Posted by Equus & Cervidae Razorus {Main Thread}

Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-11 20:48:05
Equus & Cervidae Razorus ~ Main Thread
Deep In The Forest...

The screeching sound of metal on metal echoes amongst the trees. In a grassy clearing, titans are dueling. The ground shakes and a squeal fills the air, soon followed by the tangy metalic scent of blood. Welcome the Razor Horse.

As of November 29th 2016, Sales have reopened!

In July of 2016, the Equus Razorus Custom Decor was released! Check it out!

Hello everyone! As of 12/13/15 Cervidae Razorus are being introduced!

Feel free to chat here!
What is a "Equus Razorus"?

Aptly named the Razor Horse, these gigantic beasts are anything but "gentle giants". These strange equines come equipt with an arsonal unique all to them. Blades, yes, blades, protruding from their massive bodies. Razor horses are becoming exceedingly rare, as they are prized for their colorful furs and, above all, their weirdly metalic colored bones. Their "blades" are simply weponized bones showing threw their skin, just like the antlers of a deer. Every bone in there body is a shiny silver, and twice as strong as any other creature's. The outer layer however is soft, making it perfect for carving delicate designs. A typical male stands atleast 24 hands tall, whilst females atleast 22. Each have a bladed snout, tail, all four legs and a hard plate over their upper backs. They come in every color imaginable, though it's been noted they often have "danger" colors, like that of poisonous snakes. The short mane-like fur running down their spines, belly and chests never grows long, and is usually double, if not tri-colored.
Razor horses are extreamly agressive and inteligent. It's a well known fact it's nearly impossible to keep them fenced in, but they are feircly loyal once tamed. In the wild they form herds just like all other kinds of horses, with a domanant mare ruling over a bunch of mares and a stallion to tag along. They use their sharp blades when competing intruders for mates or fighting off foes.
What is a "Cervidae Razorus"?

A Cervidae Razorus is a hybrid of Equus Razoruses and Caribou. Although more fragile and deer-like in appearance, these beast are still referred to as horses. Created in a science lab, there was no real purpose behind the species mixing other than testing to see how easily Equuses would breed. When the foals became a hit with the public, it was decided the genetic engineering would continue.
Cervidae differ from Equus in many ways. They lack the spinal mane, head blade, tail blade, dorsal pad, and fur tufts. They are shorter, less stocky, and alot leaner with huge singled toed hooves. Unlike Equus, which are born with spongy soft blades, Cervidae grow into their antlers like caribou. The roundedness of the antlers are gone, replaced by flat, razor sharp horns. These horns grow very large, and are often hooked on both ends. Stallions have two small super sharp prongs on each foot, while females have blades only on their hind feet. Both genders have thick soft manes as well as antlers, but female Cervidae often have smaller racks.
While Cervidae are noted to have duller coat colors than Equuses, they make up for it with attitude. These hybrids are twice as likely to gore you (or rather slice/chop you) to death than the more calm Equus. They are also about 6-7 hands shorter than Equuses, measuring in at about 21 hands high. Cervidae are just as rideable as Equus, if not more so. Unlike other hybrids, these beasts can reproduce on their own. When bred back to Equuses, the resulting foal will likely loose all Cervidae qualities. But, there's also a chance it will keep them or have more combined parts.
How I get one?

Every so often, a few of these equines are rounded up and sold. From there, they can be obtained in these ways...

¤Straight from the wild~ Horses are brought to a sales ring fresh out of the woods and auctioned off. Click here to visit the sales ring!

¤Raffles or Contests~ Horses are kept as a prize for completing whatever action is needed.

¤Breeding~ CLICK HERE to go to the breeding thread. (It's complicated CURRENTLY CLOSED)
Stats Can Earn You Money

Just like LioDen, the higher the stats the more money you can make

How Horses Obtain Stats
*Horses that are captured from the wild are given 10 Stats in the owner's selected criteria.
*Horses that are bred receive the stats of their parents combined.
*Custom bought horses are given 30 Stats in the owner's selected criteria.
***A limited amount of Stats can bought and added to horse's criteria bars. The information can be found in the breeding thread.

Stat Criteria Levels
There are 6 criteria bars for horses to earn stats in.
Here is an example that also shows the types of criteria.

Stamina: 10
Strength: 10
Speed: 10
Agility: 10
Intelligence: 10

A horse with the given example would have 50 Stats.

Beauty, The Exclusive 6th Stat
Above there are only 5 criteria shown, though there is a 6th. Beauty Stats are obtained only by public voting. These stats are shown by numbers like the others stats. The number is how many votes the horse received. The highest winning horse of each public vote will earn their owner a beetle prize!

Other Competitions
Other kinds of competitions will be held recommending the other 5 Stats, these too will earn the owner money!
Are there currently any for sale?

CLICK HERE to go to the sales thread. Here auctions, raffles, flatsales and contests take place!
My Rules & Art/Adoption Rules

1) Yes, you are buying the art, but don't take credit for it! You didn't make it, therefor don't claim you did.
2) Do Not erase my signiture.
3) This is a closed species. Do Not make one exactly like it or claim it as yours.
4) Only I, Assassin, can change the appearance of your equine.
6) You may charge a fee to breed with your horse.
7) Art can be bought of your horse, but give credit to "SabertoothAssassin on DA".
8) Once bought, do as you please with your horse.

Yes! Your horse can be mutated!
¤List of Known Mutations~
Feathered feet
The Stables!

Wanna browse horses for breeding or just look for fun? Well CLICK HERE to visit the stables! There you can find males, females, and foals!
The Tack Shop

Wow, this is one weird tack shop! There's no tack in it! A woman sits behind the counter, knitting a very long, beautiful scarf. There are many decorative items around the store for horses - scarves, mane tassels, leggings, stockings, even silver bracelets for the legs & tails of the horses. You spot a beautiful silky bridle on a plastic horse head, alongside many others of the same kind in many different shades. Lastly, you spot a wooden sign that says "We offer freeze branding". Oh, how comforting.

If you'd like any sort of decor for your horse, talk to me about it! I will not do tack, except broad banded silky halter-like hacks. PM me or post here!

Thanks for reading, feel free to track this thread!

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Edited on 23/12/16 @ 14:36:17 by Assassin 🔫 The Misanthrope (#23905)

Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-17 13:54:18
Ooooh I like! You're welcome, and thanks!

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Frozen! (#62610)

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Posted on
2015-06-18 00:54:24
Mutation sudgestions:
4.short legs
5.overgrown teeth
6.double tailed
7.Long hair
8.Fuzzy mane
11.Missing limbs
12.No spines
13.No hooves(fatal)

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Windrunner (#51059)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-18 01:06:56
Theme Ideas:
-Nature Based
-Jurassic World
-Lord of the Rings!
-Book Characters

Mutation Items Ideas:
-Broken Clouds (Gives a possibility to give the offspring Pegasus wings)
-Pure Amber Dust (Put this in the feed and bring back the dinosaurs)
-King's Blood (If the sire or dam drank this stuff, the foal will be born with twice the strength and a taller size)
-Twisted Bark (This will produce a foal with a random mutation, but watch out, it may be lethal...)

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Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-18 02:10:47
Added! Thanks!

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Draconess The
Infernal Hoarder (#63782)

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Posted on
2015-06-18 03:21:14
Holiday editions or decor? :)

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Mim (#61713)

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Posted on
2015-06-18 13:43:37
Mutation Items:
Chemical-bacteria infested water Pail = may result in green veins, bulging eyes, or a two headed horse mutation.

Red or black floating candles = when lit during a pregnancy there is a chance for the foal to gain fire wings; color depends on the candle.

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Edited on 19/06/15 by Xen (#61713)

Bast {Divine Rosette
Felis} (#52496)

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Posted on
2015-06-20 04:23:34
Theme Ideas 2
- Gemstones
- Night and day
- Dusk and Dawn
- Animal fur patterns
- Different kinds of storms
- Fandoms ( ex - Frozen themed one )

- Perhaps you could make companions to go with the horses.

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Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-20 05:13:46
Ohhh weird but I like o.o thanks!

Oh can I get a few opinions on this pattern?


It was a totally random mistake with my program, but honestly I like it a lot. Bad thing is that it's hard to control and hard to make. Anyways, opinions please!

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Draconess The
Infernal Hoarder (#63782)

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Posted on
2015-06-20 11:48:13
I like it, kinda looks like a gemstone I've seen :) Kinda makes it look marbled :P

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Bast {Divine Rosette
Felis} (#52496)

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Posted on
2015-06-21 00:34:30
Hmm, I think with the right colors and perhaps making the blotches a bit smaller it could look good. You just have to be careful not to bombard the viewer because that marking could become to much/messy/noisy pretty fast.

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Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-28 02:57:27
Thanks guys :3 it's hard to control, not really sure if I can make it smaller since its a program derp xD I'll for sure try though, I like it alot.

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Echobrook (#32611)

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Posted on
2015-06-30 10:15:46
Could I have some raffle slots? :3

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Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-02 06:03:52
There's 4 ways to get em Echo, I'll add you once for your twin item idea though :3

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KingCrayons (#23495)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-07-02 06:13:47
It would be awesome if there was a forest pool that could act as a scrying stone. or if they're going to have stats then a magic well would be awesome (it would be a luck of the draw if you gain or lose stats)

p.s any ideal when it's going to end?

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Assassin {G1 Tobiano
MRLC} (#23905)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-05 10:57:48
Sounds cool, everyone is implying stats and it sounds difficult though DX ahh oh well still may do it. And soon probably

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