Posted by Ideas by Ajres

Shairen The Wolf
Spirit (#40566)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-24 07:27:32
Hey, I'll try to be clear because english it's not my laguages ^^'
I was thinking about many things, and i have already forgotten some of them xD argh

i think you can add:

1 - first a little guide (maybe an imagine, a screenshot for example) that works to give the players an idea about the prices in the trade section with general and reasonable prices for different things (because each one have a different idea about it, and even going and look at the offers it's very confusing, a list would be great)

2 - the possibility to select the lioness for the hunt at once (not one by one) and then click on the map to choose the position and start the hunt

3 - the possibility to select all at once the lion/lioness to feed , keep them in group and select the prey, feed and maybe one more thing could be to deselect the lions that are satisfied enough

4 - the possibility to stay in the same page or to return to food, because when i finish a prey while feeding the lioness i think it's very frustrating to change and reload the webpage again and again, finding myself in other pages (I know an update about it was done, but if it's possible, can you increase it ?)

5 - The possibility to have an immediate preview of the lion while one is working on its appareance, because while one is trying to balance the markings etc it can't have idea how would look at the end, at least not a clear idea about it, and one is forced to click everytime preview without knowing what to change (if it's possible it would be great)

6 - add again the messagges "+EVIL or +GOOD points" because everyone have its own way to see good and bad, so it would be correct and useful to have the possibility to know what is good or bad for the creator of the game and do actions based on this "guide"

7 - change the level on the map zones since after the last updates the battles are too much hard for everyone, so it can't say "zone for level 2+ and if you try it even if you are a higher level you miserabily lose with no chance. so what i mean is to rename the zones, o balance the difficulty (just to not throw our lion into a bad situation xD)
because I can't believe my big bad lion fleed away from a little fox :P xD

8 - EXPLORE and TERRITORY buttons gives me troubles, when i want to explore i do everytinme the same mystake and i click on territory, because in fact I think about to explore a territory XD you have another idea to give it a new title?
conquer? challenge?

9 - the list of animals that lioness can hunt can be updated with the amout of food that a single prey can give to the hungry lions, or another list can be added about it, maybe in the hoard section

10 - one more suggestion as been added in the first post
I see there is the number of blood beetles at the right of the screen
I think that a little section for the quest of the day can be added, with a countdown based of how much time we left to complete the quest
(same could be added for the lioness and sub lion, to realize and remember when the have finished hunting)
it can be updated just refreshing the page of going in another section (which refresh the page too)

11 - When the sub male finish patrolling and the page show you the results, there should be a button/link to go back at the patrolling page to send him again

12 - there is the possibility to customize your lion...but why the decorations, or the rabies is not showed when you are battling another lion or enemy? the avatar it's the same also in the "den" , I wonder to know if there is a way to have the avatar updated with the changes you do to the lion

13 - After you persuade a can only click to explore to choose between territory, Trade center, etc....I think that a button to "continue exploring" in the same area you were exploring would be useful

NEW! 14 - when the cubs born, and if you click on the mother, you see 1-2-3 little lions...but they all have the same color, you can see the true color (in part from the mother in part from the father) clicking on every single "cub"
I was thinking that would be nice to see the mother...and her cubs with their own different colours.

- - -

I just wanted to suggest these things, if something it's not clear tell me, please let me know what you think. Thanks ^^

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/10/14 by Ajres (#40566)

Seph|G1 Haunted 14BO (#39153)

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Posted on
2014-10-24 08:42:16
1 - There is one:
I don't think we need an official one though. I'd rather set my prices as I see fit than feeling like I have to rely on an official one.

2 - No is it an improvement on what we already do to hunt? Your way takes two steps - select all lionesses, and then place them. The current way takes one - pick a spot and send a lioness of choice there.

3 - support here. It's relatively easy to feed them one by one. If you want to eliminate one-by-one feeding you can always buy the Feed/Play All tool in the Oasis, which kinda treats your pride as a group and feeds as many possible with the selected carcass type.

4 - I'm unclear what you mean with this. The update to food already clears up the issue of having to go back and forth between each use of food.

5 - While I'm not necessarily opposed to this, I really don't think it's too much to have to click preview every time to update the appearance. I'm not overly fond of auto reloads.

6 - Not opposed to this, but there is an unofficial karma guide that has been considerably useful to me in the past:

7 - I've lost to foxes and hyenas too, and while it makes more sense for a lion to have more of an edge against lone foxes and hyenas, I don't think the system is too hard. It definitely takes some getting used to, and it took me a few days to get back to where I was winning more than losing again. I think the level zones are fine, but I wouldn't be against balancing the system a bit.

8 - No support here, I don't think it's really needed. Explore is just exploring (probably on your own territory).

9 - Not opposed, but there is a (mostly complete) forum guide listing how much hunger each food use restores:
In addition, the hoard does list how many uses each food piece has (the red and blue bubbles).

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Shairen The Wolf
Spirit (#40566)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-24 09:04:12
You did not undertood some fo the points, and I have not the energy to try to reply back right now.
Anyway I think that maybe things could been put in evidence so one no need to go look for them, it's just more fast and easy

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Edited on 25/10/14 by Ajres (#40566)

Shairen The Wolf
Spirit (#40566)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-24 18:45:32
one more suggestion as been added in the first post
10- I see there is the number of blood beetles at the right of the screen
I think that a little section for the quest of the day can be added, with a countdown based of how much time we left to complete the quest
(same could be added for the lioness and sub lion, to realize and remember when the have finished hunting)
it can be updated just refreshing the page of going in another section (which refresh the page too)

11 - NEW! When the sub male finish patrolling and the page show you the results, there should be a button/link to go back at the patrolling page to send him again

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Edited on 25/10/14 by Ajres (#40566)

Kuweka (#37707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-24 21:25:43
Um... let's see

1 - I think it's not a big deal and after all it seems to be on purpose unexplained, so the player have to learn how to do things ^^

2 - I agree the whole system could be reworked, with a simple choice of single buttons (one desert button, one jungle, etc...)

3 - Could be useful.

4 - If i'm right this has already been implemented?
Not understood how could be done more x3

5 - Yeah, could be useful, even if there are already 2 places for previews if i'm right. At the moment it's not bad, just require a bit more time.

6 - also this could be useful, but once again, maybe it's done by purpose, to be left to be discovered by player.

7 - i think that more than renaming zones, the game needs some more balancing. But i think it's already a work-in-progress job.

8 - Well... also here with a little experience one doesn't make the mistake x3 But naming it "Conquer" or something similar actually seems nice, and help young player to not loose time.

9 - Same thing for point-1. Could be useful, but maybe it's left in this way to make the player works a bit more on remembering things.

10 - Could be useful especially on quest's time.

11 - Um... about this i'm unsure. Mainly because there is a cooldown time, so the lion isn't able to patrol again so soon.

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Shairen The Wolf
Spirit (#40566)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-25 00:12:17
reply to Kuweka:

1. I this it would be correct and usefull to have a visible guide to the prices because each person do it they own way. Now I'm thiking about a sort of calculator to know more or less what could be the right price for a lioness, by selecting it and then calculate basing on the marks, stats etc

4. Yes they did an update but to me it could work better because
when you finish the prey, if you have more of the same you just return to stak, and can continue to feed your lioness, BUT if you finish a prey and this was the last one, all you can do is to return to hoard, not to food, and to me return immediately to food would work better

5. I agree, I know there is a preview, but while working on it it would be easier to have an immediate preview, like...the tonality of the color of the mane change gradually, I don't know if something like this is possible (some visible samples would work well maybe)
and I'm thinking right now that one could click on a button to select if it wants the preview or to look at the samples.

6. I thik it's necessary to know what is good or bad for the creator, because each persone have a different idea about good and bad, so one will learn during the game what is evil or not, basing on what the creators think, because other ways, it's totally incomprehensible, it remains unknown

7. I agree again, the zones needs balance, and so the enemies you challenge and find during the walk, and/or they can just write that it's not anymore a zone for a certain level, because it's harder now, I like challenging things, and to use strategy, it'a amazing, but this way it risk to be frustrating, and it's not correct if you are level 7 and you easily lose most of the time in the zones you should be able to win and lose in a balanced way, using a good strategy. Of course it's a work in progress, i'm just suggesting it ^^

9. yeah but it's frustating to use a prey and lost the meat that the lion do not need because they are satisfied xD . maybe there can be left little pieces of meat for later, or the amount of meat that a single prey give can be update once you eat it, and be unknow if you didn't

10. also for the "king" there an be a countdown after you have challend ged another one, just saying

11. good point

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Shairen The Wolf
Spirit (#40566)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-25 00:27:11
Reply to Seph:

1. i'm still of the idea that it should be visible, and easy for the new member to find it

2. this way it's a wuaste of time, and my way you still have the possibility to choose freely the lioness

3. yes the bundle is a way, but not everyone can have it, so it would be nice to do it faster and like if it's the whole pack that is consuming the food together, so the player will not lose its patince

4. as I said to Kuweka: Yes they did an update but to me it could work better because
when you finish the prey, if you have more of the same you just return to stak, and can continue to feed your lioness, BUT if you finish a prey and this was the last one, all you can do is to return to hoard, not to food, and to me return immediately to food would work better

5. I guess an update to make it more easyer and fast (like to understand exatly how the lion change, maybe showing examples too) would work fine

6. As I said to Kuweka: I thik it's necessary to know what is good or bad for the creator, because each persone have a different idea about good and bad, so one will learn during the game what is evil or not, basing on what the creators think, because other ways, it's totally incomprehensible, it remains unknown

7. YeahI mean just a little balance, the new system is GREAT but it need a review, also I don't want a easy battle, don't misunderstand me, I love challenging things, but it should be not frustrating (btw a pack of hyenas can beat a lion, better run away xD)

8. I don't agree, explore is exploring out of the territory too, so it cause confusion, expecially to the new members, a rename to this will no hurt anyone I guess, and it's helps to differentiate things

9. I'm not talking about "how many uses each prey have" but about "how much food each bit give to the lions, I replied to Kuweka at this one too:
it's frustating to use a prey and lost the meat that the lions do not need because they are satisfied xD . maybe there can be left some little pieces of meat for later in the hoard, or if you still want to keep it secret...the amount of meat that a single prey give can be updated and showed once you eat it, and be unknow if you didn't


NEW! -12 One more thing, there is the possibility to customize your lion...but why the decorations, or the rabies is not showed when you are battling another lion or enemy? the avatar it's the same also in the "den" , I wonder to know if there is a way to have the avatar updated with the changes you do to the lion

NEW! 13 - After you persuade a can only click to explore to choose between territory, Trade center, etc....I think that a button to "continue exploring" in the same area you were exploring would be useful

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Edited on 25/10/14 by Ajres (#40566)

Shairen The Wolf
Spirit (#40566)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2014-10-27 10:47:44
I'm quite sure you have already thought about this, and I don't even know how this works or if this will be possible but

NEW! 14 - when the cubs born, and if you click on the mother, you see 1-2-3 little lions...but they all have the same color, you can see the true color (in part from the mother in part from the father) clicking on every single "cub"
I was thinking that would be nice to see the mother...and her cubs with their own different colours.

is that possible? maybe a code to connect the cub with the image of the lioness nursing? sorry ^^' I would love to learn how this works, (and don't forget that I'm truly amazed by your work on this project, wow)

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