Posted by Edit Offers

(they/them/theirs) (#44784)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:40:03
I'd like to see an editing option for offers on trades :3 Recently I traded a *huge* number of items for some GB but I realized I biffed it and left out five things. So I had to remove the offer and re-select a lot of things. Also, it's REALLY annoying to try and redo an offer on mobile.

So I think we should be able to edit our offers. The items that are already selected for an offer would remain checked on the list and you can just pick the rest and then click "Save edit."


You can edit but all the items in the trade just wont show up in the list because technically they are no longer in your inventory, select the ones you want and then click "save edit."

EDIT: By suggestion, there should be a failsafe put in. A notice sent to someone's mailbox and if the offer has been edited and the owner of the trade's page hasn't been refreshed, the trade won't go through.

Another edit: (Stated by Shu [Maroon|1kst] ) "But honestly, if we had a new trade system that allowed us to add things to trade in bulk (Like all of your items at once instead of clicking each checkbox) this wouldn't be that necessary anymore, and there would be no issues with scamming."

So basically, trading in bulk would work nicely :3 like at monkey business, but maybe you could enter a number of how many you're selling in this case.

This suggestion has 43 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/11/14 by SpotWolf (#44784)

Micah 🌈 (#29140)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:41:28
Uhhh.. You could just remove and then re-add the correct offer? ^^ Its not really.. That hard..

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cheetah >.< (#38280)

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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:42:26
I feel like the problem there is that someone could have 5 decors up in a trade, someone could bid 1GB, then that person could edit the trade so that there is 1SB in it then accept the 1GB offer, leaving the person who offered without anything.

So no support from me...sorry

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Edited on 26/10/14 by cheetah >.< (#38280)

Magic (#36991)

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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:43:22
But if you have a lot stuff to offer, it's really annoying when you miss something and you have to remove the offer and redo it all. It's really annoying for me as well.

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Sandeyes (#20372)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:44:20
I could see this getting abused, unless there was some way to notify the seller that the offer had been edited.

Like, what if someone edits their trade, while the seller is on the page, but the page is unrefreshed. The person could have removed all but one item, or switched them all out, and the seller wouldn't know cause the page is unrefreshed, so if they go and accept the trade, they will end up shorted.

There would need to be some failsafe put in place before this could be an option, IMO.

If they could come up with a failsafe, then awesome, I'd support it.

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Sappysaltshaker (#21038)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:44:40

That's rather a big problem for Mobile, as it's such tedious work. Computers and laptops, you just use your mouse.

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Nym (#191)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-10-26 04:55:07

No support.

I don't see much of a point to it. Even on mobile, it's a pretty quick process. I'm on mobile quite often, and it's not that hard to remove an offer and make a new one.

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Edited on 26/10/14 by Rev (#191)

🐺 inky (#32221)

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Posted on
2014-10-26 08:07:49
It might not be difficult for a single item or lion, but if you're selling anything in bulk, that's generally a lot of clicking. :/

I'm pretty sure this was already suggested, but either way there needs to be a safety system to make sure this is not abused if it were to be implemented.

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Shu [Side] (#41038)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 06:36:23
I've had times when I've selected 300 or so items before for a trade offer, so yes, editing would really help.

But honestly, if we had a new trade system that allowed us to add things to trade in bulk (Like all of your items at once instead of clicking each checkbox) this wouldn't be that necessary anymore, and there would be no issues with scamming.

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(they/them/theirs) (#44784)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-14 13:20:17
who bumped this? xD

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2016-01-14 13:22:28
I believe editing would be only allowed on offers, not the actual trade itself as I see how that could go wrong extremely fast.
As long as its just the offers- because I know how frustrating it can be just to have to re-check everything if you've accidentally left something out

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