Posted by Ways for Cubs/Adol to gain stats

Clemintine (#45621)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 09:38:23
So I found out the only way for cubs/adols to gain stats is through playing, feeding, certain events and such.. I have a beautiful heir that is only 200+ stats and 5months old I would love for a nice way for him to get stats. More than just the whole +1 from playing. The current event doesn't offer stats so...

New Ways To Gain Stats

For Cubs
"Pretty, look at all the butterflies! The elephant poop attracts them here... but we won't tell the cubs that!"
~Here you can send three cubs to play with butterflies for 15-30 minutes.
~ When the cubs return they gain 5ish stats each butterfly they caught/have the chance to win butterfly decor!
Each cub can only play 5 times a day
"Perhaps the Cubs that go to play in the butterfly place must all be with their Broodmother? Or have one?" -#21482
When cubs go to the butterfly field if no broodmother is watching over them they will become more at risk and possibly die.

For Adols
"Lets take it to the Sand Pit!"
~Here you can send two adols to tussle it out for 30 minutes
~Winning cub gets more stats/perhaps a small item for a prize.
Each adol can only tussle once. every 5 hours
Once every day

For Adols and Cubs
"It seems the youngsters have joined in on giving the sub males a hard time!... Poor guys."
~Here you can send 4 cubs to pick on a sub once a day. You can ALSO send 2 adols to pick on the same one, once daily.
~Perhaps sub could gets scars or stats
Once Daily

"The sub male might be able to gain a random stat? Or get the chance? Or get a decor ( cub pulling his tail /nipping his paws or an adolescent pulling his ear/pouncing on his back)" - #10364

DiscussionPlease read before commenting


Stats issue.

This is mainly just so you have your cubs/adols something to do rather than just sit there.

Very little stats will be gained/a decor/an item.

Roughly 50-200 stats can be gained from cub-adult hood. 200 stats -THIS IS ONLY IF YOU GET STATS EVERY SINGLE TIME (that means you get no decor)
and sometimes you get nothing so this is impossible.
More realistic stat gain from this would be 25-100


Random Decor/item sometimes instead of getting stats (Butterfly, juicy lizard for winning in sand pit?)


I feel that the butterfly pit should only be used twice a day, But must be a brood mother as they must be wacthed.(I already added in the broodmother part when it was put into the site!)

For Sand Pit, they should do it once a day, like how your king can tussle with your sub male.
It is already said that they should only go once a day.

For Sub Time, Sub male should gain 1-5 stats only, but only rarely as we portal them.
They have the chance to get scars or some stats but few and rarely.

any cubs or adols should gain maybe 1-50 stats, what I feel really as we don't need very high stated lions again like before.

I think high stated lionesses are great, and this wouldn't give them a lot.


I think high stated lions are great and remember this would be from 5 months to 2 years, so that's a good bit of time that you would have to get on and do this, everyone is talking about the stats and complaining about them, I understand but 1. why complain about stats, 2. It's not like i'm saying hand them to you, 3. you would still have to work hard to get these stats, and 4. this is mainly just something for your cubs to do, I know we all have those times where you have already sent your lionesses out, sent your sub out, used up all your energy and you're just.. waiting, this is to add a bit more into the already awesome lioden, I assure you any problem you have with this we will talk through and work it out, however, not every single thing can be to everyones liking, but I will try my best because I really want to see this happen ^_^

This suggestion has 449 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/12/15 @ 17:13:19 by Tiny🎅 (#45621)

Azrael (#76830)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-21 09:15:07
I love this idea! You've got my support.

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Clemintine (#45621)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 09:17:56
Thank you ^_^

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-12-21 09:54:11
I feel for the butterfly pit the cubs should only go in twice a day I feel. But must be a brood mother as they must be wacthed.

For Sand Pit, they should do it onces like how your king can tussle with your sub male.

For Sub Time, Sub male should gain 1-5 stats only, but only rarly as we portal them.

For any cubs or abols should gain maybe 1-50 stats, what I feel really as we dont need very high stated lions again like before.

But I do like the idea but still no support.

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Clemintine (#45621)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 09:59:04
Adding you information ^_^ and discussing it in the thread!

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Clemintine (#45621)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 10:12:33
Ok, now in response to what you said;

I have already added that cubs without broodmothers survival will drop if they are sent out, they also have the possibility of dieing, so it is needed to have a broomother.

For the sand pit it is already suggested that it should only be once a day.

The sub males have a chance to gain, very little stats, or a scar decor.

And I think high stated lions are great and remember this would be from 5 months to 2 years, so that's a good bit of time that you would have to get on and do this, everyone is talking about the stats and complaining about them, I understand but 1. why complain about stats, 2. It's not like i'm saying hand them to you, 3. you would still have to work hard to get these stats, and 4. this is mainly just something for your cubs to do, I know we all have those times where you have already sent your lionesses out, sent your sub out, used up all your energy and you're just.. waiting, this is to add a bit more into the already awesome lioden, I assure you any problem you have with this we will talk through and work it out, however, not every single thing can be to everyones liking, but I will try my best because I really want to see this happen ^_^

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Blossom Witch (Clean
Ferus) (#6408)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-12-21 10:21:14
No no am saying I agree with the broodmother thing.

And after I sent that I reread the post once more again.

Also I don't care much for waiting for my sub and lioness. Yeah it would be fun to have other things to do with in our pride, but I just don't want the cubs and abols to gain a lot of stats, yeah 50-100stats seems like a lot to some people, so that why I said 1-50 stats, but this would be up to the admins for what they feel is right.

But like before I do like the idea.

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Clemintine (#45621)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 10:24:12
oh I see.

Well thank you for liking it ^_^! It's much appreciated!

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Shozurei (#49512)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 10:27:13
This sounds like a good idea to me. The cubs will get stats only if you work for it, so it'll be fair. Although, maybe in the Sand Pit, the adols could get a little bit of EXP? Not a lot, maybe just 10 EXP for a fight?

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Clemintine (#45621)

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Posted on
2015-12-21 11:03:02
^-^ I like that idea! I will add it soon!

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Blizzardheart (#77058)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 11:17:17
I personally thought this was a clever idea, and with that idea we can finally get a head start with leveling up our cubbies c:

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 22:00:12
What about, instead of adding new places, the cub training has a chance to add stats to cubs, and patrolling and hunting the same for teens? Just like the random chances with food items.

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