Posted by Lion relationships - new idea

Kopa (#37882)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-03 01:35:39
I had a random idea that popped into my head earlier today:

What if, your lions could have relationships with the other members of your pride?!?

So, there will be 3 categories, friends, enemies and acquaintances. When the cub is born, all the other lions in the den, accept the mother, father and siblings will be acquaintances. The mother, father and siblings will be friends.

As the lion grows to 5 months, it will get the chance to play with other cubs. I was thinking that if you go on a lions page, it will say 'let (cubs name) play with you' and the more the cub plays with the lion, the better their relationship. There could also be an option to growl at them, which will lower their relationships.

As an adol, they will get the option to tackle (raises relationship) or claw (lowers relationship). And as an adult, they will get the option to groom (raises relationship) and growl (lowers relationship).

I was also thinking that a lioness raises their relationship with who they hunt with!

Anyway, this was just an idea! Tell me that you think!!

Kaye Kat 2:
It would be cool if it could affect the lions moods (like when the male lion plays with members of the pride)
And playing with another lion could be like a once a day thing. Like each lion could play with another lion once

Maybe you could have an option to disable/enable the relationships within your profile, so people who don't want it, don't have to have it.

This suggestion has 86 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/01/15 by Moonclaw A.K.A Caitlin (#37882)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 03:01:22
Something lowering the mood would be a bad idea, in itself. If you can infinitely lower the mood, you can use a ton of toys, and fairly easily give the lion of your choice a good amount of stats from feathers.

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Enye2 (#44408)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-01-03 03:03:01
That is why I am not suggesting it ^^

Moonclaws side

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Edited on 03/01/15 by Caitlin (#44408)

Kaye Kat 2 (#48812)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 07:56:30
Well I suggested it could affect mood ONCE a day, like you could do it once and it could lower or raise it like 5%.
Maybe not affect Karma at all
It could be like the king playing with lions, random stats could be given for playing(like with the king playing with them) , and -5% for clawing/ tackling, no stats given.
I don't think it would affect Karma, because it's how the PRIDE interacts, not the king necessarily.

I like it because it gives pride members more than just breeding, and they could be given personalities like our kings have.
And you wouldn't have to participate, it's your choice really, just like different features of the game already are.

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Edited on 03/01/15 by Kaye Kat 2 (#48812)

Ruler|Glacial Smilus (#33347)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 09:52:58
This is like felisfire, there are relationships. hate,dislike, acquaintance, fond of , and love. A feil has to have love another before they can bred. I like this idea for lioden tho'

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Kopa (#37882)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-03 19:32:16
Yes Kaye Kat! That is what I mean!
Savanna, I have never played that before, but I will take your word for it :)

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 22:58:17
What exactly would be the use of this, though? I dont see much meaning here. In a lion pride it doesnt matter what the relationship is, females will breed with their pridemale and lionesses will hunt together to survive.

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Kopa (#37882)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-03 23:04:10
It will be good for people who wright stories and random stats will be given out, like when your male plays with the pride members. It also raises mood by 5

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 23:06:05
You do realize that the developers are trying to limit stats, right? Giving more options to have stats is not.... really their goal.
But besides the roleplay and story addition.... what use would this have?

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 23:06:45
Why have a pointless feature? If you write stories you really don't need the arbitrary feature as the point i susing your imagination, and another feature improving mood would negatively affect toy sales.

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Edited on 04/01/15 by Maulise | Boney Floof (#32469)

Kopa (#37882)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-03 23:20:33
Well some people like it, and it was just an idea I had.

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2015-01-03 23:41:43
@Savanna: But Felisfire has a completely different breeding system than Lioden. Feli will randomly gain or loose relationship points every so often (forgot how often, it's been a while since I played Felisfire) and once they reach a certain high level in relationship, there's a chance a male and a female will breed automatically and as far as I remember once the couple has bred their relationship will reset and the female will get pissy for as long as she's pregnant to avoid raising her relationship with males too fast. Felisfire depends on "relationships" in order to breed.
On Lioden it wouldn't really serve a purpose at all as far as I understand the suggestion.

It's a cute idea, but I'm indifferent about it. If it could have some sort of purpose I might be for it but as it is now I'm neither for it or against it.

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Edited on 04/01/15 by Minimanta (#1684)

Kopa (#37882)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-03 23:50:39
Ok Mini, thank you for your opinion :)

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