Posted by Searched Lions Improvement

PhoenixStar (#41434)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-20 19:46:56
Ok not sure if this been suggested, but how about we have some better advancement on searching lions. Particularly, studs. Maybe we could do something similar to TC like searching a specific markings and probably a way to tell if the user is online.

Like sometimes, you send stud request and then you found out the user hasn't on for x amount of time :/ Yeah it's an idea and again, I don't know if this been suggested yet

Also here's another idea that's been suggested by Quite a lonely player #34850

- Keep what you searched in the 'Search Box'! Its pretty annoying when you search a specific base and price, look at a lion, and go back to the search page for another lion, and all there is left in the search box, is the price! Then you gotta re-search... ugh. Its so annoying!

Suggestion 2 by Silver Wolf(Llama) V.V C.T L.L (#28243)

-Mane colors

So basically we have mane type, but we need many color too :3

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Edited on 28/02/15 by PhoenixStar (#41434)

Quite a lonely
player. (#34850)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-02-21 08:55:25
This TOTALLY needs to happen! like, whats the point in having a 'Search' feature if you can hardly search for the perfect lion? And can i suggest something too?

- Keep what you searched in the 'Search Box'! Its pretty annoying when you search a specific base and price, look at a lion, and go back to the search page for another lion, and all there is left in the search box, is the price! Then you gotta re-search... ugh. Its so annoying!

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Rooob Boob (Clean) (#28243)

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Posted on
2015-02-28 07:29:51
What about an Mane Colour Search thing? and a Marking search?

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PhoenixStar (#41434)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-28 13:12:45
That's what I'm suggesting and I'll add the mane color too :3

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