Posted by [++] Achievement Awards!

Orcinus [Starlit
Floof] (#31718)

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Posted on
2015-04-05 23:12:53
I was wondering what the incentive for completing the Lioden achievements actually were? I couldn't think of any other than bragging rights, and bragging rights is all well and good, but you have little but a 100% progress bar to show for it - and even then you have to screenshot it for others to see. So why not have some sort of award for completing your bar?


My idea is that for every 20% of the bar you fill, you unlock a decorational item or background in the monkey shop specifically aimed at achievers in it's own little section. As you steadily increase the bar, you get a better decorational item (so 5 special items altogether) unlocked. But the thing is, you still have to buy the item from the monkey (but perhaps the first one could be free?) at a steadily increasing price that mimics the quality of the item.

Different achievements could also be tiered, in case the Admins wanted to add different achievements at a later date. For example, completing the entire first tier of achievements unlocks all 5 items relative to that tier and it also unlocks the next tier too. Then the next tier also has 5 specific items that needs to be unlocked, but 'better' (or more expensive) than the last one, and upon completing that bar, you get the next tier, etc. etc.

This way you can show off all the decor on your amazing achiever of a lion and rub it in everyone elses noses! XD

Extra Idea(s)

credit to Honeybadger: There should also be a small bonus for every achievement completed. A random gift of a small impression bonus (anywhere up to 5%) OR exp bonus (around 50) or feather/small toy of some description.

credit to Mad Hyena: (In extension to the bonus for every achievement idea) There should be a 'Claim Prize' button situated next to every completed achievement. This way those who completed the achievements long ago can still claim the prize and people who don't want to participate aren't obligated to.
'Claim' button mock-up

credit to Green1Chaos: There should be good prizes unlocked for every ten percent of the progress bar completed.
For example: 10% is a small reward, 20% is a special reward, 30% is a 24 hour surprise, 40% is an ingame marking (One not available like ivory or icy), 50% is a special bundle, 60% is a breeding item (like buffalo or lion scrotum), 70-100% is a huge bundlle.

· Quite a few people have stated they'd prefer the decor to be untradeable so you actually have to earn it.

· 'Challenger' achievements should not be included in the tiering system as they include many event-only storyline ones that will take literal years to collect.

This suggestion has 1203 supports and 11 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/03/18 @ 16:11:04 by Orcinus [Blazing Tiger Floof] (#31718)

Ventric (#134360)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-02 17:37:11
As someone who doesn't like bragging and I'm a low-key player (I play to admire the lions, have something to do everyday since I have a quiet life and I enjoy chatting to the People) I don't really care about the achievements so this would be a nice little thing to work towards! Support. :)

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TetraTwinkle (#124618)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-01-04 15:37:50
I've always wondered what the point in having achievements was...

I've never bothered to even look at them, Im at 79% now since joining.
Id would put more effort into completing them if there was a nice reward to look forward to.

I'm sending my support!

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2018-01-04 15:52:30
I'm at 89% since i joined lioden. I stopped doing the achievements because there isn't reward for completing them.

I would put in more effort to complete them if there was a nice reward to look forward to too.

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Tallulah (#11352)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-05 17:31:31
I support, but I would like it if the rewards would not be limited to decor, as I personally don´t care much for decor so it would not raise my motivation that much.

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mothmagic | G1 Plum
RLC (#84472)

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Posted on
2018-01-08 13:37:02
What if for the harder challenges, like the Challenger achievements have better prizes. For example, you will get +5 energy from a easy/common breeding goal. The harder challenger achievements, you would receive maybe +15 or +10.

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CALA (#105146)

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Posted on
2018-03-07 01:35:00
I support, though my query revolves around what would happen in the case of those of us who have fulfilled the achievements bar? I think I only have like, five left or something, I am sitting at 101%

Would we automatically be able to claim those we have achieved, or would we need to start again? :3

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Orcinus [Starlit
Floof] (#31718)

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Posted on
2018-03-08 10:08:28
CALA, there was an extra idea about a 'claim prize' button being implemented, so people who'd already completed their achievements could collect the prizes they earned (no matter how long ago) :D

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CALA (#105146)

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Posted on
2018-03-08 17:26:05
Oh neato :D I definitely support the idea, regardless of prior achievements gained, was just curious is all. I remember asking in chat a long time back, " What happens when you reach 100%? " and everyone was like, " Nothing " I was just like x'DD

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Orcinus [Starlit
Floof] (#31718)

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Posted on
2018-03-09 07:33:40
Aye, this idea is actually from 2015 so... it's been a long time for something to come along and make achievements worthwhile. They are fun to do and spend time on, so I'd love to have more implemented and also a reason to complete them :D

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Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 15:33:10
I don't support this suggestion specifically. I do, however, support the fact that earning achievements could use more incentive to do so/be more rewarding. I don't think decor is the greatest idea for doing that, that's almost like.. asking too much. I think experience would be 10x better and more reasonable, especially if the % goes up as you earn more achievements. That would definitely help with how long it starts to take to level up. Especially because not everyone buys stuff that gives experience.

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Orcinus [Starlit
Floof] (#31718)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 15:36:41
The problem with a one-time experience reward is exactly that. It's a one-time reward that's only applicable to that one lion in that one instance. I wanted to suggest an idea that had more long-term benefits for doing the achievements because I personally think that's a larger incentive to participate.

Edit: Perhaps if each tier gave a constant bonus to overall experience earned...?
So if you'd completed tier 1 of the achievements you've unlocked a +5% boost to experience.
After tier 2 that's increased to a +10%

I'm not sure that's too balanced though. I'd like to incorporate your idea into it because I do see the merit and value the feedback, I just think it should be more of a prolonged award at the end.

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Edited on 14/03/18 @ 15:42:36 by Orcinus [Blazing Tiger Floof] (#31718)

Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 15:41:00
Not really. All decors run out of uses, aaaand with something practically free like that you'd probably be getting like 5 use decors. I know I wouldn't really care, because you're not gonna get anything that no one else already has, and they'll probably be sold for dirt cheap because of that so I could just go and buy that decor that someone already earned before I even earn it. Experience that goes to your king (not a lion of your choosing) is pretty incentivizing. Because people want to access all parts of the explore, people want more stats, and more experience helps you get there. Every little bit of experience I get is worth it for me to try and get, and I know I'm by far not the only one who thinks that.

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Orcinus [Starlit
Floof] (#31718)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 15:42:04
I edited my post while you were typing I think ^w^"

Not everyone wants stats or high levels.

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Edited on 14/03/18 @ 15:44:30 by Orcinus [Blazing Tiger Floof] (#31718)

Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 15:44:00
I don't think that that's reasonable. I think it be better and less overpowered if it was just raw experience points.

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Catalysta (#61949)

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Posted on
2018-03-14 15:44:57
For their king? I don't know anyone who specifically doesn't want to level up their king except for players who just don't give a damn because they already have a high level and high stats.

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