Posted by Game Suggestions: (50+ Supports)

They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-22 10:00:40
This is a fairly long post, but I'd appreciate it if you read it all to see if you support my ideas or not :)

I decided to combine all my suggestions that I've made into one thread, that way I can delete all the others and just have one.

More Mini-Games Idea

Original Amount of Supports: 51

So far, we Have Cups, Whack-a-Snake, and the Silver Beetle Raffle.
I really like our current mini-games, but I can't help but really like the idea of them having more options to choose from. I'm not sure if they're already planning to add more or not, but here's my ideas for mini-games. Feel free to post your ideas, and if I like them, I'll edit them in and credit you!

Idea 1:
Bug Game (Not my idea for an official title, obviously)

In this game, your lion is trying to squash/catch as many silver beetles as possible for an animal of some sort. To make it more challenging, There would be a time limit, and three lives. As well as levels where the bugs scurry around faster and it makes it more difficult to squash/catch them. Also, on a rare occasion, a gold beetle will run very fast across the screen, and if you catch him you'll get five, or ten extra points. With these points, the animal who is requesting the beetles might have a little shop filled with items you can't find anywhere else. It might say, "Oh, thank you for catching me some lunch! Why don't you look around and see what I have, maybe you'll like something."

Idea 2:
Cub Game (Once again, not final title)

In this game, your lion is in charge of watching over a group of cubs. Your job is to make sure they don't get in trouble, whether that be by them running off, or fighting with one another. To make the game interesting, you're able to interact with the cubs. You can choose from several options, a couple might be:
Your objection is to keep their "entertained" meter high.
Colors for meter:
Green: Meter is high
Yellow: Meter is medium
Red: Meter is low

Once their meter turns red, and decreases completely in size (like ours does for hunger, energy, etc.) you lose the game.
So the game isn't too long, or too extensive, there is also a time limit. (around a minute or so, max)
There are also three levels:
Easy (You watch over young cubs)
Medium (You watch over a little older cubs)
Hard (You watch over adolescent cubs)

Younger cubs are easier to watch over, and don't require as much interaction, while adolescent cubs need continuous supervision. They can also get in a lot more trouble.

If you fail, an angry lioness will say something like, "I left you in charge for just a minute, and THIS is what happens?"

If their meter is green, when the time ends, a happy lioness will say something like, "Wow! Whenever I need a break, I'll know who to ask to watch them!"

For both games, and like Whack-a-Snake, you can unlock prizes by earning points.

Feature I'd like added to Cups, and all future and current Mini-Games:
Once you're done playing whatever game, there should be a link saying Go back to Games?

Online Status Idea

Original Amount of Supports: 71

You know how we can see if someone is online on their profile? I was thinking that feature should be added to our friends list. Like, when you look at your friends list it would have some way of saying who was online and offline.

Also, I was thinking this feature might be able to be added to posts. This would be important for those RPing, and also for those making deals, etc. Below our names and title could be an "Online" or "Offline."

Color system:
Green - ONLINE
Blue - IDLE

These colors would also apply to the dots on our profiles, since it would only make sense for them to match.

It's pretty simple, and doesn't really change the game, just a nice social feature in my opinion. :)


Support, if we get an invisible option that we can permanently select. I am usually constantly logged in, so would be nice to manually change it for when I'm idle, though I generally prefer to be invisible when I can. - Maulise (#32469)





Weekly Polls and Subscription Ideas

Original Amount of Supports: 24

Weekly Polls

I thought it would be cool if the Polls feature was played up a bit. Instead of a new poll every blue moon, why not one every week? It could be a small feature some people would look forward to, and I think it would be nice. Also, and option to see past polls and their results would be cool as well, and hey, maybe even a "community polls" section, where users create their own! Just thought it would be a nice social feature.


I really like the new subscriptions feature, but I can't help but think, how sweet it would be if we could subscribe to USERS as well as posts!
On posts, basically, above "Posted on" you would have the "Subscribe to future posts?" or just simply "Subscribe?" option, and if you were already subscribed, you would have the "Unsubscribe?"

Settings Update

Original Amount of Supports: 26

I feel that scrolling down to the bottom of our den and editing our page that way is out of place and awkward.

What I would like to see an option on the right-hand-corner of our page that says "Settings"

You could click on it, and you'd have all the options that we have on the bottom of our page, except organized better. Maybe even some new features, like, for example, being able to pick from some themes for your den (the current one being "Default") and maybe even some Event themes? Or even some themes that we could buy?

Even though this isn't a game-changing suggestion, I just thought an upgrade would be nice. :)

Annnnd that's it.

Thanks for reading it all! :D

This suggestion has 57 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/03/16 @ 09:57:07 by Kat (#21160)

kit (#57023)

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Posted on
2015-03-22 11:28:35
I think these are all good ideas and should be implemented, in my opinion. More games will mean more entertainment and things to do while you wait, which is a great idea. I hope some of these ideas get added in!! c:

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-22 12:40:46

Thank you very much! :D

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Dam (#7325)

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Posted on
2015-03-22 14:09:43
Woooot those are all great. Some I wouldn't particularly benefit from, but it wouldn't hurt to have them either. Support!

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-22 14:20:18

Thank you so much! :D

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Hami-Ham..:Main:.. (#53980)

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Posted on
2015-03-23 08:27:44
Support :3

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-23 08:31:51

Thanks! :D

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Edited on 23/03/15 by Kat (#21160)

Tortuga (#54751)

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Posted on
2015-03-23 15:57:38
All my support, these are all great ideas!

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-23 15:59:06

Thank you much, I appreciate it a lot. ^w^

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Prince Jay (#48297)

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Posted on
2015-03-27 16:17:14
Love all of these ideas, I read your WHOLE post, this was so interesting!

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-27 16:46:09
@Prince Jay

Thank you so much! <3
I really do appreciate it :D

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Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-03-30 11:21:42
Suggestion for the online status Mayen a do not disturb

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-30 11:33:55

I feel that the "Invisible" option is sufficient :)

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57451 (#57451)

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Posted on
2015-03-30 12:09:52
I support everything said here. x3

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They/Them} (#21160)

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Posted on
2015-03-30 12:11:46

Thank you very much! :D

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