Posted by PokeHuman RP~ WELCOME TO HOENN ACADEMY! Accepting!

Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-01 01:20:22

Welcome one and all!

Greetings fellow students! You have been accepted to the prestigious and private Hoenn academy for PokeHumans to grow and train! This school has been here on Pokemon Island even before Pokehumans even existed! Truly fascinating to be in such a historical building I'm sure! As most of you know, you shall be attending this school and will call it home! Hope you enjoy your stay and meet a bunch of new friends! Type Pika pika chu in other if you read!

Time for some rules!

*No OOC fighting!
*You know when to fade to black
*Please try to be active and if you won't be online for a while PM me.
*Battling is fine just don't blow up the school... or others.
*Pokehumans have pokemon moves so Thunderbolt away!
*No killing without permission.
*No godmodding.
*Do not try to control the story or what others do.
*Pokemon from all generations are accepted!

Students (10/20)

What the academy looks like:

Link to sign up here!

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Edited on 11/11/14 by Alice the White Rabbit (#47908)

Svelte pie| (#40041)

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Posted on
2014-11-01 05:48:13

luke stepped into the room just as his name was called." im here" he said taking his the class continued luke got border and border.soon he rested his head on the desk, the teacher droning on about something.


she watched the darkpulse, a move she only recently learned how to do.

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Edited on 01/11/14 by eevee_lover (#40041)

Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 03:57:36

He send another one of the bolts away, swiftly sending it towards the other pokehuman as he waited for it to hit.

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Svelte pie| (#40041)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 04:03:24

saharia gritted her teeth as the bolt hit her arm. she shook her arm, waiting for the tingly sensation to go away.sahaira's sent a few confuse rays at him, one of them circling him.

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Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 05:51:26
Humming a soft melody she had heard when she was younger, Eva looks down at the map in her hands as she walks down the large outside corridor. Her tail twitches behind her as she sighs, stopping in her gait and leaning against a white marble pillar.

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Nine (#41885)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 05:56:04

He covered his ears as he growled loudly, he then opened his eyes and ran towards her, using the other attack, Tackle.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 05:57:58
Amy walked up to the entrance of the school, pausing a moment to get her map and schedule out of her bag. Sighing she looked at the time. "First day, and I'm already going to be late... Great..." The absol girl walked into the school, her tail twitching slightly.

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Edited on 02/11/14 by Hawkmask (#41743)

Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 06:06:31
Reading over the heavily scribbled on piece of paper for a few minutes, Eva lets out a defeated sigh before stuffing the map into her pocket, the fur on her tail bristled. "I don't need a map, I'll find the dorms by myself." Grumbling about large campuses and unreadable maps, Eva grabs her bag before tugging it along with her, her ears perked as she marches forward.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 06:13:23
Passing the classrooms, Amy looked at her map again, talking quietly to herself. "So here is my Math class, and down the hall is English... I should probably go in, but I still need to check into the dorms... I'll just catch up tomorrow, or maybe show up late, but moving in is more important." She decided, making her way to the dorm area indicated on her map.

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Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 06:20:32
Sighing in defeat, Eva sits down on the edge of a fountain, her tail curling around her waist to rest in her lap. Pulling out the crumpled map, she smooths it out before begrudgingly reading it over. Grumbling a few not very pleasant words, she stands to her feet and grabs her bag before following the directions on the map to the dorms for a change.

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Svelte pie| (#40041)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 06:37:14

sahaira watched as he cam closer then quickly used a shadow ball, that landed infront of him, dust rising up.then she used faint attack, fading into a shadow and reappearing behind him.


after about a hour the teacher finally dismissed the class. luke grabbed his things and raced outside, glad to be rid of it.

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Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 06:39:41
Once reaching the dorms, Eva glares up at the building with mild annoyance, her tail lashing behind her as she has a staring contest with the granite statue sitting on the fountain in front of the girls dorm, her ears pinning back. "You have caused me heaps of walking around this maze just so I could find the dorms..."

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Edited on 02/11/14 by Alice the White Rabbit (#47908)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 06:50:42
Reaching the dorms, Amy saw a girl standing outside, glaring at the building. She put away her papers before slowly walking towards the girl, an eevee she noticed, and stopping just short. "Hi, are you new here too?" She asked, taking in the crumpled map and bag, which clearly held more than just books for classes.

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Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 07:00:45
"It talks?" Blinking in confusion, Eva stares up at the statue for a few moments before realizing someone was behind her. Spinning on her heel, she waves slightly to the girl, seeing she was an absol. "Y-yes I am, nice to meet you!" Hoping to stuff back her usual nervous introductory speech, she smiles softly choosing to keep her mouth shut.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 07:13:42
Laughing slightly, she waved back. "Its nice to meet you too! I go by Amy." She looked up at the dorm building. "Do you know how we're supposed to get a room?" She asked, looking back to the girl.

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Alice the White
Rabbit {On} (#47908)

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Posted on
2014-11-02 07:24:50
"Oh yeah, I'm Eva, Eva Ranger." A small smile forming on her lips, she nods before turning on her heel walking up to the front steps of the dorm. "Your room number should be on your i.d card that was sent in the mail." Dropping the bag from her shoulder, Eva quickly goes through the much smaller one for a few moments, pulling out a small card of plastic. "I'm on the east side, Rm 150!" ((Cough 150 pokemon cough))

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