Posted by Injuries

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2015-04-14 11:01:20
Ok so this is a small suggestion by me if there are any like this I will check

Main suggestion:
Ok so you know how you can send your males and females out on patrols/hunting well because of the NPCS there should be something appearing under there name or next to it like a box saying Injured: Yes/No
After the injury you can see what it is like broken bone they can't patrol/hunt until you use a potion item that would be in the monkey shop for around 400sb or lower ( need suggestions on that)

You could get injuries on your own main male by patrolling/exsploring and you had to use a potion for it to exsplore again

Any other suggestions for this like prices types of injuries ?

Also this bit may never be added there is a 10% chance of your lions dying due to you not healing them or they get like shot by poachers

This suggestion has 3 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-04-14 11:01:55
This has been suggested already~

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