Posted by Ideas?

Thanatos (#55908)

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Posted on
2015-04-03 07:40:57
An idea or two to bring forth, which I am not sure will work or not.

Cubs and Tussling, I am sure you go into your den, and your main male can go in and play, clean, and do whatever to boost skill or stats. But why not have cubs tussle? You know, when you go into an NCL battle you have the choices below, so why not be able to go into your den, pounce to a cub, and add an additional button down on the bottom to have him be able to interact or 'Play with ____". Once selecting that option, you go into the battling phase, and you have the choices of tugging on ears, biting, smacking, and fleeing, and maybe add a little kitty roar in there to show off.

Based on the stats of the cub, whoever the cub is playing with, it gradually is harder to do damage or 'play' with the cub. In the end, if you win or lose, the cub can get stats from it, and we leave happy. It could also be a way to boost mood.

Another idea,

We all know that we can look at our territory, and find other's territory around us. Not sure if the idea has been brought up already, but it'd be cool to be able to click on the territory, and request an alliance or invade the territory for exp and the two prides are rivals?

If you don't think these are good ideas, let me know! I'd like to hear opinions on it so maybe other ideas can spark.

This suggestion has 4 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Quite a lonely
player. (#34850)

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Posted on
2015-04-03 14:35:42
I think this idea would be very cute! Support!!

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