Posted by Reserve Pride! sign ups!

~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-05 14:01:44
*~Lion Pride~*
The lion pride have lived in peace but soon some creatures know as humans started killing out their fellow lions. They fought hard and most of their pride survived. Soon the humans left and some new ones came and turned their territory into a reserve for them so they could live just in case the lions go exstinc (not saying that they are.) They are watched by the humans everyday and often come into the reserve and study their every move and they are kind of annoyed but the eventually get used to them. Soon they don't even realize that they are there and the start acting t like normal lions again. When the humans k ow that its safe they will let them go.... Or will the be to attached? Found out in the Rp!

1. Don't bully other players
2. Fade to black when mating.
3. Don't cuss
4. Post as much as you want.
5. Make mistakes. No body is perfect.
6. You can have as many characters as you want.
7. No killing or mating with other people's characters without permission.
8. You must be active!
9. Put Cookie in other to say that you've read the rules.
10. Don't break the rules.
11. Have fun!

King 1: Kiligar
Queen 1: Safria
King 2: Kafu
Queen 2: Folami
Lead huntress: Leilani
Hunters: Ayana, Nuru, Taliah
Subordinate males: Jaroc, Goliath,
Cubsitter: Olamide
Adolescent cubs: Monkra,Shuna,
Cubs: Iva, Tyran, Evi, Cura, Chase, Sanura
Loners/nomads: Tani, Iku, Arashi, Angel. (No more)

(Just wanted to say that King and queen 2 have no less power than king and queen 1. They rule equally and have the same amount of power)

Join here: Thread here!


Short bio (not required):
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.):

Name: Ayana
Age: 3.5
Gender: Gender
Rank: Hunter
Image: Resting+Lioness.jpg
Personality: she is fun and loving. She is also caring and unselfish. She loves cubs and hopes to have her own one day. She enjoys hunting but is a laid back lion. Sh can be flirty when she wants to and she's very smart. She also doesn't really care about the humans anymore.
Short bio (not required):
Mate: none
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.): almost in heat
Other: Cookie

Name: Kiligar
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Rank: King
Image: porini-lion-camp-1346328256.jpg
Personality: He is kind, caring, and responsible. He can be fun at times but mostly to cautious about things. He is loyal and very smart. He will protect the pride with his live and doesn't really mind the humans anymore.
Short bio (not required):
Mate: Queen
Crush: Queen
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.): n/a
Other: Cookie

Name: Jaroc
Age: 3.6
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate male
Image: credo___the_white_lion_by_notmrscollins-
Personality: He is charming and can be flirty. He is strong and can be smart. He is more laid back then his brother (kiligar. Kiligar's mom adopted Jaroc) and often doesn't care about what happens but will fight with his life on the line. He is very curious and often gets very close to the humans jeeps.
Short bio (not required):
Mate: none
Crush: none
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.): n/a
Other: Cookie

*~Note~*: Subordinate males can mate with lionesses and lionesses can mate with subordinate males. Also you do not need a mate to have cubs. Its called flirting and anyone can do it even the kings if they have the guts to! xD)

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Edited on 22/02/15 by petcookie (#51467)

Mystic340☾ (#47157)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 12:54:19
Thank you

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~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-06 15:12:06
No problem

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~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-06 15:38:35
We will start when there is a queen #1 and a king #2.

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Edited on 06/02/15 by petcookie (#51467)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 16:04:28
Name: Angel- in heat
Age: 3yrs
Gender: female
Rank: Queen
Image: Link not working she is onyx base with white belly and blue eyes
Personality: sweet, kind, brave, loyal, shy, quiet, scared, flirty
Short bio (not required): only she is a half blood
Mate: The king
Crush: secret
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.): in heat
Other:cookie !!!!!

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Edited on 07/02/15 by FNAF generations (#45108)

~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-06 16:07:47
Not trying to be mean or anything but I only wanted 4 people and asked for more because to start we need a king and queen. So not accepted and you have to ask permission before post your character. Just maybe make another character or something.)

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Edited on 06/02/15 by petcookie (#51467)

overseer (#51172)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-06 16:14:28

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Edited on 06/02/15 by Lady Sarabi {FL}{CotC} (#51172)

~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-06 16:15:26
(Read rules. You can still have your character I'm sorry I didn't mean to erase it. Just rember that. Also it would be nice if you made more than one)

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Edited on 06/02/15 by petcookie (#51467)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 16:26:38
Ok could I change her to queen?

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~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-06 16:57:17
Ok guys I feel like a total jerk. I changed it so there is no need for permission and now it's any am out of people group Rp! So no need for changing anything.

@lady sarabi I remember most of your character except its name. What was it?

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Chavee (Sunset
breeder) (#44562)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-06 17:02:31
(Is its okay for me to take the spot of queen 1?)

Name: safria
Age: 4 years and 6 months
Gender: female
Rank: queen 1 if possible
Personality:safria is a loving and caring lioness. She often likes to watch the sunrise or set, abd adores cubs. She is well knowned as quiet and very, though if has to, could get mean. Enjoys sitting under a large tree watching the sunset as if it was water with fire spreader on it in a lovely manner, she adores cuddling and loves to run through savannah grasses forever.( of course till she manages to reach the border and has to come to a abrupt stop. If you do happen to get to her dark side she will be ruthless and brutal.. Which rarely happens.
Short bio:
Mate: none
Crush: none
Status: Inheat

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Edited on 11/02/15 by Silver (#44562)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 17:07:47
Ok she is queen (added it)

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Angel of the Night (#15331)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 17:14:19
Still need one more?

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Faded [2G
Cel|CrackedPie] (#53386)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 17:22:12
not sure if its too late to be a king =u=" but king 2 if thats possible~? also not sure if Ligers are ok? e3e" if not i'll change him to a lion

Name: King Amadi
Age: 7 Years
Gender: Male
Rank: King 2
Image: liger.jpg.html
Personality: Soft Pawed and gentle Amadi speaks with a quiet even toned deep voice. The low rumble of his words lulling most into a sense of security and warmth. He is for the most part a sweet heart, simply trying to take care of those who need it. However he is jsut as harsh and rutheless as he can be kind. If you are caught on the wrong side of him he will bring all one thousand pounds of fury down on you. He is best for cuddling up against and for long quiet evenings. He knows too well the dangers of the world and bears many life-lesson scars, because of this he is somewhat untrusting of travellers or new lions.
Short bio (not required):A gentle giant King Amadi was borne a lone survivor in a litter of four. All still born aside form him he was at first considered a freak of nature. A striped lion?! Regardless he was raised alongside his Lion bretheren, his mother having mated with a striped foriegner he would forever be different. Due to this he is a soft hearted King, usually trying to comprimise as opposed to fight. However, He is a powerful force to be reckoned with given that he is larger than most other lions due to his differing parentage. Since he is a hybrid of species he has an extremely low fertility.
Mate: (Folami I would guess but she doesnt have to)
Crush: --
Other: He has an odd quirk of always being able to find water, even in the worst of droughts. Because of this talent, Amadi has been able to keep himself alive when many others were dying of thirst.

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Edited on 07/02/15 by Faded (#53386)

~|Petcookie|MB|~ (#51467)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-07 00:46:26
Both accepted! :D

@destiney I already put her as loner

@angel I changed it. Now anyone can join! :D

It would be nice if you made more than one character. :D

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Edited on 07/02/15 by petcookie (#51467)

Angel of the Night (#15331)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 02:16:36
Reserve Pride

Name: Goliath
Age: 2
Gender: male
Rank: Subordinate male
Image: dove gray, black mane, pale blue eyes
Personality: gentle, sweet, doesn't like fighting
Short bio (not required): Goliath was born with gigantism making him extremely bigger then the other cubs, his mother died giving birth to him. Humans took care of him but as he got older and bigger the humans wanted to integrate Goliath in a pride and see how he thrives. But some lions the are afraid of him so Goliath spends most of his time alone til Lutalo took him and treated him like his son
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.):
Other: cookie

Name: Lutalo
Age: 10
Gender: male
Rank: Subordinate male
Image: dark golden pelt, dark brown mane (with gray streaks) golden brown eyes, has a huge scars on his right back leg
Personality: Brave, keeps a level head under pressure, very protective to the ones he loves
Short bio (not required): He lost his mate and children to hunters years ago, he gotten a injury in his right hind leg that gave him a permanent limp, the humans found him and placed him in the reserve. For a long while Lutalo closed himself off to everyone til one day he saw a lonely giant cub crying, Lutalo took in Goliath as his son and starts to live again.
Status (in heat, pregnant, with cubs. Females only.):
Other: cookie

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Edited on 07/02/15 by Angel (#15331)

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