Posted by Thrill of the hunt!?

Bouquet (#26094)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 09:42:55
Hunting is so boring.
Hunting is a boring endless cycle.

Now I know it's meant to keep the pride feed, but come on. I'm ripping legs from villagers left and right. A normal response would be for my pretties to come home with a scar or injury every now and again.
Maybe they'll find an orphan lion cub. More like they Encounter a cub, like the male with lionesses in explore.
Mystery Cubs,if you send a lioness out hunting and she's in heat she may run into roaming male and may come back pregnant. Depending on her fertility.
This idea came after I saw this post.
Finding super rare mutation prey, a albino zebra, or two headed snake. That will . . .do something or nothing (sorry,there are so many items that effect the game. Brb need to look some thing up).
Just add more depth to the prey itself. Size, weight, health, Gender,Danger level. You can show off that impressive kill or just eat it. Trophy room anyone?

Just something. Any ideas?

This suggestion has 30 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/05/15 by Bouquet (#26094)

Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 09:51:02
Pregnancy should not happen in my view.

What would she breed with? a NPC male. NPC cubs, which are near worthless. It would not do anyone good in that aspect D:

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kaon (#48591)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 10:24:15
I think it'd be kind of cool for these mystery pregnancies, but only if like... the mystery studs didn't just have like two NCL marks.

Like, maybe they could have exclusive rare markings, similar to how certain markings only come from raffle lionesses? I imagine the pregnancy thing would be kind of a rare occurrence, in order to keep these marks unique for at least a little while.

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Edited on 19/05/15 by Tesseract (meet me in the pit) (#48591)

Cat (#5265)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 11:00:42
There are over 50,000 players on LioDen. I don't think odds of it occurring are going to stop people. Especially since if it's 'rare' people will intentionally send out all 5 as lionesses in heat to up the chance. I simply do not think it can work and view it as a unworkable idea.

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Bouquet (#26094)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 11:57:51
Thanks Cat and Tesseract. I'm sure to add more later.
Anyone else? Thoughts?

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kaon (#48591)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 12:56:51
I don't know, I think it'd work alright. Even if people sent out 5 in heat lionesses each time, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I don't think it's all that different from almost exclusively having 1% - 10% fertility lionesses in an attempt to get more mutations. The chance of them becoming pregnant would still be very low, like the chance of getting a mutie is, and it's not a sure thing that the marking would be passed on in every pregnancy. It's possible and likely that someone could use up all of the in-heat lionesses hunts for the day without them getting pregnant. It might even encourage people to spend some SB on more hunts for their lionesses.

The big downsides that I see is that if everyone was given incentive to hunt more often, it could lead to a huge increase in the amount of unwanted/unneeded food. That, and some players might have in-heat lionesses that they really don't want to have even a chance of becoming pregnant... Though in that case, I feel like it would be easy to breed the lioness themselves or just not send her out until her heat's done.

Like most ideas here, it's not perfect. But personally, I don't think I'd call it unworkable.

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Bouquet (#26094)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 15:00:24
Personally I don't see more food as a downside at all, more food means for those who have big prides the price of food will most likely go down and those of small prides will have lots of food to sell in TC or to the monkey. Win win.

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Edited on 19/05/15 by Bouquet (#26094)

Royal [Demiurge
Primal] (#54396)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 15:19:31
I think it's a great idea. And I think the mystery pregnancies would be from an exclusive marked male, or maybe she won't have a cooldown after a mystery pregnancy? Idk, just throwing ideas out. I'd like to get more out of hunts, because it is an endless cycle. xD

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Kraft (#738)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 15:26:18
I like the thought about random scars from hunting. Although there is a scar and injury suggestion already floating around.

I'm not sure what you're saying about encountering a cub like our males do. Are you suggesting we take it back to the pride?

Super rare mutation prey sounds cool as a normal food item but unless you can give an example of what something like that would do (a thought out addition to the game, not an overpowered use) then I'm neutral on that.

Mystery cubs? No no no. We already have too many cubs in the game as it is and I'd like to think with all the exploring Risal does there are no trespassers on my territory. But what I'm more concerned about is that I have high stat lioness and I do not want them breeding with some cruddy male while hunting. I wouldn't want to have my 2000 girl mate with a male with 30 stats so why should we have no choice in the matter?

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dbrn] (#53710)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-05-19 15:35:36
Pregnancies, no.
Trophy Opportunities with prey and stats on the prey, yes.
If a chased lioness could be deaged to a cub instead of an NCL cub that would maybe be better. Of course no all chased lionesses but like 15-20% of them?
Scars from the hunt, same chances as fighting with sub males perhaps.

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Lieutenant Stabby |
IO | LdT | (#35974)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 15:50:57
Hm. I think the new prey and more depth to prey would be interesting. I don't support the pregnancy thing though. I share the same concerns as Kraft does. As a stat trainer, I don't breed my high staters to some random NCL lion and never will. I should be able to send my girls out training without worrying about that when they come into heat. If simply did not send my high staters out to hunt, I would lose about 4 days of hunting and training for them. That's around 40 hunts I would lose just so I didn't run into an accidental pregnancy along the way. I tend to spend around 3 days looking for a good stud for when my girls come into heat and plan out the necessary funds to pay for all those studs. I can't simply lose 4 days of training my girls :/

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Bouquet (#26094)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 16:09:24
A pregnant female is still pregnant weather your male or a random one fathers it. It is very simple to keep a female from getting pregnant while hunting.
Low and very low fertility,
Don't send her out hunting until after her heat, 3 day out of 20
Get her pregnant before she hunts
I'm pretty sure not all of the lions have heat on the same day. Substitute hunters.

I like that idea of the cool down,but instead of getting rid of it maybe just shorten it.

Stabby , I see your point there. Maybe we could set intentions before we hunt. I'm thinking of something like item transfers. You can choose what your setting out to do and the results you want.
Setting could be something like:
Safe Hunting - set so your lioness only hunt. Basically how hunting is now.
Dangers of hunting- set so your lionesses feel the impact of hunting
Thrill of the hunt- theres more the food out there and it worth the danger. Your lioness may meet a handsome fellow.

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Edited on 19/05/15 by Bouquet (#26094)

dbrn] (#53710)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-05-19 16:16:27
I'm very picky about studs and marks. I dont want even the slightest chance of a crummy stud getting one of my lionesses pregnant when i certainly don't want it. I dont want to be forced to stay my much needed hunts or substituting my high level hunters with lvl 1 lionesses. Not everyone has infertile lionesses they can send out to hunt and I will not Tackweed my girls just to hunt them.

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-05-19 16:32:45
Well no. I have 5 lioness that hunt. I ONLY have 5 lionesses that hunt. This core team are replaced once they die but apart from that I will not substitute one for another because I simply do not have another hunting lioness.
I also do not breed my lionesses every single heat they go into, and when I do they are often to 4000+ stat studs not some wild lion. In my personal perspective I believe that is irresponsible breeding when you breed every heat and assists in the overpopulation of the cub market. Often I will breed every 2nd heat, and with some lionesses I only breed in her 13th year due to wanting the highest stats.
Which also clashed with your suggestion of not hunting her for three days. For my top huntress that is 3 days of hunts she is not getting. That is between 30 - 45 hunts she is not getting, and that is a loss of a potential 60 - 90 stats over that time period as I train 10 - 15 times a day, sometimes more. Times that by the amount of heats I don't breed them and my lioness may lose hundred of stats.

When breeding is so important in this game, myself and other special marking and/or stat breeders should not be forced into something.

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Edited on 19/05/15 by Kraft (#738)

Bouquet (#26094)

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Posted on
2015-05-19 16:45:54
Maybe we could set intentions before we hunt. I'm thinking of something like item transfers. You can choose what your setting out to do and the results you want.
Setting could be something like:
Safe Hunting - set so your lioness only hunt. Basically how hunting is now.
Dangers of hunting- set so your lionesses feel the impact of hunting
Thrill of the hunt- theres more the food out there and it worth the danger. Your lioness may meet a handsome fellow.

This should fix that problem everyone seems to have. You would most likely like the first two setting and avoid the third. You get to hunt,no substitute Hunter, and no unwanted pregnancies.

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Lieutenant Stabby |
IO | LdT | (#35974)

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Posted on
2015-05-20 07:01:00
While that clears up the dangers for us breeders, I still don't think pregnancies should happen. As Kraft has pointed out, there's plenty of cub already. Besides, if the male is just some random NCL male, who's going to want that cub? NCL cubs don't sell and if they do, you make like 10sb on one. There's just no demand to have useless cubs sitting around. Even if you make the male have some special rare markings like Tesseract suggested earlier, it still wouldn't go over well. The spread of rare markings happens really fast and the market for them sinks rather quickly. So even if you got cubs from some random male during hunts and it had rare markings, it's still most likely not going to sell. It's going to have low stats, most likely an unwanted base and whatever else. I just don't see the pregnancies working out too well. The cubs are most likely not going to sell or chased or killed, just a waste of a heat for some people.

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