Posted by Ally Prides?

Whale Biologist πŸ‹ (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-04-01 05:03:17

So I was talking with my friend who recently joined (SodapopKlan), which is awesome because she really loves it. We were talking and I told her you can only be friends on the game. Like, you can't have allies. So that's exactly what I'd like to try and get, here :)


-You could only be allied to 1(2-3?) other prides
-If you decided to seperate prides, there would be a 15 real-life day waiting period, so you would not just be able to temporarily reep the benefits and ally yourself on and off with everyone.
-You would not be able to un-ally your prides for 15 days
-You would have the option to share or save several things with your allies:

-SB/GB (seperately)
-Lionesses (hunting-you could send a mixture of each of your lionesses on a hunt!)
-Studdings (works like traditional without sending your lioness(es))
-Other benefits/drawbacks may be added. You may suggest them, also!

.::How It Would Work::.

You would go to someone's page and by "send friend request" there would be a link that says "Ally Prides?". If you click it, it would let you put in a message and confirm you'd like to ally your pride with the other user's. It would also show drop-down boxes or check boxes as for what you'd like to share with them, and they would be able to see the peramiters for themselves.


-Because I'm a genius like that, I forgot to add the 'cooldown' periods. They are now added to the parameters.
-Described shared hunting a bit better.

This suggestion has 15 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/04/15 by Divided We Fall (#35355)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2015-04-06 00:13:05
No support, especially because of the studding thing. People can just give out lower prices breedings by allying one pride and then after breeding kicking them from the alliance to take in another.
I am not sure what you mean with them sharing SB/GB if you negated it by saying 'separately', or the hunting.

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Whale Biologist πŸ‹ (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-04-06 05:52:55

Ah, smarty me forgot to add the cooldown times.

Thank you for pointing it out :) every single time I post something, I miss something!

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