Posted by | Cub Curbing Solutions |
![]() Roseliea (#980) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 11:56:00 |
I have read a lot of user complaints in the past few days about too many unwanted/unsellable cubs in the market. At the same time, I have seen repeated suggestions on how to curb cub breeding, and repeated reasons why it will not work/will not be fair. Please feel free to commen and correct any misinformation/unreasonable suggestions or to add one of your own! Cub Curbing Suggestion: Implementing natural cub deaths would be a good way to realistically thin out the over breeding of unwanted cubs. Why it Would not Work: Those who don't stud usually make their profit by breeding and selling cubs. Allowing failed births would upset both studding and cub selling; why pay a high price to breed to a stud if there is a chance you won't even get cubs out of it? And why breed at all if there is a chance all of your cubs will die and you will have to wait 20 days just to have the chance that your cubs will die again? Cub Curbing Solutions My First Idea: Naturally, 1 in 8 lion cubs will make it to adulthood. I have noticed a majority of players pleading for lioden to remain as realistic to life as possible. Because of this, and because I enjoy lioden for it's realism, I believe cub deaths should somehow be integrated into the system. But instead of 1/8 (or 12.5%) of all cubs dying, it should be at more reasonable 1/100-1/20 ( 1-5%). "But Rose, you just explained above how implementing cub breeding will tank the economy. What is wrong with you?" Well my darlings, this is where the original spin on my first idea comes into play. How do we solve problems we can't solve naturally? That's right, we make a new oasis item. "Yeah? And how exactly would that help?" Simple. The oasis item would be given to a lioness much like a gender changer or aging stone would be given to a cub. This item would prevent cub fatalities from insemination to the time a cub turns 2 years old. (If cub fatalities include wounds, illness, and predators-but if "cub fatalities" would only be failed births, then it would guarantee life until the time of birth.) This item would last the entire lifetime of the lioness and extend protection to all of her litters. "I have 40 lionesses! I can't dish out tons of GB to keep all their litters from dying!" No, you probably cannot. And neither can I. But, (correct me if I'm wrong), I doubt you breed all of your lions to profit, and even if you do, I doubt all of your lions sell. This will promote smarter breeding choices. "What would you suggest for cost, and what would the item be?" I would suggest a cost of either 1 GB per item, or a package of 2-4 items for 1 GB. If every lioness received one of these items, lioden would make over $45,000. If the package deal (less profit, but more reasonable) was the chosen way to sell these items, then they would still make $10,000-$20,000. (I know that not every player will have the money/want to purchase these, but I'm just estimating numbers) If the package deal was chosen, players with 40 lions would only need to pay 10-20 GB to ensure all cubs are born. And along with such a low death rate, many lionesses that aren't bred solely for profit reasons wouldn't even need one. The item would be an African village totem of fertility and safety that was stolen. We do not have enough village-themed items, and I believe that is realistic as it correlates with the game because lionesses can hunt in villages. "What about those who can't access GB/ don't want to purchase it?" (This is a personal belief, comment if wrong) those who have GB are invested enough into this game for this to be reasonable, and those who can afford to buy GB with SB have been around long enough to make reasonable breeding decisions. (I'm aware this doesn't apply to all, but with such a large player gap it seems like those breeding desirable lions are of higher level while those flooding the market with undesirable cubs are newer) Please leave comments asking questions, suggesting improvements, adding suggestions, etc. I know a lot of players are against this idea, but I believe I have suggested a happy medium so that realism is incorporated and cub curbing is reasonable. If you support, please bump this thread. Unlike other threads suggesting new game developments, this is a suggestion to fix an almost out of control problem already within the game. Keep this thread at the top to get this problem taken care of! |
antiqui-tea (#6992)
Amazing View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 12:04:32 |
Thank you so much for addressing this issue! Support, one hundred percent. ![]() |
Roseliea (#980)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 12:05:38 |
Thank you so much :) I like the idea of cub deaths, but understand how unreasonable they can be. I feel I have found a happy medium to the problem! ![]() |
Green (#16766)
Nice Guy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 12:07:23 |
shenanigans - [semi-hiatus] (#23653) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 12:14:11 |
I see how this would help, however, I'd like to know what you think about lioness fatalities as well perhaps while hunting, or maybe, if a pregnant lioness is hunting, an injury that could make the cub stillborn? Also, how about diseases that could be cured with an oasis item as well? ![]() |
Roseliea (#980)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 12:19:14 |
As of right now (this may change in the future once I get my hands on some money!) I have never spent actual money to further myself in this game. I also do not play it to be the highest level or to be the best but rather because I enjoy this game and how it is so realistic. Because of this, I would fully support any increase in realism at a reasonable amount. I love all of these suggestions. It would take some deeper thinking to reasonably map out these like I did with the cub curbing, but I love and agree with all of them :) ![]() |
Snark (#10774)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 12:29:15 |
No support. The simple fact of the matter is that some people do not have the time or money to raise the gb for this. Sure, the percentages are low and what not. But I'd be pretty pissed if I payed for an expensive stud but then had some of the cubs end up dead. I also feel this would also be a turn-off to new players entering the game. They come onto the site and everyone is like "Hey, by the way, in order for your cubs to survive, you have to pay money or work to buy gb from other players." That would be a huge turn-off to me. Now, lets take a look at the current items in the oasis. You have backgrounds, marking applicators, etc. Basically stuff to make your lion pretty. In other words, nothing vital to game play. Not saying that this totem thing would be /vital/ but it would be pretty important to many players. Now take a look in the monkey shop. Sure, you have stuff to make your lion pretty. But you also have toy bundles and food bundles. It's common knowledge that to keep your lions from running away, they need to be well-fed and happy. I consider these items vital to game play, and I'm sure other people do as well. I don't always have the time to send my lionesses out to hunt, so I often purchase food bundles for some quick food. So, if this item was to be added to the game at all (which I do not support anyway), I suggest that the totem be put in the monkey shop and sell for silver beetles rather than gold beetles. Not everyone can get gb, but a good majority of people can get some sb. This would give more players a chance, and not just the ones who are willing to pay money for the game. This idea would ultimately widen the player gap even more and make people unhappy. this was really long oops ![]() |
GamingGal (#18503)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:00:03 |
Snark, you make good points, but allow me to make a point as well. This sim is supposed to be realistic, or semi-realistic at least. Having all the cubs survive is not realistic at ALL. Cubs die from various reasons in the wild. Even the ones with the best genes (or, in this case, stats) have a chance of dying. Losing cubs from an expensive stud would be tragic, but things happen. Just like when people were ticked cause they weren't getting the special bases/markings from studdings. It sucked, but they had to deal with it and now everyone accepts the possibility. As for if the totem should be SB or GB, perhaps it could be both like they did with the Opacity Changer. Since this is more vital to gameplay, we should have a few more ways to access it. You could have the option of buying it for a few GB (more than one since this would be ensuring the life of cubs which is ensuring money in your pocket) or buying it for a few thousand SB. Or, perhaps, it could be a possible Explore/Hunt item. Say you encounter the villagers in Explore and you scare them off or something and they drop it, or you have a extremely small percentage chance of encountering it as a rare pick-up. Or if you hunt a village perhaps it could be a rare bring-back. Just a few ideas. ![]() |
Roseliea (#980)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:10:35 |
Axel (#6627)
Pervert View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:11:38 |
I would support cub death, if the solution to keep the cubs alive is made an SB item. Because breeding or any other aspect of the game shouldnt be tied to real money. The success of breeding should be open to everyone, thus the items that help keeping cubs shall be an SB item, not GB. Because having cubs is not a luxury right, but something natural. ![]() |
Japhleti (#23206)
Terrifying View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:21:04 |
You say curb the breeding of unwanted cubs, but if this affects all breeding, this will also affect cubs that are very wanted. So I do not support. I think if you want to curb the breeding of unwanted cubs, you should decrease the amount of times the parents can be bred, make breeding only available at a certain level, or give players an outlet for cubs they can't sell, which they already have by chasing them. The too many cubs problem here is very artificial. ![]() |
Roseliea (#980)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:52:24 |
yes I said curb breeding, but I explained above a solution so that it doesnt effect any wanted breedings Japhleti :) ![]() |
Roseliea (#980)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:58:40 |
everyone is commenting as if the curb would prevent any cubs from being born. im proposing a one to five percent chance of death. this isnt stopping births, its gently curbing them. this wont even completely control unwanted cubs, but it will minimize the births of cubs that are just bred because breeding is possible. and Axel, as much as brerding is natural, so is death. this would.t be an item required at all, but an item available in case there are, as Japheti put it, very wanted breedings. I agree with your SB suggestion. I think it should be both; reasonable SB price and cheaper GB price. that way its available and lioden still makes money. ![]() |
Japhleti Deuce (#23038)
Hateful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 15:59:40 |
That solution involves the spending of real life money and would decrease realism anyway since cub deaths wouldn't be preventable by magic herbs or whatever in the wild. If people were more responsible with breeding and paid attention to the market there wouldn't be as much as a problem. As in most games, any inability to sell is a player made problem and it's unfair to implement something on all players that would basically rob them of money from studding if they do not have a GB and happen to lose a great cub, no matter what the probability. It is already frustrating enough to have to spend GB on things like sub male slots and territory past a certain point. That would be just greedy. It's also not fair to try and force players to play a certain way. If their cubs do not sell it is their own fault. ![]() Edited on 07/01/14 by Japhleti Deuce (#23038) |
Roseliea (#980)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 16:07:25 |
as said in the comments, the idea of it being available in the monkey shop for SB has been thrown around. and gender changers arent natural either.but they are available and useful. no one is forcing anyone to play a certain way, but lioden prides itself on being realistic. getting a cub every birth and having constant successful inseminations is not only overflowing the population with uunwanted lions, but ridiculous in my opinion. A limit ot level set on breedings us unrealistic. death is not. ![]() |
Japhleti Deuce (#23038)
Hateful View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2014-01-07 16:13:25 |
Hah, this game prides itself on realism? When you can get lions of every color of the rainbow, which I'm sure was probably a player demand, realism was left behind a long time ago. It is a game through and through. What is real is that people already have to spend lots of time on their lions, and adding something that seems unnecessary, such as the random death of any cub, is a good way to discourage membership because it says the staff doesn't care about your investment more than the "reputation" of the game for pseudo-realism. A game is for fun and to relax, and there is nothing fun about worry about your income here because you have to buy a modification for every one of your lionesses. There is another reason why this wouldn't work. Those who churn a lot of unwanted cubs can get the item as easily as those who make so called "good" breeding decisions, and still breed as many cubs as they please. What is a sellable cub and what isn't is very relative. If all a person wants to do is breed they will find a way to do it. ![]() Edited on 07/01/14 by Japhleti Deuce (#23038) |