Posted by Di's CSS Den Layouts & Coding! [Open Maybe..?]

Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

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Posted on
2015-04-05 11:07:16
- w e l c o m e -
Hello there! Welcome to my thread and whether you stay long or not, thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the insatiable curiosity that caused you to click this link. On this thread I offer coding done by yours truly that'll completely revolutionize your den! Err... it'll make it feel like so, anyway.

Please read my post on page 9 before commenting. Thank you!

I offer both CSS commissions, HTML/Layout commissions, or a combination of both. Please read below for more information and an FAQ!

1 YOLK = 1gb and/or 1200sb
- r u l e s -
I. Be Polite. Please be respectful and civil when dealing with both me and/or people who use this thread. I promise it'll go a long way.
II. Nothing but SB/GB. I do not want studdings, lionesses, cubs, sub-males, etc. in exchange for these decors. Either you're giving me SB or GB or some combo of them. Nothing else.
III. Patience I have a busy IRL with academics and various issues as well as staffing on Lioden. I promise I'll try my best to get your code to you in a timely fashion. Any and all patience you can give me is greatly appreciated.
IV. It must be LEGIBLE. I understand everyone has their preferences, but both your colors and font must be readable and workable with. As a staff member, I find it difficult to work on profiles with these issues and as a coder it makes it impossible for me preview the code. If I find your choice of fonts and/or colors to be an issue, I will ask you to change them.

1gb = 1,200sb

- c o d i n g -
CSS coding changes the appearance of your den and how certain items are displayed, what colors/fonts are used, backgrounds, etc. They are the determining factor in how your den looks. Below lists the prices for CSS only and the various elements.

Basic (5gb or 6,000sb)
All plans will be basic unless you request additional elements and/or HTML to them.

• Changing of basic LD theme/color scheme to one of your choice
• Changing of font to your choice
• Background images allowed for both center areas
• Changing of navigation links to a style of your choice
• Changing lion's icon background to one of your choosing
• Basic fading transitions for links and buttons

Additional Elements
These are extra aesthetic elements that can be added to further accent your den. However, these require extra coding on my part. As a result, they cost extra on top of the basic coding plan. However, they are nothing too expensive as most are relatively decent to do. Note these do not include HTML coding.

• Transition Tables/Bars = + 500sb per
• Custom Sidebar BG Image = + 1gb/1200sb
• Custom Top/Bottom/Nav Bars BG Image = + 500sb per
• Custom Table Headers Images = +500sb
• Adding Decor to Lion's Den Icon = +250sb per decor
• Custom mouse icon = +250sb

Clan Page CSS
I now offer CSS for your clan's page! These are 5gb/6,000sb flat rate and I can change it to any theme or color you want. Please keep in mind these are limited and include an aesthetic change only. Since these are able to be viewed publicly, there are certain things I will NOT do for these:

• Custom mouse icons. These can be too annoying for some people.
• Grossly neon colors or otherwise overly bright ones.
• Overly cursive or otherwise unreadable fonts
• Fading on hover-over elements.
• Anything else I feel would make the clan page unreadable to the general LD public

If you want this, please post below giving me a general theme and/or concept of what you want and I'll make it happen. The more specific, the better!

HTML is the addition of tables, scroll boxes and/or divs to your profile. It does not change how your profile is displayed, but provides an organized place to keep your information while not being a detriment to the overall length/appearance of your den.

Den Layouts
All HTML begins as a single, basic scroll box which can be placed on your den. This will cost you 500sb and includes

• Choice of color for header and/or background
• Choice of border and square/rounded corners
• Choice of size of the scrolly box.

I will code multiple boxes for your profile if you so wish, but they will be +500sb per box added. I can help you figure out neat layouts if you so desire.

Thread Layouts
I can code you a table for your sales thread if you so wish! These run at 3gb/3600sb flat rate sale. You will need to specify what you want for this and must keep in mind tables are very limited in how they can be styled.

III. Themes
I understand not everyone may know what they want and that's fine! A really good site for color themes is here for use if you're lost. Should you have no idea what you want for any element of your code, feel free to give me lee-way to place something there I feel would fit, be it a font color, a theme, a background image, an idea, (i.e. winter, sunset, etc.), to work with and I will be happy to concoct something for you. However, you must give me SOMETHING to go on. I promise you I won't make your den look like shit if you give me artistic license. I will try my best to follow what you want based on whatever information you give me.

- o r d e r i n g -
I. Form
Please fill out the following forms for CSS and HTML respectively. If you wish to describe what you want in addition to filling out the form, feel free to do so! With CSS, blanks are permitted so long as you give me a theme to go on. If you want both CSS and HTML in your order, please just fill out both forms in your reply.

CSS Form
Theme/Colors Using:
Font Wanted:
Font Color(s):

Color/Image - Where you want it
Color/Image - Where you want it
(repeat as necessary)

Main Background Image/Color (LD Background):
White Center BG Image/Color (can be transparent):

Lion Image BG (put default if you like that one):

Additional/Custom Elements Desired:

Type: Den or Thread?

II. Slots
• Nykosi (#70221) - PENDING
• Shad [PFM] {THANKS} (#16848) - PENDING
• castiel (#19502) - PENDING
• xencorex [S2D] (#37405) - PENDING
- e x a m p l e s -
#10342, #9345, #49069, #370, #20064, more coming soon

Thread Coding
This one, more coming soon

Clan CSS
Au Naturale, Leoderps Anonymous, Stats for Days, more coming soon
- f a q -
When do I sent payment for my order?
Payment is not required until after I have finished coding your order. You may pay ahead of time or half 'n half if you so desire, but it is of your own choice to do so. Once you receive your finished code after any edits, payment should then be sent. Failure to pay in a timely manner will result in you loosing access to the code until you pay.

Am I required to credit you?
Ideally, you should. However, I understand not everyone has space in their dens and I have placed my own signature in the codes themselves. As a result, you are not required to place credit to me. However, I would extremely appreciate it if you could link back here or to my personal den! Under no circumstances, credit or not, may you claim the code as your own, though. This is called theft and I have ways of finding out.

Help! My previous CSS is broken on the new layout! Can you fix it?
If you have ordered previously, yes! Please be patient as I have a list of codes I'm working on adjusting to the new CSS. It's a tedious process. You'll be PMed with a new code link once I am done with yours. I ensure you I'm trying my best to get them done in a timely manner.

Where did you learn to code? Can you teach me?
I learned the coding basics in a very beginner class in school, but how I really learned was simply messing around with things! You learn a lot from fucking everything up and the truth is you simply need to try different methods out. I'm still learning and always will be. Because of this, I will not be teaching anyway how to code CSS for that and other varying reasons. I can help you with small how-to questions, though! If you really want to learn, an amazing site I used extensively is w3schools.

Help! I posted here and I did not receive a reply/was ignored!
My complete apologies if that's the case! I am in the process of making a lot of life changes, i.e. school, moving, new computer, etc. and my activity suffers as a result. I sometimes just clear out my queue and take new commissions, forgetting about old ones/incomplete ones/etc. If this is you, please just PM me and I'll find a way to squeeze you in.

Wow! I really like your codes. Will you ever make free ones?
Meeeh, perhaps. There are already a lot of ones out there and I like every den to be unique to that individual user. However, I may perhaps make free codes if/when I have the time. I will certainly let you all know if I do. Thanks!

I have a question or concern/I want to ask about my order. Can I PM you?
Feel free! My inbox is always open for any questions you may have as well as the comments below.

- a d v e r t i s e m e n t s -
Yes, I have no shame whatsoever and I sleep quite well at night thank you very much.

Sexy cubs from my no-life-steroid-wat lionesses.
My feeble attempt at curing my hoarding issue.
3600 stat DimDB/DBP/Cocoa Mane Stud for 1gb/1200sb! Yes, I know he's amazing thank you very much.
. . . . . .

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Edited on 10/03/17 @ 17:30:20 by Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

Rowan (#54006)

Nice Guy
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-05-31 03:57:21
-- Mark

-- How much would it be to make the boxes in my den (that contain the event, lions, friends, etc.) do what Dam's do (change from transparent to regular when you hover over them)? I have no idea what to call them.

-- I will be back as soon as I have the GB c:

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Edited on 31/05/15 by xXFaceTheMusicXx (#54006)

BoneSmirk [wreck.] (#31477)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-06-05 09:41:19
Theme/Colors Using: evening war; grungy/in the middle of a battle? Here's a ref of my new dA page with the kind of feel I'm going for.
Font Wanted: I like courier and similar fonts, but I'm not particular
Font Color(s): Whatever you think looks good!

Main Background Image/Color (LD Background): and (#ae806d) The image tiles horizontally, but not vertically. If possible, could you make it so that the image stays at the top so that as you scroll you can see the gradient? Let me know if/how I need to edit the image to make that easier or possible. (:
White Center BG Image/Color (can be transparent): Could it be transparent-ish, but have a color overlay to darken it a bit? That way you can still see the background, but it's darker and stands out

Lion Image BG (put default if you like that one): waterhole, please!

Additional/Custom Elements Desired:
Rounded table corners please!
they don't have to be super round, maybe only like 5/6 pixels?

Type: Den
Colors: palette linked above~
Description: could I get three scrolling boxes? Similar to the configuration I have now; two small ones side by side (if they could be a bit wider than my current ones, that would be great) and one large one below it?


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🍹 Tilted Scene (#57576)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-06-07 04:49:34
I am interested in a forum thread layout.

I have a question, the way my sales thread is set up, I have the main body and then two comments beneath it have the auctions and flat sales.
How would that work?

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Legiana #DHS #SFD (#7152)

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Posted on
2015-07-28 03:27:28

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Edited on 30/07/15 by Kaiju ~VS~OC~FL~RKaQ~ (#7152)

venna (#15577)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-08-14 07:29:18
Hey Di! I've got a new king coming up and I was wondering, would you be able to change one of my codes a little bit?

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Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

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Posted on
2015-08-14 07:40:54
Hmm, how major would the edits be? Just color scheme or such?

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venna (#15577)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-08-14 07:44:03
Changing some of the text color and possibly switching the BG on the King's picture

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Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

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Posted on
2015-08-14 07:53:57
Hmm, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll see if I can get it done within the next few days for ya.

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🍹 Tilted Scene (#57576)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-14 10:27:23
Are you available for a forum thread layout?

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D.C. crawler OC (#13787)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 00:40:14
Theme/Colors Using: Lots of black, white and red
Font Wanted: Copperplate Gothic
Font Color(s): Headings red #B22222 Others White

Color/Image - Just black pretty simple really

Main Background Image/Color (LD Background):
White Center BG Image/Color (can be transparent): transparent no image there

Lion Image BG (put default if you like that one): anything really, as long as it matches whats there already. Just make it match my lions eyes and marking colours *red and white*

Additional/Custom Elements Desired: 4 rectangles going down the page seperate please. Make them go transparent when you hover over them.

I think thats all.

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EasyPlesi (#23249)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-23 11:36:40
note: I'm really indecisive, so I'm going to let you have a ton of creative reign. ^^;
You can change/edit any of the below, especially font and font color because I have no idea what the finished product will look like.

Theme/Colors Using: either A or B I'm really fond of navy and gray pallets.
Font Wanted: Baskerville [ ? ]
Font Color(s): White or Black?

Color/Image - Where you want it
Color/Image - Where you want it
(repeat as necessary)

Main Background Image/Color (LD Background): No clue. Maybe something like this? It's up to you.
White Center BG Image/Color (can be transparent):

Lion Image BG (put default if you like that one):

Additional/Custom Elements Desired:

After the CSS is done, I'll have a better idea of what I'd like HTML wise, and will be back to order. ^^; Thank you, Ahadi!

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LEAVING (#66178)

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Posted on
2015-08-27 01:07:40
Theme/Colors Using: I don't know. Pick something that fits the background. ;u;
Font Wanted: Century Gothic. Font example from this thread.
Font Color(s): Something that I am able to read. o3o

Color/Image - Where you want it
Color/Image - Where you want it
(repeat as necessary)

Main Background Image/Color (LD Background): This.
White Center BG Image/Color (can be transparent):

Lion Image BG (put default if you like that one): Waterhole.

Additional/Custom Elements Desired: Rounded table corners.

Type: Den.
Colors: As I said above, pick something for me, bruh. ;u;
Description: 2 Scrolling boxes.

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Ahadi | EPIC (#10342)

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Posted on
2015-08-29 07:22:24
Severe apologies for the slow delay, guys! I have just recently moved and have been very busy cleaning, unpacking, and settling in. I will be getting to your requests shortly. Seeing as I have not coded in a while, I will be doing my den first to re-adjust myself to the coding. After that, I will be getting to all your orders! Please be patient and, as always, my inbox is always open for questions. Thank you!

Yes I am! What're you interested in?

DC Crawler: I may be reading wrong, but you want the tables to show then disappear on hover or the opposite? My bad!

Queen Halloween: Hmm, I should be able to work something out for you!

Karim: Do you want the two scrolling boxes side by side or on top of each other?

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D.C. crawler OC (#13787)

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Posted on
2015-08-30 23:04:37
Show then disappear when you hover over them please

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Miss-Riah (#49414)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-09-01 07:49:28

I was gonna order, but I think I've got it covered for now! I'll be back eventually though because your CSS is so pretty <3

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Edited on 11/09/15 @ 20:23:58 by Riah (#49414)

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