Posted by The Celestial Wars (Warrior Cats roleplay/Open)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 13:36:56
(To get our banner copy <*a href="" target="_blank"><*img src="" width="600" alt="1533c6q.jpg"/><*/a> Remove the *'s)


1. No marysues/powerplaying/godmodding.
2. Do not go onto another clan territory without the leader's permission, this is to prevent confusion and irritable unnecessary drama.
3. No other animals other than cats, you may bring in an NPC badger/fox/two-leg/etc with my permission.
4. Cussing is allowed, although I would prefer you use Warrior swear words than ones we actually use.
5. No insta-healing. This means if you have been injured think about the injury wisely, a sickness could easily cause you two IRL days in the medicine den. A wound such as a simple cut would just be an in and out.
6. Only four characters allowed.
7. 3 sentences and up.
8. Cats not involved in a prophecy and are not medince cats/medicine apprentices/leaders may not go to the Stargazer.
9. Kits may not randomly venture out of camp, they don't have the strength and energy to do so.
10. Deputy ranks are not reservable. You may PM a leader if you want to be deputy and they will choose whether you deserve the rank or not.
11. You may be a loner/rogue/kitty-pet if you want to.
12. If you are inactive for more than 3 days and your position is important such as leader/deputy/medicine cat you will be demoted to a lower rank if you do not give a notice before hand.


The dark will rise and the stars will fall.


Gorge Clan
Gorge clan is very agile and strategic. They live in a dried out gorge that gets very hot during the day, most of them have long legs and short fur.
Leader - Snakestar (BritishStalker)
Medicine Cat - Larkcall (Being As An Ocean)
Medicine Apprentice - Wrenfeather (Casper)

Marsh Clan
Marsh clan are proud and great swimmers. Marsh clanners live in a marsh area, their camp is a large piece of land that hasn't been soaked by the waters. Because they live in a marsh, they have more muscular legs than the other clans from swimming through the dense waters.
Leader - Rainstar (Casper)
Medicine Cat - Naturalmint (Heath)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Cricket Clan
Cricket clan are swift and open-minded. They live in a large territory with open fields and rolling hills, the Cricket clanners can jump an unusually long distance and love to run and bound through their territory. Like Gorge clan they have long legs and short fur.
Leader - Taken (Sohodora)
Medicine Cat - Sandthroat (Scaredy)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Willow Clan (Closed until other clans have more members.)
Willowclan are beautiful and silent. Their camp is in an old abandoned house with a willow tree breaking in through large holes in the walls and ceiling. They have a variety of genetics which mostly make them turn out to be gorgeous in appearance, kits are often born under the willow tree to ensure that they turn out to be beautiful. Along with their beauty, they are very silent and excel in hunting, they do best at night and plan the best ambushes.
Leader - Silverstar (Panda Senpai)
Medicine Cat - Whiteye (Nightcutter)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Wolf Clan
Wolf clan are brave and loyal. They live in the oak forest and have a variety of genetics unlike most clans. They are accepting to loners and kitty-pets and would never betray their clan. Their camp is inside a large cave near a lake in the oak forest.
Leader - Sedgestar (Tychi)
Medicine Cat - Mistpetal (Tiaret)
Medicine Apprentice - Thistlepaw (Orinisona)

Rock Clan
Rockclan are wise and strong. Their territory is on a giant boulder stuck in the ground and surrounded by many other smaller boulders. The camp is on a mossy area of that giant boulder, Rockclanners have large paw pads and thick claws to help them stick to the boulders and easily go through the rough terrain, their fur is also commonly long.
Leader - Clovistar (Lady Sarabi)
Medicine Cat - Reedwhisker (Blazered)
Medicine Apprentice - Open

Owl Clan
Owl clan are powerful and great climbers. Their main source of prey are large birds and birds of prey because these birds are attracted to their camp location, which is on a cliff in a dense forest. They have hooked claws and dull colors.
Leader - Minkstar (Marzipan)
Medicine Cat - Fleetinghope (FantasyDragone)
Medicine Apprentice - Open


Coming soon!

Roleplay Thread - Here

Discussion and Clan Information Thread - Here

Additional Information
If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to make this roleplay as unique as possible compared to other Warrior roleplays. The maps will be finished soon, and I guarantee that they will be very interesting. ;3 Also, I have a couple of guides and terms for those who don't know much on Warriors.

Complete list of Medicine Cat herbs and treatments.
Click here.

The Warrior Code
Click here.

Warrior's Glossary
Click here.


Name(And past names):
Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.):
History(Not required.):
Themesong(Not required.):

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Edited on 08/03/15 by BritishStalker (#21705)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 21:53:21
Yep. x3 You wanted Owl Clan leader, I asked if you wanted to make the info or if you wanted to so I left their spot blank.

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Zombee (#52056)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-05 21:58:05
Sorry sent some of the information :D And I can make my own terrain height map c:

Would I be able to add like -- land marks in there? ouo


Name(And past names): Minkstar
{Minkkit, Minkpaw & Minktuft}

Age: 23 Moons {1 year old, 11 months}

Gender: Female.

Breed: Unknown X Munchkin.



Her legs are very short, which are caused by a naturally occurring genetic mutation. However like the animal she's named after Mink can move exceptionally quick - her skin is also very loose - again like a Ferret or Mink if grabbed she could easily turn to bite.

With pale fur with light brown markings Mink has very cold eyes.

Personality: She's very protective of her clan, she's secretive to those outside and can be very hostile. She's however a work-a-holic. She has a serious personality; very relaxed however she will strike at you.

She has no issues about her height - mention it and she'll claw you.

Clan: Owlclan

Rank: {Kit, Apperentice, Warrior & Deputy} Leader.

Apprentice/Mentor: Her old mentor was Crowmask.

No current Apprentice.

Mate/Crush: No.

Kits: No.

Kin: None - if you wish to be PM me.
{Parents were Brambleleap and Cottontuft}

Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.):

+ Her size - she moves quicker than most think; more like a weasel or Minx.
+ Her kin - she like most Munchkins have very loose skin if grabbed she can turn around very easily.
+ Her sight - her sight's execellent. She refuses to miss little details.

- She can't swim - she can keep herself afloat yet not for long. Short legs.
- Her attitude to those outside; not the best and often caused disputes at times however she's getting better at controlling her temper.
- Hunting; she's capable yet she can't relie on stalking then pouncing.

History(Not required.): She has tiny amounts of kitty-pet blood. TBA

Themesong(Not required.): TBA

Other: TBA as again school.

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Edited on 06/03/15 by Marzipan ~<3 (#52056)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 22:02:26
Yep. ouo Also, this is to all clan leaders, if you want any land marks in your territory let me know~ And accepted. x3

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Edited on 06/03/15 by BritishStalker (#21705)

Rustedbones (#18569)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 01:19:24
Name(And past names): Dunshadow
{Dunekit, Dunepaw}

Age: 48 Moons {4 years}

Gender: Male

Breed: American bobtail

Description: Grey classic tabby

Personality: Most of his thoughts stay in his head. He likes to patrol alone when he can, and prefers the company of nature to other cats. He has a strong sense of duty, and follows the warrior code to a T.

having no tail has never bothered him. Saves time on grooming.

Clan: marshclan

Rank: {Kit, Apperentice, Warrior & Deputy} warrior

Apprentice/Mentor: None

No current Apprentice.

Mate/Crush no

Kin: None

Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.):

+ He is very patient
+ He can dive like an otter
+ He thinks his lack of a tail is. Less to grab onto in a fight

- due to not having a tail, he is very uncomfortable in balance situations. He'll stay on the ground.
- No real friends. He's not really close to anyone.
- deathly afraid of fire

History(Not required.): parents Adderstrike and Silverfinch. Died to Greencough when he was 11 moons old. His sister Honeybloom ran off with a loner tom. Otherwise normal kithood.

Themesong(Not required.): Vivaldi- Winter

Other: Secretly, he can sing.

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Edited on 06/03/15 by Rustedbones (#18569)


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Posted on
2015-03-06 01:40:50
Name : Aspen-Fur

Age : 1 Year

Gender : Feminine

Breed : Burmilla

Appearance : Linkie

Personality : Independent, Mischievous, Cunning, Adventurer

Clan : Willow-Clan

Rank : Warrior

Apprentice / Mentor : ...

Mate/Crush : ...

Kits : ...

Kin : ...

Strengths : Agile, Fast, Intelligent

Weaknesses : Hydrophobic, Misopedist, Reserved

History : ...

Themesong : ...

Other : ...

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Adyllic (#44516)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 02:36:13
(scuse me for tang so long :P)
Name(And past names): Sedgestar(Sedgewing,Sedgepaw,Sedgekit)
Breed: Abyssinian
Personality:Sweet to be around and when she is angry she goes all out on her enemies.
Clan:Wolf clan
Apprentice/Mentor: Used to have an app named Swiftpaw(thats how she got her deputy position) but he was killed by a badger.
Mate/Crush:Stormleaf-deceased, thunderpath
Kits:Yarrowkit/Leafkit- stillborn
Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.): Her strengths: She will defend her clan and has physical strength, not to mention she wont give up. Weaknessses: Cant bear to be reminded of her mate and kits (or apprentice). Another is that because her fur is so thin she could easily get hurt and mainly stays inside her den during Leaf Bare.
History(Not required.):none
Themesong(Not required.):
Other:boop(Hi British)

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Edited on 06/03/15 by Tychi Off-white king PWP (#44516)

oblige (#54017)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-03-06 03:18:41
Reserving Wolf-Clan med app

Name(And past names): Thistlepaw
Age: 8 moons
Gender: Female
Breed: Siamese x Scottish Fold
Description: Image and video hosting by TinyPic All except folded ears and her back paw deformity.
Clan: Wolf Clan
Rank: Med Cat Apprentice
Apprentice/Mentor: Tiaret (Mentor)
Mate/Crush: Forbidden.
Kits: Forbidden.
Kin: Doesn't Matter; All are dead.
Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.):
~Incredible Memory
~Back paw is deformed, making her slower than normal
~Overly Defensive to some
~Could be spotted in the middle of the day because she is white
History(Not required.): She watched her mother get eaten by a fox. Her father died from a speeding monster, and her siblings turned into kittypets, and then they were never seen again. Presumably dead
Themesong(Not required.): Kill Everyone - Hollywood Undead
Other: She may seem friendly on the outside, but in the inside, she blames everyone for her siblings death along with her parents'.

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Edited on 06/03/15 by Orinsinoa {ONLINE} (#54017)

FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:02:04
Name: Fleetinghope (formerly Fleetingkit and Fleetingpaw)
Age: 24 moons
Gender: Female
Breed: Savannah Cat
Personality: Fleetinghope is a kind and gentle cat. She is very good with kits, and has pledged to never let anyone she could save die. She would do anything for her loved ones, and can be viewed by some as overprotective. But it's out of love.
Clan: Owl Clan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Apprentice: Not yet, but she's waiting for one eagerly!
Mate/Crush: Nope, that's against the code.
Kits: Also against the code,
Kin: Her sister Flowertail and brother Reedfoot (PM if you want to be them.)
Strengths: Incredibly kind, can jump 6 feet up, good hunter of large birds
Weaknesses: Too attached to family, overprotective, blames herself too much
History: She was born to her mother Cloudedsight and father Bearpelt, who both died of battle wounds. After watching that, she decided she wanted to help others and became a med cat.
Themesong: Say Something I'm Giving Up On You
Other: She would love an apprentice.

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Edited on 08/03/15 by FantasyDragone (#54330)

Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:10:50
All accepted, and Tychi there's already a Silverstar so if you could edit your name that would be great. c:

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these floral bones (#34213)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:13:20
Psst you should all ditch your clans and flock to Marshclan
Is there anything you could do to urge members to join the less-popular clans?

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Cosmoos (#21705)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:15:23
Lol just scream deputy rank open and they'll all come flooding. XD Also, could you edit your form?

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Edited on 06/03/15 by BritishStalker (#21705)

Xx_-AshStar-_xX (#36534)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:17:38
Name(And past names): Ashfeather Ashpaw Ashkit
Age: 15 Moons
Gender: Female/She-Cat/Femmora/Fae
Breed: A Golden Tabby/Maine Coon Mix
Description: red-tabby-with-white.jpg
Personality: she is fierce when provoked, clumsy and loves the water. her thin frame but water proof coat makes her an excellent swimmer and she may be thin, but she is deadly. she could sneak up on an owl if she tried very hard.
Clan: Marshclan
Rank: Deputy
Apprentice/Mentor: N/A
Mate/Crush: N/A Not allowed to have kits >.> /coughcough?sexist warrior code /coughcough/
Kits: N/A
Kin: N/A
Strengths and Weaknesses(3 For each.): strengths: Thin, agile, Fast. Weaknesses: Giant Paws, clumsy, Isn't very Balanced.

Posting Soon~

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Edited on 06/03/15 by =Jane-Foster=~Online~ (#36534)

these floral bones (#34213)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:17:40
Yeah, I'm working on that now. I've been stuck on my phone for a while.


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Edited on 06/03/15 by Casper (#34213)

Xx_-AshStar-_xX (#36534)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:29:17
@CAsper Could Ashfeather be Deputy?

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these floral bones (#34213)

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Posted on
2015-03-06 07:36:01
Aren't female deputies allowed to have kits, though?

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