Posted by Counter offer suggestion for trades

Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-02-16 16:49:34
I didn't see this when I was searching the boards, but I think it'd be swell if there was a button that pops up when someone puts an offer on a trade you have up that allows you to propose a counter-offer to the offered offer. Think of like... Ebay. For Lioden.


You put up a trade for something that's valued at 3 gb on the oasis, and someone offers 1 gb. Instead of doing the "reject bid/new offer/reject bid/new offer dance" you can simply enter in a counter offer to the 1gb at 2 gb, and it'd be up to the bidder to accept it.


EDIT: Rusty suggested adding some sort of notification system to alert you if someone has posted a bid that's higher than yours.

This suggestion has 42 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 20:58:26 by Lassie [I.R.I.S.] (#49710)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-06-02 09:43:36
Good idea. It's so simple not many people think of it, but it would be quite useful

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-06-22 07:59:12
This would make the trading centre more like an auction place, which I am all in favour for. A lot of people miss out on trades because they offer low to start with, then aren't alerted to the fact that someone has bid something else

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Fizzlepop (#49710)

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Posted on
2015-06-30 12:06:49
I was thinking more as a way for people holding a trade to counter offer to something a bidder puts on the table (because let me tell you, I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't read the trade description), but that's a good idea, too! I'll add it into the original post.

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