Posted by New tree carvings section for adoptable sales?

Ky πŸ“|Hiatus| (#2104)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 09:09:55
To clarify I mean the sale of characters and character designs and not line recolors, since both are sometimes referred to as adoptables.

Don't take me wrong on this, I enjoy my fair share or these original species adoptables and character design sales and such, but it's gotten to the point where I can't really go to the art sales section and actually look for art to buy of my lions.

I suggest since it's become so prominent, why not create a sub-section of the tree carvings boards to put that on? That way the people who love to sell and buy characters and character designs here can keep doing what they're doing and those who just want to sell commissions or tags or den art or whatever can keep to the art sales and those who want to buy that can find it.

This suggestion has 38 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/03/15 by Pyrosong (#2104)

Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 09:40:51
I have thoughts that it might just be a phase, just like 'senpai' LioDen which died down, or the ;best looks' thread, or some other examples.

This would be fully supported if I knew it would become a normal aspect of LioDen, Imma give it a little longer before I lend my support c:

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Ky πŸ“|Hiatus| (#2104)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 09:43:49
Fair enough. I've seen things like this happen on other virtual pet sites I have been a part of and they tend to linger though. You could be correct, but I say it's here to stay for a long while based on what I've seen before.

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Kimiko Kyuuketsuki (#32476)

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Posted on
2015-03-16 11:41:46
I support. I plan to keep doing adopts for a long time

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GreyWolf (#5273)

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Posted on
2015-03-28 07:19:49
This would be a neat thing :3 Support ~

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-03-28 07:21:30
Cat... Senpai still lives....

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