Posted by Chasing for SB

V-eritas (#47953)

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Posted on
2015-02-01 04:18:38
Hey all!

I can imagine that I'm not the first to have come up with this, so I apologize if there's a thread/suggestion like this already.

So it has come to my attention that it is nearly impossible to sell lions on the market these days. There are far too many lions/lionesses/cubs on the market, and some of them stay there for days or weeks on end as no one buys them. This is rather demotivating for their owners, but what's worse is the prospect of eventually having to chase or kill them. I've had to chase perfectly lovely cubs in the past without turning any kind of profit, and to put it bluntly; I am going broke.

So what I would propose is small SB rewards for chasing lions, perhaps 50SB for cubs and 75-100 for adolescents and adults. I've seen this system on other sim-games, and it seems to work. Not only do you now actually get a small margin of profit if you cannot sell your lions, it would encourage more people to chase and possibly relieve the market a little.

EDIT: Several other users proposed experience or impression boosts rather than SB rewards to avoid a sudden influx of SB on the market, yet encourage people to chase. I could see this being pretty beneficial as well.

Do you have any further suggestions or qualms?

This suggestion has 15 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/02/15 by V-eritas (#47953)

Bela Lugosi's Dead (#42681)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-01 04:23:50
Hmm. Mixed feelings about this.
While it seems like that would help the market A LOT it may also cause sb inflation in the game. I like the idea of gaining profit from chasing but I'm not certain sb should be said incentive. I'm wondering if exp or imp wouldn't be a better idea but those may also come with disadvantages as well :/

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-02-01 04:40:56
The amount of SB in the system is already nutsy and inflated.

Getting a reward to add to the various methods of gaining SB would not be a good thing. No support.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-02-01 21:56:16
This has been suggested numerous times and shot down each time.

In the official meeting with the developers they pointed out that they dont plan on rewarding chasing with SB. It could be exploited heavily. The only ones truly gaining from this would be mass-breeders.

The economy would be trashed in the very first day it gets implemented due to the massive amount of SB flooding the economy.

I do not support this.

If breeders have trouble selling lions, then either reduce the quantity of produced cubs and work on quality or look for other means of gaining income along with breeding. Ever since the studding system was introduced, breeding was not as profitable as in the past.

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Edited on 02/02/15 by Axel (#6627)

V-eritas (#47953)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 00:51:23
Except that you need funds to 'breed for quality', as you put it. With my current funds of roughly 200 sb I doubt I'm going to be able to buy any good breeding stock or get any good breedings from an outside stud. But the only ways for me to earn money is by painstakingly selling food or selling the cubs- the latter of which never works, since in your terms they're not quality. Your method might work for older members, but for newbies like me it's very difficult to get money.

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KimchiSalad (#1072)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 01:01:33
It would be nice if there was some incentive for chasing, because as is people really do need to chase lions more. The market for selling lions is terrible, and there are so many people just trying to get rid of lions for incredibly low prices that it brings even the costs of some relatively nice lions down to almost nothing.

However, I agree that there is no way making SB the incentive would work. Some people have hundreds of lions, if they got even 1sb from the exchange it would be very profitable for them, but not very helpful for new players. The gap would still be the same, and quality lions would just go up in cost, making it harder for newer players to afford them.

An impression/exp incentive would be interesting though. I think we definitely need to make chasing a more appealing option somehow, because right now so many players act as if chasing any lion, no matter how poor quality it is, is the end of the world. Sometimes it just needs to happen. There are just too many lions on the market.

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V-eritas (#47953)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 01:09:46
Hmm, I can see how that might work. Perhaps experience or impression would be a more market-friendly trade-off.

I chase every lion that's been on the market for too long myself, but it gets kind of discouraging when you discover that for every 10 lions you try to sell, only 1 or 2 are bought; even when they've got nice bases, eyes and markings.

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WolvesOfDesire (#2439)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-27 03:41:33
Perhaps a lower amount of SB - around 20-30sb for any lioness/cub/lion.

It would totally make sense to do this, as killing the lion gives you something - a drop in karma.
Since killing equates to a drop in karma, maybe chasing could raise it?

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Kaishun (#56394)

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Posted on
2015-03-27 05:40:32
I think a tiny incentive would be nice. Definitely less than 50 SB typically, as you can sell a NCL for that if it looks nice enough. I'd say 10 SB/adult, 5 SB/adol, 0 SB/cub.
From pet sites I've been to, this doesn't really cause any mass breeding--it's too low to really be worth it. All it does is set the lowest bar for lion prices. I know as a newbie, this 10 SB would be VERY helpful, but as an older member it would just be tossed aside.

I mean, let's say you mate with all 40 lionesses and they give an average of 2 babies. That's 80 cubs, and if somehow you could hold them all until adulthood, that'd only be 800 SB every 3 weeks, or roughly 34 SB/day... would that little really ruin the economy? That's, like, a couple carcasses.
I'd go to say that 10x this amount, 340 SB/day, also wouldn't hurt much. I can make about 400 SB/day just from selling all my hunted food. It'd give incentive to chase/kill a lioness instead of selling it for cheap to get rid of it quickly. And remember, this is only if you're mating with all your lionesses and can hold them until adulthood.

Furthermore, there could also be a reward of some random amount between 10-100 SB, roughly based on the level. Maybe 1-10x the current level? People have been wanting levels to matter, after all. This would put the fresh lionesses at 1-10 SB (at level 1), and the more experienced would get 20-200 SB (at level 20).

I personally think this would be a good idea to help newbies get on their feet. If a lioness won't sell for even 50 SB, wouldn't it be better off chased than lowering the prices of everything around it, with someone desperate to get rid of it?

The only thing a 'pay to get rid of' feature changes is that the lowest prices increase in the market; less NCLs would be sold, more would be chased. And perhaps even prettier things would be chased, giving newbies a leg-up with some luck. But the higher prices really wouldn't change much at all. Like... 500 SB versus 550 SB isn't that much of a difference?

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