Posted by Keeping Cubs in Cub Stages.

gross (#46285)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 10:01:12
I know that a lot of people like the new Cub Stages that have been released recently. I like the cub stages a lot, but only some of my cubs look good in the cub stage. Just like the "Tigers Eye" in Oasis, there can be another one called "Lions eye." I haven't came up with a name, but you can choose.

What this item will do & how it works.

This item will keep your cub in the 2nd cub stage forever. The item cannot be taken off the cub, and if used, will be permanent.
This item can ONLY be used on cubs that have the cub stages. This item cannot be used if the cub isn't in stage 2 of the cub stages, if the cub isn't on stage 2 of the cub stages, the item will show an error message, and still will be in your hoard until used. This item will only give a illusion of a 2 month cub.

What to do if you accidentally click the wrong cub.

If you accidentally click the wrong cub instead of the cub you want to use the item on, you can buy a reverse in the Oasis for 2 GB.

Where to buy the item.

I think the item should be sold in the Oasis for 4 GB or 5 either works. If not available in Oasis, the item could be sold in the Monkey Shop for 1k SB.


When used, the cub will NOT be able to do lioness things, they cannot hunt, breed, patrol, etc

Feel free to add ideas I can put!

User Ideas

Shyre ||FL+FoB+VS|| (#35539) says: The affected cub should take up a normal space, much like a full grown lioness, rather than a cub space, which are infinite.

Like this suggestion? Comment yes, I like her idea or no if you don't.



This suggestion has 44 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/01/15 by UnWanted (UK Pit Bull Rescue) (#46285)

gross (#46285)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 11:29:20
I am letting people express their opinions it's just I'm here to post my ideas and the way she is wording her comments makes it seem a lot more rude then she thinks

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🐺 inky (#32221)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 11:38:08
Cat just stated her opinion. :P Didn't seem rude to me at all. *shrug*
Idk if that's just me, but not only do I find it highly unrealistic, but also slightly creepy. The tiger's eye lions look like they're just on the verge of being fully grown, which is not really realistic but still plausible in say, RP. A baby? It's just... weird to have 2 month old looking cubs breeding, comical to picture them hunting or leading a pride. If anything, I'd support an extension of the cub stages (they are super cute) so that they stay looking young and fluffy and adorable beyond the current age (5 months I think?).

But it's a no support for me.

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gratify ; Kona (#48483)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-09 12:00:56
Definitely no support either.

Cub stages are exciting because they're temporary, if you could have it permanently, then who gives a crappers?

Also, to have the image stay as a cub forever, but none of the consequences? You can't ooonly have the good side of things.
Hunt a 3 month old cub? You mean feed it to a rhino.
Breed a 3 month old cub? So... Nope. That's just wrong.

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
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Posted on
2015-01-09 12:07:37
I'ma just drop in and say real quick that it wasn't Cat who was seeming like the rude one to me, but whatever :I

No support obviously, for reasons stated above ^^

Adol stages are still somewhat realistic tbh, permanently freezing a lion in the cub appearance is odd, for all the reasons people have said already. If the stage 2 could be extended to cover cubs up to 1yo, I'd support that ouo But not as a permanent item.
I mean if you want to see what a lion you bought looked like as a cub... There's google chrome inspect element ^^" Take a screenshot lol.

And keep in mind, Xy said updated lion and lioness art is coming too, so they'll look good too soon enough! ^^

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Edited on 09/01/15 by Bilby .:Intermittent Hiatus:. (#22185)

IllusionLion (#28866)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-01-09 12:14:58
Bilby: Wait, what? Updated lion and lioness art? I just died inside. I've been wanting this forever. When did he say that? :o

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Bilby [G1 penta nun
14bo] (#22185)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 17:12:55
I think it was in the newspost about the cub stages or something? That or chat xD

He said if the cub stages were a success there would be adult stages in the works as well, from memory ouo
Although that's a hell of a lot of work as well, and hopefully can be toggled on-off on lions' pages ouo

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-09 21:51:28
I am afraid I cannot support this.
Well, not without consequences.
If the item is used, then the lion cannot hunt, breed, patrol, lead a pride at all. It will just remain a cub that you need to feed and play with but still would age and die at the specific time.

But I would find it too much to have cubs hunt, breed, lead prides, patrol. I mean, an adol is like a teen among our species and teens can do any of this really. But a cub... A baby? A small child? I am not sure who would feel comfortable breeding with a cub.. so.... yeah. That is just plain wrong. Sending a baby to hunt? The animals would trample it without a second thought. Patrol? Leading a pride? Any intruder lion that comes along would kill it without trouble.

Adols are nearly grown up.

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gross (#46285)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 04:09:28
Axel, Like I stated before, just like "Tigers Eye" it will only give an illusion that the lioness is a cub. :)

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Edited on 10/01/15 by UnWanted (UK Pit Bull Rescue) (#46285)

Gin (#2465)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-10 04:18:52
Support, this would be cute.

The item would simply keeping the lion looking like a cub. It won't actually affect anything in the game. You can't patrol males under 2 yrs, but if you put a tiger's eye on a 2yr old they can still patrol. The image doesn't affect the actual game play.

Adolescents aren't nearly grown up. They can be from 1 year old to 1yr and 11 months. An adolescent able to hunt down a buffalo or hippo makes sense?

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Edited on 10/01/15 by Gin (#2465)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 04:45:38
Illusion or not, it would be highly disturbing to do the same thing to cubs.

Adols are like teens of humans. Sure, some teens have sex after they are 14 -in the best cases-, but babies and small children? You would do that to them? o.O Even if their mind is like an adult I would find it highly disturbing but I guess I am alone with that thought...

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gratify ; Kona (#48483)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-10 04:54:53
You're definitely not alone, Axel.
Someone brought this up in chat soon as the cub stages came in, and everyone else in there at the time got grossed out by it. It was dropped. >.>

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 04:58:12
I myself wouldnt find this bad at all IF the cub would not hunt, breed, patrol, become king... There is nothing wrong with that.
But cubs doing all these activities? How?
This cannot be compared to the adol stage. It is like comparing a 1 year old with a 16 year old.

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 05:02:35
No support from me either. I saw a thread suggesting this before and i agree it's kinda.... gross to have a cub (even if it's an illusion it still looks like a cub) breeding. Too squicky for me sorry.

A scrying stone feature to let you see what they'd look like as cubs sure, but not this.

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gross (#46285)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 05:40:28
I'll just close the thread since nobody likes the idea- thx for the support everybody does though. :)

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IllusionLion (#28866)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-01-10 06:03:41

I support if you add in that they don't get to perform things lionesses would do - breeding, hunting, etc.

And really? "No on likes the idea"? You've got 21 supports.

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