Posted by Cub Curbing Solutions

Roseliea (#980)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-07 11:56:00
I have read a lot of user complaints in the past few days about too many unwanted/unsellable cubs in the market. At the same time, I have seen repeated suggestions on how to curb cub breeding, and repeated reasons why it will not work/will not be fair. Please feel free to commen and correct any misinformation/unreasonable suggestions or to add one of your own!

Cub Curbing Suggestion: Implementing natural cub deaths would be a good way to realistically thin out the over breeding of unwanted cubs.

Why it Would not Work: Those who don't stud usually make their profit by breeding and selling cubs. Allowing failed births would upset both studding and cub selling; why pay a high price to breed to a stud if there is a chance you won't even get cubs out of it? And why breed at all if there is a chance all of your cubs will die and you will have to wait 20 days just to have the chance that your cubs will die again?

Cub Curbing Solutions

My First Idea: Naturally, 1 in 8 lion cubs will make it to adulthood. I have noticed a majority of players pleading for lioden to remain as realistic to life as possible. Because of this, and because I enjoy lioden for it's realism, I believe cub deaths should somehow be integrated into the system. But instead of 1/8 (or 12.5%) of all cubs dying, it should be at more reasonable 1/100-1/20 ( 1-5%).

"But Rose, you just explained above how implementing cub breeding will tank the economy. What is wrong with you?"

Well my darlings, this is where the original spin on my first idea comes into play. How do we solve problems we can't solve naturally? That's right, we make a new oasis item.

"Yeah? And how exactly would that help?"

Simple. The oasis item would be given to a lioness much like a gender changer or aging stone would be given to a cub. This item would prevent cub fatalities from insemination to the time a cub turns 2 years old. (If cub fatalities include wounds, illness, and predators-but if "cub fatalities" would only be failed births, then it would guarantee life until the time of birth.) This item would last the entire lifetime of the lioness and extend protection to all of her litters.

"I have 40 lionesses! I can't dish out tons of GB to keep all their litters from dying!"

No, you probably cannot. And neither can I. But, (correct me if I'm wrong), I doubt you breed all of your lions to profit, and even if you do, I doubt all of your lions sell. This will promote smarter breeding choices.

"What would you suggest for cost, and what would the item be?"

I would suggest a cost of either 1 GB per item, or a package of 2-4 items for 1 GB. If every lioness received one of these items, lioden would make over $45,000. If the package deal (less profit, but more reasonable) was the chosen way to sell these items, then they would still make $10,000-$20,000. (I know that not every player will have the money/want to purchase these, but I'm just estimating numbers) If the package deal was chosen, players with 40 lions would only need to pay 10-20 GB to ensure all cubs are born. And along with such a low death rate, many lionesses that aren't bred solely for profit reasons wouldn't even need one.

The item would be an African village totem of fertility and safety that was stolen. We do not have enough village-themed items, and I believe that is realistic as it correlates with the game because lionesses can hunt in villages.

"What about those who can't access GB/ don't want to purchase it?"

(This is a personal belief, comment if wrong) those who have GB are invested enough into this game for this to be reasonable, and those who can afford to buy GB with SB have been around long enough to make reasonable breeding decisions. (I'm aware this doesn't apply to all, but with such a large player gap it seems like those breeding desirable lions are of higher level while those flooding the market with undesirable cubs are newer)

Please leave comments asking questions, suggesting improvements, adding suggestions, etc. I know a lot of players are against this idea, but I believe I have suggested a happy medium so that realism is incorporated and cub curbing is reasonable.

If you support, please bump this thread. Unlike other threads suggesting new game developments, this is a suggestion to fix an almost out of control problem already within the game. Keep this thread at the top to get this problem taken care of!

This suggestion has 46 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/01/14 by Roseliea (#980)

Roseliea (#980)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-07 16:20:05
the point im trying to make is that it is necessary. with almost 100,000 lionesses owned and more than 75,000 cubs bred? how many of those cubs were chased or sold for 50sb? you may not agree, and I completely respect that, but I see it as a reasonable addtition. The unwanted cub thing may not affect you, but it does so to others. and frankly im bored with my lion popping out cubs like a factory. I want some spice to it.

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Japhleti Deuce (#23038)

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Posted on
2014-01-07 16:29:58
The maybe breed your lioness less? Are you going to be one of the ones who doesn't put items on your lionesses and faces the risk of one of your cubs dying to spice things up?

How about fewer studding slots for starters? What real life lion is able to sire fifteen litters in a year? Shortening the breeding lifespan of females, because honestly what wild lion is still breeding at 14 or starts breeding right at 2? Males lions are lucky to live to 8 years.

Breeding is what makes money for most players here so it's not surprising so many cubs are bred, especially with people breeding just for coats. Since you have only a chance at markings and colors everyone breeds more than they need to get what they like. That is the nature of this game.

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Edited on 07/01/14 by Japhleti Deuce (#23038)

Onu [CT] (#23887)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-01-07 16:51:27
If the solution to prevent cub deaths in a desired breeding is that you have to spend extra currency of any kind, I don't think I could support that.

Hear me out...

It's already tough on new players having to constantly pay stud fees to begin producing cubs with any decent stats or appearance, because the starter lion is crap... and it's unavoidably going to take either months waiting for him to die or paying 10GB to retire, so new players have to dig themselves out of that hole, all the while paying those stud fees and hoping that the cubs come out with special coats/marks, because the non-specials rarely sell. NCL's are a joke when you can find special coats with 200-300 stats for a decent SB cost, but keep in mind this is one more thing that they have to purchase to really begin on the path of producing cubs that most players would buy. (Yes, there are people who like the natural/wild colors, but if they were the majority, prices wouldn't be like they are. :P )

And amid all those costs, they need to save up to buy a decent heir, then pay for opacity/applicators/etc to fix him up, and then hoping people actually stud to him (when there's already better high-stat pre-existing studs). Then maybe in that distant future, they might actually be able to breed with their own pride's lion and produce worthwhile, profitable cubs without the stud fees.

Just trying to illustrate that there's a lot of existing costs involved already, and profiting is slow and random. So adding on top of that the possible need to buy an item to prevent the deaths of the cubs which might actually sell, and that all might be too much.

All costs in the game have to be balanced with ways to make money, for all "levels" of players. There's also a fine line between staying as close to realistic as possible, and maintaining fun gameplay mechanics that won't annoy people, like...

Game Notification: Your lioness gave birth to a litter of 1 cub! But you didn't pay for that item, and random chance has determined that it died.

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Roseliea (#980)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-07 17:02:32
I completely understand what youre saying, and your explanation actually makes me reconsider my suggestion. But: the percentage I proposed isnt that drastic. 1%... say you breed your lion fifty times and you get two cubs per litter. You are still left with 99 cubs. and even with 5%, you are still left with 95 cubs. I feel like this isnt a drastic loss at all and only slightly effects game play as an entire site, and maybe not even at all personally.this Iis why the item would be optional; for those two to five extra cubs you dont want to lose.

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Edited on 07/01/14 by Roseliea (#980)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-01-07 17:14:53
Oh yes, Cub mortality was already suggested. It is nicely detailed as well with calculations.

And please do not compare the sex changer to the cub 'surviving' item. Changing sex indeed is an optional, not necessary item for breeding, a luxury item so to say. However, in order to breed and keep cubs, you shouldnt be forced to pay GB.

Also, there are a bunch of pride -like mine- where I am only breeding my lionesses once their lifetime to get the next huntress/heir. I most certainly wouldnt like to lose my bred cubs to a random chance and go without one huntress or have my heir die all of a sudden without any warnings. There are people who dont over-breed and dont breed for the market but for themselves. I dont want to pay GB to keep a cub when it is my natural right to have one. If I want to keep it, I can pay SB of course to make sure it survives, but asking for GB is too much.

What you say right now is to pay GB in order to have cubs. Have cubs for 100%. Random chance works weird on Lioden as well, thus basically every third birth could end up with a dead cub. because this 1-5% depends on luck, and in this case someone could have luck at 10 breedings after another, while another person has no luck, and 5 breedings failed for them.

So the item is SB or no support. At all.

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Roseliea (#980)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-07 17:31:41
I dont understand why both cannot be an option. say a single item is available in the monkey shop for 400 sb. now say a package of 4 items is available in the oasis for 1 GB. you are saving around 500 sb (seeing as gb is mostly valued at 1100 sb) and lioden is making profit, yet it is also available reasonably for sb.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-01-07 17:46:25
Your idea only speaks about a GB item, nothing more.

As I said, I am okay with the implementation of cub mortality, but I dont want to depend on GB. Breeding and keeping cubs is not luxury, but natural right. While indeed they might die, I should have an option to save them.

400SB is too much. Say 100SB, and I am fine with it. People who dont breed for the market have not much SB and they cannot dish out 400SB for a single cub. The problem is with the NCL breeders and mass-breeders, as they are the ones who crash the market. 100SB suffices to make them lose cubs because they dont want to pay 1000SB for 10 cubs. It would cut back on the amount of cubs, while also raising their prices a little.

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Snark (#10774)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-08 09:13:35
I don't support the idea, but like I have said before, and a few other people as well, it should be a sb item. Some people DO consider this vital to gameplay.

Gb items have absolutely dominated gameplay, and that needs to change.

Basically I pretty much agree with Axel.

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Immortal's [Side] (#17155)

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Posted on
2014-01-08 14:33:42
The solution? Chase off the cubs that you don't keep and or can't sell.

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Snark (#10774)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-09 10:39:10
...which is what people have been doing.

We're trying to keep more cubs from being born. Raven, what you're suggesting is the exact same thing people have been doing. We don't want to have to chase all the cubs we can't sell. We want to sell them

We're trying to lower the supply of cubs so that the demand for them goes up. Right now there's too many cubs, which is why the market is bad.

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Lollygag1 | G1 3.7k
Pie Ra (#7740)

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Posted on
2014-01-09 10:46:43
I don't really feel like being punished because some people make stupid breeding choices.

What sells on the game is obvious. People chose to breed stuff they know won't sell and then complain about it. That's just... not terribly intelligent.

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Edited on 09/01/14 by Lollygag ~*'Dolts'*~ (#7740)

PaardindeMist II (#7731)

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Posted on
2014-01-09 11:10:33
I don't support, simply because being one of the people who works my butt off on my lionesses and makes smart breeding decisions I don't want to have to purchase a GB item to protect my minimal number of births because other people don't plan. There are ways to limit numbers of cubs, such as restricting stud limits, making it so NCLs are no longer in heat when claimed, imposing limits on lionesses themselves, etc that would drop the cub count without punishing those of us who already do our best not to flood the system.

For example:
I have 10 lionesses at any given time. I breed them each 3 times in their lifetime: at 10 years, 12 years and 13 years 11 months. They are essentially the best they can be at that point. My lionesses can have a minimum of 30 cubs in their lifetimes, then. Assuming I keep one cub out of each lioness, that's 20 cubs, spread out over several months, that I'm putting into the system. With only 20 cubs to sell, I'm looking very carefully at who I breed to, how much I spend, and what level/stats my lionesses are at because I want to make as much of what I spend back as possible. This leads to quality (or at least I hope it does) cubs that meet market demands.

Player B has 40 lionesses. They also have a noncustomized male that they've had since they joined. They breed every lioness every time she comes into heat (roughly 7x per lifetime if planned correctly) and only to their own male. If they don't starve their females, that equals out to 280 cubs minimum that they're breeding in a 14 "year" cycle. Even if they keep one cub from each lioness, they're still putting out 240 cubs to my 20. On top of that, those cubs are much less likely to reach market demands than my carefully bred full custom ones are.

Do you see where I'm going with this? A 1 in 100 chance of losing a cub means next to nothing to a player who has 240 cubs to sell in one game cycle, but to a player like myself who has 20, that would be extremely detrimental. I see your point about cub mortality, but I just don't think it would help the way that you think it would.

I don't mind restricting cub flow a bit, but I'd prefer it be done in a different way. Lowering the number of cubs bred isn't going to increase sales, unless there's a restriction on the cub quality itself. Cutting the cub market this way where it would apply to nearly all players who don't want to spend GB on keeping cubs, when we already usually have to spend GB to buy other peoples' cubs isn't going to make a 50 stat common coat more desirable.

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PixelDuckling (#20548)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-09 12:40:05
I don't support this for many reasons already mentioned by others.

Honestly, I don't really see the problem. Just give a bit more incentive to chase, and that's that.

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Vixxen (#7328)

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Posted on
2014-01-09 13:59:45
I have a thread similar to this, but it is about illnesses. People yelled at me for it, saying it was "too realistic"

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Snark (#10774)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-01-10 08:18:51
lollygag and mist make excellent points.

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