackFlame (#39928)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-22 11:37:48
Oh my gosh i freaking love this idea e.o.I've been thinking about this issue for a while now and i honestly think this is a genius way to present a solution. Bravo/Brava. Let's hope it can get lots of supports :)

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KilljoyLights (#37350)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 11:46:10
As much as I kinda like this idea... No support. This is practically forcing people to chase their lions, when chasing is obviously a choice. Also the weekly lions are a raffle that is earned, not everyone gets to participate.

Much like the 'Murder Stone' during the Celestial event, people should have to choose whether or not they want to chase, and even so this could be abused so easily by having NCL with the same marks, manes, eyes and what have you. Making it a 'raffle' kinda defeats the purpose in my point of view.

The chase option is for one thing only and that is deleting an unwanted lion from your pride. Simple as that. Why reward people for thinning out the population when they can choose to do it whenever they want to? I sortof liked the idea, but I feel by then end of it it could end up being heavily abused by NCL hoarders.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 13:24:41
I don't see how this would take away someone's choice to chase -_- so I support! I know I have lots of lions in my den I am reluctant to chase because I spent money and energy on getting them bred in the first place so having that wasted would be frustrating. This idea solves that perfectly :D

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koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 21:37:54
Sadiewitch, I stated that I realize the NCL threat. maybe I should have made it clearer, though. I dont think the raffle should include combinations that appear on wild caught NCLS. that would defeat the point.
and its still a choice. what I meant bt raffle is that at a certain day of the weak, ofr example, there will be a place that will generate a combination of lion traits, and every player with a lion that has that combination will be able to choose to "sacrifice" it for a reward or a fee.
its to encourage people to thin the population of lions they cannot sell but are a procust of good breeding or too good of stats to chase easily. you know, the lions you feel really wasteful when you chase them, but wont sell regardless.

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koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 21:47:23
thank you Blackflame and Sunfire :)

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 22:17:30
Eh, seems like a rip off of a system on an existing dragon game :/ It doesn't particularly help the market there, only new things have value, despite it, so I doubt it will here. All this'll do is create an influx of SB when there aren't enough SB sinks in the first place.

No support.

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Edited on 23/10/14 by Maulise | Autumn Floof (#32469)

koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 23:41:08
I dont play dragon games so I have no idea what you are talking about. also, there are enough things to invest sb in. just keeping a large pride fed costs enough, but since we are talking about reducing the numbers, it may go down but even so, there still are decor lures, gb for sb trade, buying lions, buying monkey business items.....

and right now we have two problems. if this is implemented there will be one.

I would also like to point out that I'm not talking about a major prize. I'm talking about a moderate amount of sb. but if you are uncomfortable with an sb reward, it can vell be an item, or food, or exp, perhaps a changing reward.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-22 23:52:45
I see no point in this system, honestly :/ Several games I play/have played in the past, have used this system, and it changed nothing, save people who overbreed becoming richer. With the current system, lions will always be bred faster than they die or are chased.

Food-wise, if you hunt several times a day, there's really no reason to have to buy any; if you have trouble feeding your pride, it may be time to cut down on lion number. Few monkey business items are of any real use, in reality, decor and opacity changers affect nothing in terms of breeding. You might buy a bone marrow here or there, or maybe a nose or opacity changer, but pretty much all of the really game-impacting items are bought for GB, same with most lions and event decor that's of any real value. Granted, while decor, in theory, is a decent SB sink, not everyone is that much interested in it.

EXP or impression might be better for the market, I suppose, something that can't be sold for currency. That being said, I don't think this system will be of any help inherently, it's more about the mentality of the LioDen userbase, rather than the lack of a reward for chasing.

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Edited on 23/10/14 by Maulise | Autumn Floof (#32469)

koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2014-10-23 02:01:17
well, you cant change that mentality either. people ant the newest bases, the newest markings, and since the game provides, new content pushes old content down the tree of value. right now the trading place is filled with lions that just dont sell. and this is the best idea I have to make them want to decrease the number.

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(he/they) (#17545)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 00:19:33

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koriva (#33823)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 05:25:15
thank you :)

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Seria(main) -
|Cel.20m Smilus| (#3299)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-11-16 07:29:48
No support, sorry. People work for certain designs on their lions, so making it so you would be able to chase a lion that you may think is very plain or unappealing, in order to obtain a lion with more/better marks just makes the game far too easy for one, and drop the market even lower and more unprofitable. Unless i'm totally thinking of this in the wrong way, but that's what it seems like.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-11-16 07:38:10
I am afraid I cannot support it for these reasons:

1. We have a huge amount of SB already in the economy. We really dont need any more ways to get more. We need ways to spend them.
2. Answering to your 'the reward wont be so great amount' comment: If you make SB reward too small, people will not play along.
3. Discriminates new players.
4. It would most certainly backfire. Instead of having fewer lions, people would breed even more to win the prizes.

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