Posted by Sugar Dragon Homebase
IllusionLion (#28866)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-06 11:51:32

Sugar Dragons. A sugar glider and a dragon. Closed

I'll update this post frequently with info about them. :)


-Anatomy sheet coming soon
-They have a canine-dragonish (leaning more towards canine) body shape. They have wide paws and somewhat long legs. Retractable, incredibly long claws. Their necks are strong, long, and muscular. Head narrows down as it approaches the mouth area. Ears are huge and delicate. The noses are that of a sugar glider, and are soft, pink, and tender. Eyes are narrow with small, usually slitted pupils. The chest is thick, but the body gets smaller towards the middle. The back may arch in most poses. Tails are large and are held just above the ground. Tails can also be swept side to side and down, but spine shape prevents it from curling upwards too much.

ALL Sugar Dragons
-All sugar dragons have darker colored tails, paws, and heads in a dark gradient. The cream-colored sugar glider pattern on the face is always there as well. They all have tender, pink paws and noses.
Wild Sugar Dragons
-Wild Sugar Dragons' designs normally have either repetitive, intricate markings or plain, 1-design boring pelts. They always have a generally natural coat base color, but markings can range to any color.
Domestic Sugar Dragons
-Domestic Sugar Dragons can range in color and pattern, often bearing more out-of-shape design. They always have a harness-like marking on their chest (any color).

-Breeding season is every other month. (February, April, June, August, October, December). It never changes the months. Pairs of Sugar Dragons can mate at any time in breeding season.
-Males can breed every 7 days, but prefer to stay with a mate each month.
-It's a 1/10 chance the Sugar Dragon will mate for life. If this happens, the couple can mate regularly with no acknowledgement of the breeding season; however, the female can only be impregnated during breeding season.
-Female's gestation period is 1 month normally. The baby grows extremely rapidly in the womb, and is ready to be born within about 30 days.
-After giving birth, females can begin mating the next month in breeding season. However, females who have recently given birth will occasionally be cranky and unwilling to mate for a while. This behavior usually lasts no more than one month after giving birth.

Wild Sugar Dragons
-Wild Sugar Dragons can live alone, in tribes, or in a clan. However, since they are sociable and friendly creatures, most prefer to live in tribes. Some find tribe life to be too difficult or controlling, and live alone or in a clan. Wild Sugar Dragons with social anxiety live in clans or alone.

Sugar Dragon Tribes
A Sugar Dragon Tribe consists of 15-100 individuals. Members usually have paw prints dyed onto their fur, normally around the right shoulder. The paw prints are the prints of the chief of the tribe, and the color of the print determines the Sugar Dragon's rank/job in the tribe.
Color Guide:
-Green print: Chief
-Purple print: Medic
-Red print: Warrior
-Yellow print: Gatherers
-Orange print: Hunters
-Blue print: Elders
Tribe Functions: coming soon!

Rules of Owning: Domestic Sugar Dragons
-You cannot breed without buying a breeder's permit.
-You cannot resell the design. If the design is no longer wanted, return it to me (no refunds).
-A permit for ONE CUSTOM SUGAR DRAGON can be bought for 10 GB. This means you buy the permit and can design your own, but I have to approve it before it can become official.
-You can trade your Sugar Dragon designs with others; however, you must have a trader's license. (PM me to buy. 1 GB. Allows you to trade Sugar Dragons with other owners.)
-When trading, you cannot trade for anything else than another design.
-Rules may be added/changed by only me as I see fit.
How to breed your domestic Sugar Dragon [breeding currently CLOSED]
-Purchase a permit (5 GB) by messaging me,
-Locate a domestic sugar dragon (of the opposite sex as yours) owner, and be given permission from them to breed theirs to yours. Check that this person has a permit (ask for a screenshot of the permit PM.) If so, proceed.

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Edited on 12/02/15 by Xyllusion (#28866)

Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-09 03:32:29
~Rolls in this thread, stealds the cute little thing and rolls out~

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IllusionLion (#28866)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-02-09 03:39:55

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-09 05:12:18
@Xyllusion, how many of these are you going to make?

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IllusionLion (#28866)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-02-09 09:53:53
Once one auction ends, I'll likely have another up, and will continue to do this until I have about 5 in the game. Then I'll stop for a while, work out the breeding rules, and let people start to breed their Sugar Dragons. ^^

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-02-09 10:33:44
Hmm alright, I shall keep an eye out for them then:3

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