Posted by Cub Stats Should Be Proportionate!

B L Y 2 // H I A T U
S (#37466)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-04-28 13:05:21
First - let me just say that I took a look through and I did not see a post dedicated to this, or at least not exclusively to this. So if there is one and I missed it, please let me know! Otherwise, onto my idea.

So, I was looking at my den and realized. I had bred my 1100+ king to one of my 900+ (not including skill) girls and got a cub, yay. Except my cubs stats weren't even half on her mother's let alone her father's. She didn't even make it to 450 stats.

Now, I don't know how this would work exactly when it comes to working this out for the programming. But what I'm suggesting, is the difference between mom and dad stat wise (again, not including skill) be halved, and then that is how above the lower parent's stats they can be.

So if Dad is 1100 stats, and mom is 900. The difference between those two numbers is 200. That would mean that the cub would have 900 stats guaranteed. If 200 is halved to 100, then the cub could have anywhere between 900 and 1000 stats at birth. The amount would be random and could be as little as 1, or as much as the full amount. So you could get a cub with 900 stats, 901 or even 999. It would all be random, but you would be guaranteed higher stats from a high stat breeding.

This would apply if mom was say 600 stats and dad was 500 stats. The highest you could get would be 550.

Long story short! I think that the lowest your cub gets stat wise in a breeding is the lower parent's stats. Which I think would encourage better breeding for better stats. I'm definitely open to ideas or critiques. This is just something I was thinking about that was bugging me is all.

This suggestion has 13 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Sisi (#23003)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-28 13:13:22
I'm not particularly fond of this idea. Yes, I agree the stat system should be fixed, but we have to be cautious. We don't want 6,000 statted cubs running around everywhere, killing the market more.

Everything affects the market, from new markings to high stats. I'm at a standstill.

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Edited on 28/04/15 by General SisiSocks (#23003)

B L Y 2 // H I A T U
S (#37466)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-04-28 13:16:04
You do make a point General. Perhaps the higher the difference the more it is split? So if there is say a 100-300 difference it be halved. 400-700 it be quartered. 800-1000 it be 1/8 of the difference?

Does that make more sense perhaps?

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Sisi (#23003)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-04-28 13:20:03
I mean, I'm not much interested in stats. But, I hate the fact that they get sold everywhere and kill the market. I don't know an exact estimate that would make a fair stat inheritance. I just know that we can't make it insanely easy to breed stats, nor leave it insanely hard to gain them.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-04-28 15:11:57
So the stat system used to work in a similar way where stats could surpass one of their parents greatly at brith (eg. 100 stat mother + 3000 stat father = 800 or so stats or whatever it was). However this caused a problem in my view and in many others view.

Why bother patrolling and hunting if you can just breed a ncl to a leaderboard male and get a nicely statted cub? It destroyed the idea of working towards higher stats and it instead promoted simply paying a fee and essentially buying stats.

I do not support this idea as the system was broke and then they fixed it. It's fine how it is now.

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Edited on 28/04/15 by Kraft (#738)

B L Y 2 // H I A T U
S (#37466)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-04-29 09:44:51
I can see your side of it Kraft - but I've got to say that not even getting half of the lower parent's stats is just annoying and kind of says to me that the system is still broken.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-07-17 07:43:37
Actually, breeding a NCL to a leaderboard stud does give you well-statted cubs.
To me, the problem with the current market is that the mother's stats barely coun't in the balance. I have two studs, one with 4700+ stats and one with 1600 stats, and I bred them to several girls with 400, 600, 800 and 1200 stats. All of the 4700 boy's cubs had the same stats, and all of the 1600 boy's cubs had the same stats, no matter if the mother was 400 or 1200.
So, it looks like the mother's stats barely make a difference, as a 400 girl and a 1200 girl will give the same cubs if the father is the same. Girls have to get a really high difference, like a 4000 stats won't give the same cubs than a 400 one, but it looks like the mother has really small importance for cubs stats.

That's why I really think the system should change. Yes, cubs should still have lower stats than the parents, but not that way. Breeding a 1800 mom to a 4700 dad should not give 600 stats cubs.... And the mother should have as many importance than the father.

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shenanigans -
[semi-hiatus] (#23653)

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Posted on
2015-07-17 08:56:56
I agree with General Sisisocks. I haven't read any other posts yet, but I think that having 1k+ cubs from that low a stat range is a bit unfair. What I dislike seeing is NCLs having the same [ 1k+ stat range ] as a lioness that's been hunted relentlessly for over 1,000 stats. That results in both the ridiculous increase in high stat cubs, therefore lowering the value of them overall and causing low demand, and makes the market unpredictable and not a trusty source of profit.
The lower leaderboard stat males seem to have much lower stat cubs than the higher stat ones, and

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2015-07-17 09:29:40
This will most likely never be implemented again. They had a system that worked kinda like that but they changed it to how it is now to avoid getting the stats out of control.

I don't like how it currently works, I absolutely think it's a broken system and it's extremely frustrating at times, but I highly doubt they're going back to how it used to work.

So no support to this suggestion, but big support to a completely new stat system.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-07-17 09:31:52
I'm sort of on the fence. I would have loved some higher statted cubs from my 1000+ stat girl before she croaks. She was bred to two 1000+ stat studs. I can't afford the super high stat boys. If I could, I'd be trying to get higher babies.

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