Posted by The Celestial Wars (Warrior Cats roleplay/Open)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 13:36:56
(To get our banner copy <*a href="" target="_blank"><*img src="" width="600" alt="1533c6q.jpg"/><*/a> Remove the *'s)


1. No marysues/powerplaying/godmodding.
2. Do not go onto another clan territory without the leader's permission, this is to prevent confusion and irritable unnecessary drama.
3. No other animals other than cats, you may bring in an NPC badger/fox/two-leg/etc with my permission.
4. Cussing is allowed, although I would prefer you use Warrior swear words than ones we actually use.
5. No insta-healing. This means if you have been injured think about the injury wisely, a sickness could easily cause you two IRL days in the medicine den. A wound such as a simple cut would just be an in and out.
6. Only four characters allowed.
7. 3 sentences and up.
8. Cats not involved in a prophecy and are not medince cats/medicine apprentices/leaders may not go to the Stargazer.
9. Kits may not randomly venture out of camp, they don't have the strength and energy to do so.
10. Deputy ranks are not reservable. You may PM a leader if you want to be deputy and they will choose whether you deserve the rank or not.
11. You may be a loner/rogue/kitty-pet if you want to.
12. If you are inactive for more than 3 days and your position is important such as leader/deputy/medicine cat you will be demoted to a lower rank if you do not give a notice before hand.


The dark will rise and the stars will fall.


Gorge Clan
Gorge clan is very agile and strategic. They live in a dried out gorge that gets very hot during the day, most of them have long legs and short fur.
Leader - Snakestar (BritishStalker)
Medicine Cat - Larkcall (Being As An Ocean)
Medicine Apprentice - Wrenfeather (Casper)

Marsh Clan
Marsh clan are proud and great swimmers. Marsh clanners live in a marsh area, their camp is a large piece of land that hasn't been soaked by the waters. Because they live in a marsh, they have more muscular legs than the other clans from swimming through the dense waters.
Leader - Rainstar (Casper)
Medicine Cat - Naturalmint (Heath)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Cricket Clan
Cricket clan are swift and open-minded. They live in a large territory with open fields and rolling hills, the Cricket clanners can jump an unusually long distance and love to run and bound through their territory. Like Gorge clan they have long legs and short fur.
Leader - Taken (Sohodora)
Medicine Cat - Sandthroat (Scaredy)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Willow Clan (Closed until other clans have more members.)
Willowclan are beautiful and silent. Their camp is in an old abandoned house with a willow tree breaking in through large holes in the walls and ceiling. They have a variety of genetics which mostly make them turn out to be gorgeous in appearance, kits are often born under the willow tree to ensure that they turn out to be beautiful. Along with their beauty, they are very silent and excel in hunting, they do best at night and plan the best ambushes.
Leader - Silverstar (Panda Senpai)
Medicine Cat - Whiteye (Nightcutter)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Wolf Clan
Wolf clan are brave and loyal. They live in the oak forest and have a variety of genetics unlike most clans. They are accepting to loners and kitty-pets and would never betray their clan. Their camp is inside a large cave near a lake in the oak forest.
Leader - Sedgestar (Tychi)
Medicine Cat - Mistpetal (Tiaret)
Medicine Apprentice - Thistlepaw (Orinisona)

Rock Clan
Rockclan are wise and strong. Their territory is on a giant boulder stuck in the ground and surrounded by many other smaller boulders. The camp is on a mossy area of that giant boulder, Rockclanners have large paw pads and thick claws to help them stick to the boulders and easily go through the rough terrain, their fur is also commonly long.
Leader - Clovistar (Lady Sarabi)
Medicine Cat - Reedwhisker (Blazered)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Owl Clan
Owl clan are powerful and great climbers. Their main source of prey are large birds and birds of prey because these birds are attracted to their camp location, which is on a cliff in a dense forest. They have hooked claws and dull colors.
Leader - Minkstar (Marzipan)
Medicine Cat - Fleetinghope (FantasyDragone)
Medicine Apprentice - Open


Coming soon!

Roleplay Thread - Here

Discussion and Clan Information Thread - Here

Additional Information
If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to make this roleplay as unique as possible compared to other Warrior roleplays. The maps will be finished soon, and I guarantee that they will be very interesting. ;3 Also, I have a couple of guides and terms for those who don't know much on Warriors.

Complete list of Medicine Cat herbs and treatments.
Click here.

The Warrior Code
Click here.

Warrior's Glossary
Click here.


Name(And past names):
Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.):
History(Not required.):
Themesong(Not required.):

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Edited on 08/03/15 by BritishStalker (#21705)

Cora (#38247)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 14:59:24
*Same as Orinsinoa*

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:02:27

Leader: Minxstar-Marzipan
Med Cat: Fleetinghope-FantasyDragone
Med Cat Apprentice: NOPE.
Deputy: NONE.
Warriors: Cedareye is lonelyyyyy
Kits: ZERO


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Edited on 07/03/15 by FantasyDragone (#54330)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:02:51
Accepted ouo

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👑THE JOKER➰ (#46155)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:04:24
*Silence, Crickets chirping..*

Now clans, we view the craziness of Owl Clan... And others.. because well.. we're all crazy..Why am i narrating?"

Ah no.. I messed the name up. .--.

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Edited on 07/03/15 by H e a t h (#46155)

FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:08:57

Fleetinghope: Uh, Minxstar? We have a clan OF TWO CATS.
*coughcough* I mean three.

oh god it's a commercial now

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Edited on 07/03/15 by FantasyDragone (#54330)

Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:10:59
I am going to create my last three cats one in owl and two in cricket

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:12:50
THANK YOU. okie I will create some cats in clans who need them now. Who needs cats?

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:14:18
I still only have Larkcall(Med cat), Wrenfeather(Med app), Weepingtree(deputy) and myself. .3.

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👑THE JOKER➰ (#46155)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:17:00
I have 2 character's, Weepingtree and Naturalmint.. Don't think i can handle anymore.

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:18:56
I usually can't handle more than one, I end up spending more time on one character anyway.

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Narabas 🌷 G2 MRLC (#38902)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:26:13
I myself have Sandthroat and Flamekit (presumably??). I would get more if I felt I had the patience for more. We'll see.

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:28:14
Name: Kestrelsong (Kestrelkit, Kestrelpaw)
Age: 30 moons
Gender: Male
Breed: Unknown (I can't find it out, so let's say mix?)
Personality: Kestrelsong is a kind cat. He is loyal, and maybe a bit slow sometimes, but he is loving and kind. He is a good warrior and has mentored an apprentice before.
Clan: Cricket Clan
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice/Mentor: Already mentored a cat named Whitetip, who was killed in a battle. Awaiting new apprentice.
Mate/Crush: He wishes.
Kits: Nah.
Kin: Mother is Rainfalling, father is Swoopcall. Both are dead. No siblings.
Strengths: Kind, Strong, Loyal
Weaknesses: A bit slow in the mind sometimes, Clumsy, Hates conflict
History: His mother and father were killed in battle.
Theme song: I DUNNO

Well, two is as many as I can handle.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:28:49
Hey, you left out poor Cedareye! She's in Owlclan too! :p

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:30:50
The cat in that image is a maine coon. ouo Accepted~

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-03-07 15:43:20
My pathetic clan of Cricketclan

Jetstar: (me)

Sandthroat: (Scaredy)


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