Posted by A fountain of youth of sorts

Revvy *Sutekh King* (#4629)

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Posted on
2014-11-28 08:02:34
I looked this topic up and read through the previous post that didn't go anywhere. It was 2013 a complete year ago so I wanted to address it again, since there are "custom" lionesses that are able to be found in explore.

Today I claimed a very pretty girl, only to find out that she was over the necessary breeding age. I have also noticed that other people have been finding older girls as well, and end up disappointed. These type of lioness are clogging up the explore I would think. There are dens like myself that if older girls are found they will be kept till dying age.

But what about those ladies that are beyond good looking! One that we get super excited about and then saddened to found out she can't have cubs to leave behind.

I was thinking a sort of fountain of youth would work well for these. There are already other unrealistic things that can be bought, like unusual marks, sex changers, ect. However with a F.o.Y. I would be pleased enough if it just rewinded time back 2-3 years, not a full lifetime. If you have a 14yr old lioness her age would be dropped back down 11 or 12, and could only be used once per lioness. That way it wouldn't effect the leader-boards for those concerned with that part of it. Or if a F.o.Y is used on a lioness she couldn't be used for hunting anymore, so her stats would remain idle, again not effecting leader-boards.

Pricing it I would pay GB for it, but I think for those who don't have the funds it could be placed in Monkey business as well like how the opacity marking is placed in both. So it is available for those with GB as well as SB.

I'm looking for support on this, as well as anything points that I might have missed or pointed out to me. I love feedback whether is supportive or not. I would appreciate all input.

This suggestion has 14 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Kaniah (#39955)

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Posted on
2014-11-28 08:24:13
I support, but I would like to bring up some points as well.~

The thing with the Fountain of Youth is could it be used for males? Lets say its released and you can use it on your stud, and someone who has a constant source of GB can use it over, and over, and over again, so that their own stud can gain more stats. And climb the latter, gaining an unfair advantage over the ones who have to start over with their new kings, and gain stats, and steps, and levels. You mentioned something similar with the lionesses', and I think if this were to be released, and I had a particularly handsome male, I would want to use the Fountain of Youth to keep him longer than I necessarily would have if I normally aged.

So if this thing were to rewind a few years-- if used on males, if it is released, would it take away the stats used in those years? (And steps? And levels?) So to prevent one person from taking over the leader boards? And for the lionesses'-- the ones that weren't NCL's to begin with?

Again, I love this idea! I've seen similar ones, but I just do have a few questions and suggestions, thank you!

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Revvy *Sutekh King* (#4629)

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Posted on
2014-11-28 08:35:01
I was thinking it should be only used on females but I wouldn't see a problem on it being allowed to use on males. Again it could only be used once, and stats and that sort of thing again should remain idle. It could be the disadvantage of using said FOY. Since everything should have an advantage and disadvantage, like in real life and the choices we make lol.

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Ni'Vara (#41667)

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Posted on
2014-12-01 06:24:05
So the FOY locks the lioness' Level/stats in place for at least one more breeding from her. This is interesting, however I would like to see what others say first.

Another idea would be that any lioness chase that is or older is de-aged in the wild. So when they are picked up They are younger, not 2 or 3 but more towards 5 to 6.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-12-01 06:25:53
No support. I will never support a Fountain of Youth :/

There are to many ways it could be potentially misused and would not work well for our current cub problem for examples.

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Revvy *Sutekh King* (#4629)

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Posted on
2014-12-01 08:03:09
I appreciate your feedback Ni'Vara and Cat.

Do you mean with the abundance of cubs that are already being bred?

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2014-12-01 08:05:01
Yeppers, we have a small cub problem with selling, and a fountain of youth would enable more breedings for a lioness. Even if it is only once per user you can chase her and let another find her and they de-age her, and the cycle can repeat.

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Revvy *Sutekh King* (#4629)

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Posted on
2014-12-01 11:26:32
Oh yea I do see the problem in with that. There was another topic where there was a early retire for lionesses like how the males have one. I supported that one, cause that to would resolve the issue of having those older lionesses in the explore.

I usually keep older lionesses myself until they die, but those who chased after would be an issue. Though once she was chased her stat would lower to NCL, so it wouldn't effect leader boards just cub sales.

I can see why you don't support it though, and appreciate your input on the subject so thanks Cat.

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