Posted by co-leading males rare occurance!

~challenge me!~ (#53095)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 01:16:52
Sometimes (very rarely) in the wild two lions co-lead. Sound far-fetched? I didn't believe until I watched documentary about it.

There are two different times when this happens very briefly during a coalition or a longer bond between two brothers.

A coalition happens when males without a pride work together for a common goal. I see no real way this can be implemented into the game other than roleplay.

A bond between two brothers could be implemented easier though. In the documentary I watched, the two lions were chased from their pride once they reached age. They then worked together and claimed a pride. They had small spats, but never tried to push the other from position. Unfortunately one of the two didn't make it out of a battle.

If this is implemented, it'd have to be a rare occurannce and there's have to be certain requirements such as:

The two males must be brothers (from the same male not female)
They can only take their fathers position together. (You can't trade them and have them take over. An unrelated kings pride)
If they try to take over an unrelated kings pride, only one will be king.
The males could be similar in stats and age and take over any males pride
Identical twins (as suggested by Miss Whispermouse) could be a rare occurance like (not an actual) mutation. If one is chosen to lead the pride, the other will/might follow.

As dual-Kings they can both be studded, impregnate females, and chase/kill lions, battle, and anything a previous lion could do.

Dual battles is out of the question for right now. It'd make this a lot harder to code. There's a thread already about bringing a lion/lioness into battle here -> Without its approval it's unlikely to have the dual-Kings fight alongside eachother. As of now, you'd simply be given a choice of which lion to battle.

I will link the documentary as sound as I find it again!

Feel free to leave any questions comments or concerns!

current cons:
-could hurt economy
-sub male breeding has been rejected many times

current pros:
-more realistic atmosphere
-more variety
-very flexible idea

"I think studding is what's causing the issue here, so what if you can only stud out one king to the public? But then you can have two lions to make babies with in your den but only earn sb from one of them? " ~Tasha

"Maybe it would work better if it went something like: any breeding attempts to your own lionesses and any stud requests are sent to /both/ kings, and its basically a dice roll which one impregnates the female? Or if she has multiple cubs, some could be sired by one king, and another by the other. If that makes sense? Basically the idea being that both males breed with her, and its random who's "stuff" ends up making the babies." ~Miss Whispermouse

"Or, another possible solution, its bred like a mutation, only its "twins" and they have identical markings/stats and only they can take over a pride together? So its still super rare, and there's not really an advantage because they'd be identical in every way. Any customization would happen to both of them so they stayed identical?" ~Miss Whispermouse (good idea! Identical twins!)

This suggestion has 47 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/01/15 by sburbplayer (#53095)

~challenge me!~ (#53095)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 02:51:49
@Cat This idea is meant to be a rare occurance. It'd be a very difficult to get co-leaders on one account let alone both accounts. If this is implemented not as a rare occurance, but a common thing maybe only the non-dominant male's offspring could be sold.

I don't see how Cubs within your pride would be doubled though? You still only have the same amount of females to breed with. Only the same amount of Cubs from different lions

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Ciril {Int|3x
Ros|Dusk} (#38439)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 02:52:00
It just seems to me that people are automatically saying no support without putting thought into it or discussing it. Oh well.

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Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 02:52:10
Okay so I'm pretty iffy on this idea to begin with, but I'm thinking of a possible help to the studding breeding issue.

Maybe it would work better if it went something like: any breeding attempts to your own lionesses and any stud requests are sent to /both/ kings, and its basically a dice roll which one impregnates the female? Or if she has multiple cubs, some could be sired by one king, and another by the other. If that makes sense? Basically the idea being that both males breed with her, and its random who's "stuff" ends up making the babies.

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~challenge me!~ (#53095)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 02:55:50
@Miss Whispermouse good idea! That could prevent the double cubs issue! I'll add it to the main post now ^^

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Nny (#257)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 02:58:49
That doesn't mean I can't agree with the reasons for not supporting, or that the counter arguments hold more ground. :x

But if you want me to try and elaborate:
Lioden doesn't need this if you ask me. I think it's a cute idea and it isn't unrealistic, However, Lioden is built to only ever have one king and a sub male that can take over when your one king dies. Two males in a pride just seems like more hassle for the developers and will just cause problems like ones Cat and others already stated for instance. If you want two brothers to take over you can have a side account. Both can be king and work together.

And also Nny thinks more breeding options is just bad for the game at the moment. I think we need to focus on getting a nice, balanced economy and such first as Lioden isn't a breeding game. As well as it seems a lot like sub male breeding, in the breeding part obviously, and I'm against that idea too.

That probably makes not much sense as I'm kinda half asleep and sick-ish but yeah. I elaborated. Yay. :3

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Gin (#2465)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:02:05
If it isn't a breeding game then why should the developers of LD be worried about the cub market?

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:04:14
Some people do use that angle, and breeding lions is their playstyle, even if it isn't the focus to the game. Lioden is simply trying to cater to as many people as possible and try and create a stable economy.

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Edited on 18/01/15 by Xylise | Cozy Floof (#32469)

BoneSmirk [wreck.] (#31477)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:05:18
@Aziell: it's not that I'm just saying no support or against discussing, I simply think that other people on this thread have elaborated on my own concerns enough that I don't see the need to repeat what they're saying.

that, and this (or similar) ideas have been suggested numerous times in the past and I don't particularly feel like debating it again. (:

edit:// how to english.

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Edited on 18/01/15 by Wreckuiem. (#31477)

Larvirawr (#27485)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:15:39
I think... I think that this idea might be possible, but I can't really see it happening any time soon. Something like this would take a lot of work that I personally feel would be better applied in other places for now. Like, eh, giving us new features to use with our current males.

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Edited on 18/01/15 by Larvirawr (#27485)

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:17:55
And uses for stats, that explore revamp that was talked about in 2013, etc, etc cx

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Nny (#257)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:18:19
Breeding game as I've seen has the main goal of just breeding. However, Lioden is more of a different game. Breeding is an aspect yes, and a fun one lol, But the main goal isn't just breeding. That's what I've seen at least, and why I don't see Lioden as just a breeding game. o3o

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~challenge me!~ (#53095)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:25:13
@Larvirawr I think you're right as well. I didn't have this in mind to be implemented next month or something. I've heard that most changes will come into play once the game is public. This game does need more important things currently, but an expansion like this in the future could really make the game a lot more interesting. For now we can try to perfect the suggestion by hashing things out about the economy and the like.

On a sidenote I'd totally support new features to use with current males ^^

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~challenge me!~ (#53095)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:26:40
Id like to state again that I didn't aim for this to be focused on breeding. I don't like submale breeding ideas myself. I personally like this idea because you can level two lions using explore. One could be for stats and one for looks. Each could have different karma levels. I'd also like to see small "spats" between them implemented. This was never meant to be about breeding just to give a bit more depth and realism to the game.

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Edited on 18/01/15 by sburbplayer (#53095)

Whispermouse (#42554)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:28:13
Or, another possible solution, its bred like a mutation, only its "twins" and they have identical markings/stats and only they can take over a pride together? So its still super rare, and there's not really an advantage because they'd be identical in every way. Any customization would happen to both of them so they stayed identical?

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:30:46

Not sure if that can be counted as an actual mutation, and the odds would be much lower since getting two male cubs in general is a feat.

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