Posted by "No support" button

Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-03-11 07:30:45
I think we should have a "no support" on topics to go with the support buttons. It would be easier to tell how many are against an idea and also see if more people support than don't support.


This could also help lessen the unnecessarily harsh 'no support' comments. Clicking a button to show their opinion may lessen harsh comments because their voice is heard.

This suggestion has 67 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 11/03/15 by KimikoKyuuketsuki- LSA- CCS- (#32476)

.::VulpesFelisI::.. (#17507)

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Posted on
2015-03-11 11:47:25
No support due to reasons stated by other non supporters.

I much rather have my thread torn apart in the comments than people not even giving my thread a glance because it has a high number of "no supports"

People can have all the faith in humanity they want but in reality when it comes to noticing the negative we do so with such intensity, and its literally because we are wired that way.

At least the current way, people will have to give a thread a chance.

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Miss LionMouse (#42652)

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Posted on
2015-03-11 13:01:59
I'm going to be honest, this community is so quick to tear down other people's ideas, I don't think a no support button is going to stop people from commenting.

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