Posted by Panda's Chibis! Second re-opening! [SB/GB/AT]

Pandapop (#32892)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-03 03:05:06
04/03/15 - I'm back! For a long while I was without a tablet because I'd lost the pen, but my wonderful boyfriend went out and bought me a brand new tablet early for my birthday! :)


My current king, Tenbaru II:


My current side king, Kubari II:


Xylax's current king, Ashkarn (with the new regal mane!):


Xylax's previous king, Ashkarn (with folded ears!):


Below is a link to my Imgur account and all chibis I have completed so far! For more examples, of course.


I sometimes do customs! Below are some examples!


To see more customs that I've made, click below!

Click Me!

All of my pre-made lion bases are below!
Listed from top-to-bottom, and left-to-right.


1. Lioness
2. Katanga
3. Regal
4. Transvaal
5. Barbary
6. Heavy
7. Wavy
8. Razor
9. Sideburn
10. Tsavo
11. Thick
12. Normal
13. Scarce
14. Lioness 2

All chibis have a TRANSPARENT background.

*If you provide a link of your king or sub-male, I will use the base appropriate for their mane-type, UNLESS you specifically ask for a different one.

*I can add simple things like lion names, user ID numbers or names, etc; I can flip the images to face a different direction, and I can provide slightly larger versions if asked.

(DO NOT pay me until after I have finished!)

*If you have an OC and would like it done on one of my pre-made lion bases, it will only cost you the 1gb! If I have to make any alterations to the line-art, it's 2gb.

Lion Chibi
1 GB (or 1,400 SB).

Custom Chibi
2 GB (or 2,800 SB).

I also accept ART TRADES as a form of payment!

And finally...

Order Form:

Username: (your username)
Images: (how many are you ordering?)
Payment: (what is your method of payment?)
Reference(s): (A link to your lion or original character)
Other: (would you like the nose color changed? Eye color? Accessories?)


1. PlaguedRuby (#24652) - 1 Custom Chibi PAID
2. Leopard with a Smoothie (#53663) - 1 Regal Lion Chibi PAID
3. Shu II (#41516) - 1 Custom Chibi PAID
4. CasualPessimist (#41056) - 2 Lioness 2 Chibis PAID
5. Detective {Cecilos} (#19805) - 2 Lioness 2 Chibis PAID
6. Lionjolt (#2070) - 1 Custom Chibi PAID
7. Chee (#11670) - 1 Normal Lion Chibi PAID
8. Dens I (#29643) - 1 Regal Lion Chibi PAID
9. Theo (A.K.A JellyDerpLion) (#50134) - 1 Custom Chibi (lioness 2 lines) PAID
10. RainWatcher (#40211) - 1 Razor Lion Chibi PAID
11. Dingo Xylingo (#5274) - 1 Custom Chibi, 1 Bunny PAID
12. Fy (#4719) - 1 Razor Lion Chibi PAID
13. ~ Zephra ~ | Soi | ~ (#19653) - 1 Bunny
14. Detective {Cecilos} (#19805) - 1 Lioness Chibi (shaggy)
15. -Limo- (#34919) - 1 Bunny PAID
16. [HH]Superwholock (#28316) - 1 Barbary Lion Chibi
17. takashari (#9656) - 2 Lioness Chibi (1/2) (custom) PAID
18. Koga (#37687) - 1 Regal Lion Chibi, 1 Tsavo Lion Chibi
19. Missy Blu (#30081) - 1 Custom Chibi
20. Thalath [Side] (#43831) - 1 Custom Chibi

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Edited on 03/05/15 by Pandapop (#32892)

Tor (#75716)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-28 13:34:19
Username: Tor
Images: 1
Payment: Art Trade? (I can send you a pm with links of my art if you would like! but I also did the reference below)
Other: Could she have the collar/long claws?

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Edited on 28/03/16 @ 20:34:57 by Tor (#75716)

xencorex (#37405)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-03-29 01:10:11

I hope this is still open! ^-^

Username: xencorex [S2D] (#37405)
Images: 2
Payment: GB
Reference(s): Parrish & Finn
Other: The only change I would ask would be to make Parrish's tailless please.

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Misty Clouds (#59702)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-05-16 22:54:37
Username: mic #59702
Images: 4
Payment: 4GB
Reference(s): Freckles
Other: none


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The Lab πŸ’‰ (#61804)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 03:04:49
Username: The Lab (61804)
Images: 1, preferably Lioness 2 sample
Payment: GB
Reference(s): (I understand she has folded ears, I don't mind if they aren't included in the artwork.)
Other: Could you give her light blue eyes? I feel like white won't stand out.

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Feathered Arrow (#64339)

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Posted on
2016-05-17 04:04:18
Hey y'all Pandapop hasn't been on since January so I don't think they are active any more,

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The Lab πŸ’‰ (#61804)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-05-17 04:08:53
:O Aw, and her art is so adorable. >:c
I hope she comes back.

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